Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 240: Return to France

Qin Sijie didn't care when he arrived at the company, and his shirt couldn't cover it at all, so he simply didn't cover it up to let those people know how good his relationship with Lin Yuhan was.

This caused more than half of the people in the meeting to look at him with vague eyes. Qin Sijie just let them look at him so cheekily.

Near noon, Lin Yuhan basically finished his morning work, and when he took out his mobile phone to ask Xiao Su what he had for lunch, he saw a message from Ling Xuanyi, asking her to go to the office quickly.

What are you in such a hurry for?Although confused in her heart, she went quickly.

After entering the office, Ling Xuanyi asked her to sit first and told her to announce something.He spoke so solemnly that Lin Yuhan couldn't help but sit up slightly.

"Our autumn and winter designs have all passed, so the company decided to send you to Paris to attend this year's fashion show on behalf of the company." Ling Xuanyi said slowly.

Paris? Lin Yuhan was taken aback, why did she go back after she came back.

She expressed the confusion in her heart, and Ling Xuanyi said slowly: "Oh, this, I was asked to be with you in the first place."

"Then why am I alone now?" Lin Yuhan suspected that this guy wanted to be lazy, his current image in Lin Yuhan's heart had changed from a cold designer to a proud child.

Ling Xuanyi took a sip of coffee and said, "Because I have more important things to do." He glanced outside the door, where Su Beiyuan was seriously checking the report, and Lin Yuhan immediately understood.

"Don't worry, we won't let you go alone, we will let the spokesman go with you." Ling Xuanyi comforted.


"Lin Shuo."

"..." It is estimated that Qin Sijie will not let her go, who is not good enough to invite her to speak for him?

Ling Xuanyi spread his hands and said, "I can't help it, it's decided by the superiors." Who doesn't know that this company is in charge of him, and now he's starting to put the burden on Mr. Song again.It was the first time that Lin Yuhan had the idea of ​​beating up his boss after working for so many years, and it was the ruthless kind.

"Okay, I will consider this matter." Lin Yuhan replied.

"Don't think about it, it's you." Ling Xuanyi pretended to be heroic and waved his hand, completely destroying the cold personality he had painstakingly created before.

Hearing Lin Yuhan say this, he said disdainfully; "Can Gao Leng catch up with people?" She thought about it carefully and felt that what the man said was right. Qin Sijie also gave people the impression of being Gao Leng, but now he is not at all. .

Thinking of this, she wanted to laugh a little, Ling Xuanyi knew who she was thinking of just by looking at her expression, he just felt a sour smell of love enveloped him.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I still have things to do." He waved away Lin Yuhan.

During the meal, Su Beiyuan asked Lin Yuhan what happened in the morning, and after telling her, Su Beiyuan said very seriously, "I think it is difficult for Brother Qin to agree." Lin Yuhan nodded in agreement. At present, Qin Sijie does not know that Lin Shuo is The third uncle's subordinates thought that his ghost was still haunting Lin Yuhan.

What can I do, Lin Yuhan looked out the window helplessly holding his chin.The weather outside the window seemed to confirm her thoughts. The light rain fell, causing people on the street to flee in all directions.

In fact, she was thinking too much. At this time, Qin Sijie didn't have much time to think about her affairs, because there was a problem in the seaside nursing home.The person in charge of buying materials cut corners and caused the building to partially collapse. Now the worker who is responsible for the above work is nowhere to be found.

"Check, we must find this person." Qin Sijie sat in the large boss chair and rubbed the center of his brows. The good mood that lasted from the morning had been completely destroyed by now, and he had a vague premonition in his heart that someone was coming. up.

Sure enough, his premonition came true.The assistant really came and said tremblingly: "President Qin, he belongs to Qi Wen."

This guy is really lingering, he was sent back to the United States last time, and now he has arranged for people to make trouble in the construction, which is indeed what Qi Wen will do.His old opponent came back again, and Qin Sijie cheered up to deal with it again.

"Call Qi Wen." He ordered.

The phone rang twice and was connected. It was going to be night in the United States at this time. Qi Wen was talking with others on Praty. Because the music was too loud, he picked up the phone and said loudly, "Mr. Qin." Qin Sijie couldn't bear the loud voice. Can't help frowning.

He took the phone away and said, "Qi Wen, what exactly do you want?"

After hearing this, Qi Wen smiled, got up and pushed away the blond beauties around him and went outside, saying, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to surprise President Qin."

"Let your people come out." Qin Sijie said in a bad tone.

Qi Wen pretended not to understand and said: "What do you call my people? Those who want to cut corners are my people? Then all the people who have done such things are my people? How can there be so many people in our Qi family?"

Qin Sijie was so angry that he wanted to hang up the phone, but he still kept his temper and asked again.

Only then did Qi Wen say: "Go and apologize to the public, and just say that what happened last time has nothing to do with me, it was all caused by Zhao."

Qin Sijie was stunned by his shamelessness. He did many things before and now he wants others to admit that it was not him. Qin Sijie absolutely disagrees.

"Don't agree? Forget it, you look for it slowly." Qi Wen hung up the phone and went back to play with those people. Recently, their old man has no time to take care of him, and he will be able to go back soon.

Qin Sijie?Hmph, let's wait and see whether it's you or me.The moment he walked to the door with a stern smile, he changed back to his usual smiling expression, "Beauties, I'm back." He shouted, and those women laughed and surrounded him and asked him to drink.

A group of people opened an unknown number of bottles of wine, and everyone was immersed in a state of luxury, only Qi Wen's eyes were sober and terrifying.

Lin Yuhan here didn't know how to explain to Qin Sijie that he was leaving again, and he hesitated for a long time before telling him after returning home.

It just so happened that Qin Sijie had been so busy these days that he agreed without thinking too much about it, and told her to send a message to report her safety when she got there.He estimated that Qi Wen would be back soon, and it would be good to let Lin Yuhan go out to avoid him.Apart from being with that Lin Shuo, he felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

"Is there no one else in your company, why do you want to be with this guy again?" Qin Sijie was a little jealous, he didn't know that Lin Shuo was under the third uncle's subordinate, and he was specially protecting Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan had no choice but to tell Qin Sijie the truth, and sure enough Ling Xuanyi was ridiculed by him again.Ling Xuanyi, who was working in the Feiyu Building, sneezed and looked at the time. He felt that he caught a cold because he worked too late, and decided to go home quickly after reading this document.

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