There seemed to be a lonely temperament around the third uncle. Although he cared about the younger generation with a smile on his face like an ordinary elder, Lin Yuhan could tell that he was lonely.

That feeling surrounded Third Uncle like smoke, making him unable to escape anywhere.She didn't ask about the follow-up of the third uncle's search. If the third uncle was found, it might not be the case.

"Yuhan, I heard that you won the second place in the competition." The third uncle used an affirmative sentence, indicating that he knew about it a long time ago.

Lin Yuhan nodded, and the third uncle continued; "I will work hard in the future, Ling Xuanyi can help you in this regard."

The third uncle talked a lot that day, and he didn't give up until the evening meal was brought by the Italian girl.After dinner, the two of them made up their minds and decided to go back without disturbing third uncle's rest.

Later, Lin Yuhan always regretted the decision that day, why she didn't spend more time with the third uncle, who was obviously so abnormal that day.That's right, Lin Yiliang usually speaks very little, let alone speak so much with all his heart.But neither of them found anything abnormal, but felt that the third uncle was like an ordinary elder who cared about his children that day.

After going back, Qin Sijie and Lin Yuhan prepared to go back without staying any longer, and a dumbfounding thing happened downstairs in the hotel.The two waited for the driver to come over in the square opposite the hotel. Lin Yuhan wanted to eat ice cream from the shop not far away, but Qin Sijie refused to buy it because she couldn't eat too much cold ones.

"Go ahead, buy a portion and we'll share it." Unable to withstand Lin Yuhan's request, he had to buy it, and asked Lin Yuhan to stay where he was.

Lin Yuhan, who was waiting on the spot, found an Italian man not far away who had been looking at her. He couldn't figure out what this man meant, so he smiled at him and prayed that Qin Sijie would come back soon.

"May I know your mobile phone number?" The man still came over with a sincere expression.

Lin Yuhan thought for a while and told him that he was just a tourist and did not have a mobile phone number here.The man still persistently asked her which country she was from, and wanted her mobile phone number.Lin Yuhan was so annoyed that she prayed desperately for Qin Sijie to come back soon, and finally his figure appeared on the other side of the square.

Qin Sijie saw a man pestering Lin Yuhan from a long distance, he frowned and walked over quickly.

"Stay away from my wife." Qin Sijie said to the man indifferently.

The man looked back at Qin Sijie and then at Lin Yuhan, and said with surprise: "My wife? She looks much younger than you, I thought it was you..." Qin Sijie was caught before he finished speaking. Jie's eyes frightened back.

Seeing the same rings on both hands, the man had no choice but to give up and walk away.Lin Yuhan is not to blame for always being mistaken. She is not tall and has a small face and a pair of clear big eyes. It is difficult for people to connect her with her real age.

"It seems that I will wear a sign around your neck when I go out in the future, which says 'Qin Sijie's wife'." He was a little jealous.While eating ice cream, Lin Yuhan laughed at him for worrying too much, as long as he showed the ring, why do he need to wear a brand and it's not a puppy, that's what she said.

The two stood on the side of the road chatting some rambling words, the breeze blowing brought the fragrance of flowers in the distance.I don't know when the relationship between the two has been gradually improved. When I first met Qin Sijie, I only thought that he was a serious and domineering person who would not joke or chat with others.But slowly she found that things were not what she thought, Qin Sijie was also a joke teller, and sometimes said some cold jokes with a blank face.

How can such a person make people not love him? He leaves all his tenderness to one person, turning it into softness through hard work.He used his own way to get along with Lin Yuhan clumsily, as if he wanted to make up for the regret of being in love.Two people use their own way to test each other and build a strong barrier between them.

Not long after, a black Cadillac stopped in front of the two of them. The window was lowered and it was Yu Li. Miss Nan who was sitting in the back seat happily waved to Lin Yuhan.Qin Sijie explained to Lin Yuhan that Yu Li had to come and deliver it, but he couldn't stop it.

Yu Li got out of the car and quickly helped the two carry their luggage to the car, and enthusiastically let them get in the car and sent them to the airport. "It's been a long time since I haven't seen Si Jie, I'm a little excited, let's talk more in the car." Yu Li started the car and told them to go quickly.

Sitting on Miss Che Nan and Lin Yuhan chatting about the new cosmetics, it turns out that there are so many topics among the girls that they can't finish talking.From cosmetics to clothing, and then to what Lin Yuhan is doing recently.

"You're a jewelry designer? You're amazing." Ms. Nan looked adoring, "I really like drawing but I've never been able to learn it." There was a bit of resentment in her tone.

Yu Li, who was driving the car, heard it and said proudly: "I can also draw, my daughter-in-law will show you when I get home." Miss Nan rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him, this guy likes to brag.

Seeing the way the two get along, Lin Yuhan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, they were like a pair of children fighting.

Ms. Nan is actually not weak as a photographer. She is good at taking landscapes and portraits.The most outstanding thing is the portrait. She is a specially hired photographer for some luxury goods in Italy.In her free time, she took pictures of the scenery and the neighborhood, but the daily life of the neighborhood she took casually won the grand prize.

Yu Li and Qin Sijie sat in the front row chatting about some economic matters, while Lin Yuhan and Miss Nan talked about topics that girls are interested in.The sun shines through the car window, and dust can be seen flying in the air.Time became long at this moment, they had nothing to think about but only talked about topics of interest, and the vehicle was driving on the road and hoped that it would never reach the end.

When they arrived at the airport, Qin Sijie's men were already waiting there. They moved the luggage to the plane and told Qin Sijie that the plane could take off at any time.

"Go, go back and do your work." Yu Li stood by the car and waved to them.

Miss Nan stood beside him and said to Lin Yuhan, "If you have time, keep in touch."

The four said goodbye to each other, Qin Sijie and Lin Yuhan walked to the other side of the aisle to get on the plane, the plane took off quickly and Italy was submerged under the clouds.Those people and those things are far away, the opera singer in the square, the girl with grape eyes, Yu Li, Miss Nan and the third uncle.

Lin Yuhan felt that they were not far away from Italy, but far away from the atmosphere where they could relax at any time.Many people in Italy get off work at four o'clock in the afternoon. In the evening, there will be many people on the street. They walk around without any purpose but give people a sense of relaxation and comfort.

After she and Qin Sijie went back, they had to face many people and many things. Just thinking about it made people feel a little helpless and wanted to stay here forever.It's a pity that this is not Taoyuan Township, not a place for them to escape from reality.Some things have to be faced after all, as long as they stand side by side, difficulties can be solved.

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