After seven o'clock, Tang Siqing came over after finishing her company's affairs, and when she saw Qin Sijie, she first asked him about his physical condition.Qin Sijie said that he was fine and wanted to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.

Tang Siqing hesitated and said, "The doctor asked you to rest more."

"No need, I know my body." Qin Sijie insisted on his own thoughts and wanted to be discharged from the hospital on the weekend.

Tang Siqing gave in after thinking about it, she said: "Okay, we'll be discharged from the hospital this weekend, I brought our custom-made ring, and we will announce it together with our engagement."

She was too anxious to establish a relationship with Qin Sijie, and she would not feel at ease if Lin Yuhan was driven away without the ring.And Lin Yuhan still hasn't shown up until now, I don't know if he gave up.It would be better if she gave up, so Qin Sijie would be hers.

This relationship made the family members very satisfied. The Tang family had been suppressed by Feiyu Group everywhere. With this marriage, they could turn against the general.

After hearing her words, Qin Sijie didn't agree or refuse, but said that he would go back first.He was still thinking about what he saw on that ipad during the day, and now he was beginning to get confused as to what was true and what was false.

It is true that Tang Siqing was very kind to him, but no one knows if there is anything else mixed in this kindness.Qin Sijie became more and more suspicious of the authenticity of this woman's approach to him. Her smile was always hidden behind a layer of tulle, making it difficult to fathom.

Not long after waking up, he went to check on this woman. The outside world evaluated her as a "famous lady" and "every lady". She herself is also willing to accept such a character setting. female".But she exposed in many places that she was just pretending to be arrogant, and she was not an amiable person at all.

She didn't treat the low-level staff as gently as she showed on some programs. One day, Qin Sijie happened to catch Tang Siqing scolding a cleaner.It was just because the cleaner accidentally swept the mop on her shoes while mopping the floor. .

Qin Sijie was not good at dealing with such people, and he kept silent about Tang Siqing's proposal.The fact that he kept silent made Tang Siqing think that he was acquiescing, so he happily sent a message to people, and decided to announce the news of his engagement on the day he was discharged from the hospital.

After returning home, Lin Yuhan and Xiaoyu went into the study room to paint after eating together. They didn't finish painting today, and suddenly found that their ipad had been touched by someone.She didn't look at the gallery at all today, but the gallery took up a long time in the statistical time.Lin Yuhan was startled, knowing that Qin Sijie had seen it.

Lin Yuhan's ipad also has Qin Sijie's face unlock authentication on it, if he wants to open it, he can open it.But when she left, Qin Sijie was still as calm as usual, without any fluctuations at all.The more Lin Yuhan thought about it, the more strange he felt, so he sent a WeChat message to Su Beiyuan about it.

The result of the discussion between the two was that Qin Sijie just saw it and didn't recall anything related to her.Su Beiyuan comforted her, Mr. Qin also has an impression of you now, maybe he will remember it soon.

I hope so, Lin Yuhan prayed in his heart.

Until the weekend, Lin Yuhan also went to Qin Sijie's place as usual, but these few times Tang Siqing has been with the two of them, so they have less communication.When Lin Yuhan went there on Sunday morning, he found that the ward was empty and everything was neatly arranged.It didn't look like Qin Sijie had gone for an examination, so she went to the nurse's station to ask the nurse a little bit puzzled.

The nurse inquired about the check-in records and told her that Qin Sijie had left this morning and many reporters had come. Lin Yuhan widened his eyes when he heard the news and said, "Why did he leave before his injuries fully healed?"

"I don't know. It may be that Mr. Qin needs to leave early to deal with many things." The nurse replied perfunctorily, turned around and went to do her own business.

Lin Yuhan left the hospital in a daze, and the first thought in his heart was: I can't help Xiaoyu bring his father back.

Thinking of this, she sat on the side of the road and cried out sadly, Lin Yuhan's cell phone rang for a long time before she picked it up, "Hello?"

Su Beiyuan, who called, didn't bother to ask her what was wrong, and said in a hurry: "Sister Lin, have you read the news? Mr. Qin is engaged to that Tang Siqing."

Hearing this, Lin Yuhan didn't bother to wipe away her tears and hurriedly turned on her phone to watch today's city C news. Sure enough, the photo was of Qin Sijie and Tang Siqing who was discharged from the hospital with Qin Sijie today.The woman in the photo is wearing an off-white suit and holding Qin Sijie's arm, smiling happily. Qin Sijie has no expression on his face, and his eyes are just staring at the camera.

Lin Yuhan who was holding the mobile phone felt that those eyes seemed to be looking at him, so he quickly closed the page.Her wechat messages were too many, Gao Zifeng, Lin Shuo, third uncle, and even Ling Xuanyi, who usually didn't like to gossip, were all asking what was wrong with her.

Lin Yuhan turned off her phone and didn't know how to answer, she just wanted to be alone.

She didn't know what happened these days, these days were like a dream to her.In just one month, he experienced his lover's injury and amnesia, and now he has an engagement with another woman. Is there anything more absurd than this in the world?
She and Qin Sijie have never prepared a formal wedding and wedding ring. They have already decided that the other party is the one they want to pursue, and why do they care about so many forms.The two had the same idea, and they merged in one shot without preparing any complicated things.The last time Qin Sijie was going to give her the ring at the beach, but he had an oolong and forgot the ring in the hotel.

This delay has dragged on for a long time, and now he is engaged to another woman, how does Lin Yuhan accept these things.

Qin Sijie and Tang Siqing went back to Qin's house together, and they were greeted by Qin's mother's smiling face.When Lin Yuhan was here before, she didn't get this honor, but when she came to Tang Siqing, she could see Mother Qin's smiling face every day.

After returning home, Qin Sijie looked around and felt that many places had changed, such as the arrangement of objects and missing photos.He clearly remembered that there was a group photo hanging at the corner of the second floor, but now it had turned into a landscape painting that seemed out of place with the surroundings.

He was very uncomfortable with this feeling. The housekeeper saw the male master returning home and hoped that he could respond to the situation at home, but there was nothing.He didn't know that Qin Sijie actually lost his memory, he just thought that he was a little tired from the injury, and he didn't say anything unnecessary, just doing his job well.

Qin Sijie passed by Xiaoyu's room when returning to the room, and asked casually: "Xiaoyu is still at grandma's house?" Tang Siqing was stunned when she heard this sentence, and immediately answered: "Yes, yes, I Take him home in a few days."

After answering, she chatted with Qin Sijie about the engagement dinner. He left it to Tang Siqing to take care of it, but Qin Sijie wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in this woman's gourd.

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