Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 224: Gradually Approaching

The three of them came to the garden of the hospital together, and the early morning breeze made Qin Sijie, who had been staying in the ward, feel much better.Tang Siqing walked beside him and chatted with him about what happened recently, while Lin Yuhan walked behind pushing the wheelchair.

A doctor walked by and saw the three of them stopped and said hello to Qin Sijie, and when he looked back and saw Lin Yuhan, he felt embarrassed.

"Are you the new nurse?" he asked.

Lin Yuhan nodded, the doctor said that he understood and continued to walk forward, still muttering: "No wonder I feel like I haven't seen it before." The doctor's words made Tang Siqing vigilant all of a sudden, this person must be Lin Yuhan.

After the doctor left, Tang Siqing said, "Take off the mask and let me see."

Hearing this, Lin Yuhan was startled, but still maintained that unhurried tone and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't been feeling well recently, so I'm wearing a mask because I'm afraid of infecting you."

"Just take it down for a few seconds, what kind of energy can be spread? Hurry up." Tang Siqing ordered.

Lin Yuhan insisted on not taking off the mask, and the two fell into a stalemate.It was Qin Sijie who said: "If you don't pick it, you won't pick it. Don't force it."

Tang Siqing just gave up and continued the conversation with Qin Sijie just now.He listened absent-mindedly, wondering why Tang Siqing had such a big reaction.She is obviously a nurse but she is nervous, or is it that she is really hiding something from herself.

After going back for a walk, Tang Siqing went to the company to ask the nurse to take good care of Qin Sijie.

"By the way, what's your name?" When she got to the door, she remembered that she still didn't know the name of the nurse.

Lin Yuhan hesitated for a moment and said, "Lin Han, my name is Lin Han."

Lin Han, even the name is so similar to that woman, Tang Siqing thought a little unhappy.It's okay to be unhappy, this nurse looks very well-behaved and doesn't seem like someone who will do anything, so she feels relieved when she thinks about it.

"Si Jie, I'll come to see you at night." After saying this, the woman stepped on her high heels and left. As the sound of "Du Du" gradually faded away, he knew that the woman had left.

After cleaning up the ward, Lin Han, the nurse, sat aside and took out her iPad to draw.

"What are you drawing?" Qin Sijie asked aloud.

Lin Yuhan was immersed in her own world, but was taken aback by Qin Sijie's sound.What she was painting was the main jewelry of Raindance's new season. Of course, this kind of thing could not be shown to him, as it would definitely be suspected.

Lin Yuhan was quick-witted, and replied: "I went to the beach with someone before painting a painting." Qin Sijie wanted to see it, after all, it was too boring to just sit on the hospital bed.Now the doctor does not allow him to deal with official duties, saying that overthinking will affect his recovery.

Qin Sijie has been reading books to relieve his boredom these days. After reading all the books, he started chatting with the nurse when he was really bored.

She brought the ipad in front of Qin Sijie, and he saw that it was indeed a night scene by the sea.There are many people standing on the beach, the figures of others are blurred, only the backs of two people are clear.A tall man tightly holds the hand of a woman in white, and fireworks are blooming in the distant sky.

I have to say that this is a beautiful painting. A pair of lovers standing on the beach watching the fireworks at night is very romantic.Qin Sijie felt that the figure of this woman belonged to the nurse Lin Han, so what about this man?
Qin Sijie asked this question out of a ghost, and regretted it after asking, when did he become such a gossip.If that man is still there now, how can he be willing to let his woman come out as a nurse?
Sure enough, Lin Han said in a low voice; "He's gone." Gone?What is missing? Qin Sijie was very confused.

Lin Han told him the story of her and this man, their love-hate entanglement, and their happy life after reconciliation.It was a beautiful story, the happy princess was finally together with her beloved prince, but an accident broke everything.

The plane crashed while the man was on a business trip, and he disappeared, leaving her alone with her child.The man's company was also facing bankruptcy. She used all the money to replace his debts, and now she lives alone with her children.

Such a story sounds embarrassing, and even a cold person like Qin Sijie couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard it.It is obvious that happiness is about to be obtained, but everything is lost at the last point.Such a story is heartbreaking, and one can't help but wonder what will happen to the heroine after this.

Lin Han smiled indifferently and said: "I will wait, as long as I don't see his body." A simple sentence is enough to touch people's hearts. She must love that person deeply, otherwise how could she say it? In this case.

In fact, when Lin Yuhan was talking about these things, he kept expecting Qin Sijie's reaction, hoping that he would find out that he was the hero in the story.As for the disappearance of the plane crash that was made up in the end, she just said it casually, and the person she loved so much was sitting in front of her.He listened carefully to her story between them, thinking it was someone else's story.

It's really uncomfortable to feel that the sweetheart is sitting in front of him but he can't think of anything.The two chatted for a while, probably because of the effect of the medicine, Qin Sijie was a little sleepy, and soon after Lin Yuhan covered him with a quilt, he fell into a deep sleep.

When covering the quilt, Lin Yuhan knew that he still had no memory of herself today, so she gave him a deep look, turned around and went out to call Dr. Li.

Dr. Li is the doctor who has been taking good care of her abroad, and has been in contact with her often after returning to China. It was only later that I found out that he was from Qin Sijie.However, the good relationship between the two is still there, and now Lin Yuhan can come to him whenever there is any problem.

What happened this time did not happen to Lin Yuhan, but happened to Qin Sijie in a different role.

Lin Yuhan contacted Qin Sijie when his accident happened, and Dr. Li has been giving her advice all along.For example, draw some pictures, and tell some old stories on the sidelines. Lin Yuhan knows that such things should not be rushed, but she still can't help but think what if it doesn't work.

After listening to her story, Dr. Li fell into deep thought.To be honest, he is not very good at retrieving memory for a person who has lost his memory. He is a psychiatrist, and he targets people who are willing to open their hearts. Qin Sijie is an exception.

Dr. Li had known him for so many years, but he had rarely seen him open up his heart. He dared to say that even Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie had never really opened up.This man is too forbearing, and the side effect of being too forbearing is that once it breaks out, the consequences will be very serious.

For example, now he has lost part of his memory due to a car accident, or it may be that he deliberately does not want to recall that part of his memory.Doctor Li didn't tell Lin Yuhan about this, for fear that she would be sad.Right now, Lin Yuhan was asked to chat with Qin Sijie a lot, but this method had little effect.

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