After seeing her leave, Lin Yuhan turned his gaze to Qin Sijie, and his eyes suddenly softened.

Lin Yuhan looked at his somewhat pale face, his handsome face looked haggard due to illness.He had just escaped from the danger and was still wearing an exhaler. He was breathing slowly at this moment, and there was a faint layer of water mist on his mask.

She wasn't worried that Qin's mother would suddenly come to see her. The old woman was in a hurry to go back after staying in the hospital for a few days.He said that he was not used to living in the hospital and wanted to leave, but Lin Yuhan knew that Mother Qin was going to find his grandson Xiaoyu.

She is not very worried about Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu is a very independent child, and he will not do things he does not like, so he will not run around with others.Even if Qin's mother wanted to take her away, there was nothing she could do. What's more, with people from the Lin family protecting him, he would not be taken away easily.

The only thing that needs to be resolved right now is this. She looked at Qin Sijie speechlessly.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Sijie's eyelids moved as if he was about to wake up, and Lin Yuhan hurriedly withdrew his gaze in fear of being discovered.Qin Sijie woke up and found that the person on the sofa was not Tang Siqing but an unknown nurse. He asked, "Where is Tang Siqing?"

"Miss Tang has other things to go back first, now let me take care of you." Lin Yuhan stood by the sofa and bowed his head to him.

After listening, Qin Sijie nodded to show that he knew, and didn't ask Lin Yuhan's name. In his eyes, this was not important, and he was just a nurse.But those eyes are very familiar, I don't know where I saw them.

He couldn't help asking; "Did I meet you somewhere?" He felt a little strange when he asked this, but the words had already been said and could never be taken back.

"How could it be? It's probably because people like me are too common. Mr. Qin has confused someone with me." Lin Yuhan replied respectfully, not at all like usual.

Qin Sijie nodded thoughtfully after hearing her words. He might have seen so many people confuse her with someone.How can I remember all the people I have met, and I can only remember a few people after much deliberation.Suddenly a vague figure appeared in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more painful his head became.

Seeing his painful appearance, Lin Yuhan was terrified, and hurriedly rang the bell to call the doctor and nurse. The doctor came quickly and gave Qin Sijie a tranquilizer.Soon Qin Sijie fell asleep again, and Lin Yuhan sat down on the sofa with a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Tang Siqing went back to Qin's house to turn around and throw away all Lin Yuhan's things.The housekeeper couldn't say that this eldest lady was not easy to mess with, she was different from Zhao Tingting.Zhao Tingting is like a shrew, but she is a person who hides a knife in her smile.

What a lady, she is not at all.The real lady is not spoken, but the temperament exuded from the inside out.No matter how many setbacks you experience, you will face them with a smile, not someone who relies on scheming to step on others.

Tang Siqing was in a hurry to clean up Lin Yuhan's things. If Qin Sijie came back, he would find that everything was wrong.Why is there a photo of him with other women hanging at home, why not with Tang Siqing?
The housekeeper asked the things to be taken away and packed up in the small room at the end of the garden, so that they could be seen when the real owner came back.Tang Siqing was completely unaware that the things had been packed elsewhere, so she thought she could sit back and relax, so she ordered people to move all her things in.

Seeing everything that was newly arranged, she nodded in satisfaction. All of this will finally belong to her, and she will finally get what she has longed for.

Lin Yuhan quietly stayed by Qin Sijie's side, doing everything the nurse asked for.After finishing these, she took out the sketches and continued to paint on the ipad, unknowingly addicted to it.It wasn't until she shook her hands that she realized that it was already dark outside. She quickly glanced at Qin Sijie's glucose infusion bottle, but luckily there was still some left in it.

Recently, Qin Sijie couldn't eat and had to rely on infusions to sustain himself. He didn't care about that, after all, he wasn't someone who liked to eat those delicacies too much.On the contrary, Lin Yuhan felt a little distressed when he saw his thin side face. Fortunately, he could eat some liquid food in just one day.

Watching her painting, Qin Sijie never disturbed her, because the nurse was shining brightly while painting.She must be so happy doing something she likes, he thought to himself.

After changing the infusion for Qin Sijie, Lin Yuhan was about to leave. Director Su told her that it would be strange if the person who hired her didn't say that she didn't have to stay at night.Lin Yuhan also knew that when it was time to get off work, she was ready to leave.

"Leaving?" Qin Sijie asked when she saw her packing her things.

Lin Yuhan nodded to say goodbye to him, and Qin Sijie nodded to show that he understood.Anyway, Tang Siqing will come at night, so he is not worried.

After changing her clothes, Lin Yuhan was about to leave when she saw Gao Zifeng in the hall not far away. She hesitated for a moment and walked towards him.In the afternoon, Gao Zifeng went to Qin Sijie's ward on the top floor, and when he saw the smaller person sitting inside, he knew who it was.But why did she approach as a nurse?Wouldn't it be better to go directly?

Gao Zifeng was very puzzled, he had to figure it out before letting Lin Yuhan leave.She said that this person had no choice but to find a place to sit before telling him, Lin Yuhan was afraid that Tang Siqing would see her when she came back.

The two went to Ms. Xie's shop in the city center. This is the most convenient place to talk without being afraid of any eavesdropping.Ms. Xie brought them Lin Yuhan's usual dishes and left to greet other guests.

The two ate food in silence, and neither of them spoke for a while.



When the two spoke at the same time, Lin Yuhan immediately laughed. After such a long time, they still have such a tacit understanding.

"You go first." Gao Zifeng said to her.

Only then did Lin Yuhan talk about what happened these days, including what happened when Qin Sijie lost his memory and Tang Siqing appeared.After hearing this, Gao Zifeng couldn't help but feel sympathy for Lin Yuhan's experience. How could the relationship of this person he once loved so much be so bumpy.

He also said that he met a very good girl and planned to complete the wedding in the spring of next year.After listening to his words, Lin Yuhan sincerely sent him blessings. Who can be unhappy that his friends are about to be happy.

"Then I must go, and I will give you a special gift at that time." Lin Yuhan blinked playfully, Gao Zifeng didn't know what it would be and expressed his anticipation.

After dinner, Gao Zifeng sent Lin Yuhan home, and the two stood at the door of Lin's house to say goodbye.

"Goodbye, good night, have a good rest today." He said to Lin Yuhan.After he finished speaking, he turned and got into the car, and the taillights quickly disappeared on the road.Accompanied by the cool wind in early autumn, Lin Yuhan knew that the fate between them was over.They have all found their own happiness and will no longer be in arrears with each other.

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