Lin Yuhan and Xiaoyu slept together in the master bedroom for one night, and received a call from the doctor early the next morning.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Qin has woken up." A short sentence made Lin Yuhan happy.

She and Xiaoyu hurriedly washed up, took the sandwiches prepared by the housekeeper, and headed to the hospital. Along the way, Xiaoyu kept urging the driver to drive faster, but the driver was also very helpless. Now it is the morning rush hour, and the car really can't do anything. quick.

The two finally arrived at the hospital and went straight to the ward where Qin Sijie was.The doctor said that after he woke up, the examination was correct and he was sent to the ordinary single room. He also told her the room number, which saved her a lot of effort in finding a place.

When we arrived at the ward, there was a person sitting there, and it was Tang Siqing who took a closer look.How did she come so early?Lin Yuhan was a little puzzled.

As soon as he entered, Qin Sijie's eyes swept over, and those eyes were not the eyes he usually showed when looking at her.The usual Qin Sijie always had a smile in his eyes when he saw her, although she didn't show her face.

But today there is no such thing at all, those eyes are icy and cold, and there is no bottom to be seen at a glance.

"Dad, you're awake!" Xiaoyu cheered and rushed forward.

Tang Siqing who was sitting by the bed said, "Slow down, don't touch your father's wound."

Xiaoyu glanced at her inexplicably, not knowing why she said such a thing.Lin Yuhan also felt that her words were inexplicable, just like the hostess here.

hostess?She was taken aback by her own thoughts, and when she recalled Qin Mu's words yesterday, her face turned pale.

At this time, Qin Sijie who was sitting there said, "Xiaoyu, why shouldn't your mother talk to you?"

Mother?Xiaoyu's mouth is bigger than an egg, did he hear correctly?Lin Yuhan who heard this knew that his guess had come true.

She turned around and went out to find Qin Sijie's attending doctor, and asked him what was going on.

The doctor told her that this was the stress trauma of Qin Sijie's car accident, and no one knew when it would heal.Maybe soon, maybe in many years.

After hearing this, Lin Yuhan felt that her eyes were gloomy, and she couldn't accept this statement.She thought that the amnesia after the car accident would only appear in movies and novels, but she didn't expect it to happen to her.

It felt so unreal, like a dream.She suddenly understood the sad feelings of those heroines who were looking for death and life, how terrible it is for a loved one to forget themselves.

Back in the ward, Xiaoyu was trying hard to explain to Qin Sijie that Lin Yuhan was his mother and Tang Siqing was not his mother, and he had never even met this person.

Qin Sijie didn't believe it, thinking that he was lying to himself.

"Don't talk nonsense here just because you had a little conflict with your mother." Qin Sijie was a little impatient, Tang Siqing didn't speak but just looked at him with a smile.Those eyes clearly made Xiaoyu feel scared.

Seeing Lin Yuhan, he ran over as if seeing a savior, and hugged her tightly.This dad was so strange to him that he didn't know what was going on.

Lin Yuhan also felt strange when she saw Qin Sijie, how could this person remember herself.Judging from the present situation, he only forgot himself.

Could it be that he was bored because she didn't receive the call in time, so that he forgot about her?Lin Yuhan asked the doctor this way, and the doctor told her that was not the case.

He just forgot something important to him, and this important thing is Lin Yuhan.

"Do you remember me?" she asked softly.

From Qin Sijie's confused eyes, she could see that he didn't remember herself, and Lin Yuhan really didn't know what to do.

"This lady is someone I know. I heard that you are injured and you want to come and take a look. She is a nice person." Tang Siqing said on the side, her true nature was finally exposed.

Xiaoyu couldn't believe that she could say such a thing, what happened to Dad?Who is this aunt?

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuhan decided to leave first and discuss with the doctor what to do.Seeing her leave, Xiaoyu hurriedly jumped off the chair and followed her.

Qin Sijie stopped him, not understanding why he followed a strange woman.Xiaoyu looked back at him and said, "When Dad thinks about it, you will know it without me telling you."

Qin Sijie was even more confused when he saw his son's reticence.What's the matter, why does he feel a splitting headache when he thinks of this person, what is the relationship between this person and him?
Xiaoyu left with his mother, holding his mother's hand tightly with his little hand.

Lin Yuhan's heart was in a mess, she didn't know who to discuss with.Just thinking about it, Xiao Su called and asked how she was doing.

She hesitated for a moment, and told Xiaosu about the matter.Xiao Su was shocked when she heard the whole story. How did Lin Yuhan meet such a strange plot?
She didn't know either, Xiao Su immediately told her to come to the company in the afternoon to discuss countermeasures.Su Beiyuan also told Ling Xuanyi about the matter, and he was surprised that things would turn out like this.His opponent has become like this, which makes people a little embarrassed to let him be an opponent.

In the afternoon, Lin Yuhan sent Xiaoyu to school first, and then went to the company by himself.

When he arrived, he realized that it was not only Su Beiyuan who had to discuss countermeasures with him, but also Ling Xuanyi and Lin Shuo.

Ling Xuanyi didn't look like someone who would take care of other people's affairs, what happened today?Why is Lin Shuo there?Lin Yuhan was a little tired, what was the matter.

Ling Xuanyi explained that it happened that Lin Shuo came to take a set of pictures, so he was called here by the way, and he is related to you by blood, so you can find him when your third uncle is not around.The second half of the sentence is his original words, it seems that he is very thoughtful.

Su Beiyuan first asked her if she had talked to Qin Sijie, and Lin Yuhan nodded.She couldn't help recalling Qin Sijie's cold eyes, and his next sentence, he said, "Excuse me, who are you?"

At that moment, Lin Yuhan really seemed to have fallen into a hole in the ice, her whole body shivered with fear, she was afraid that Qin Sijie would not remember herself.It was Qin Sijie who was looking for her before, but now it's her turn to look for him.

They all said, "Three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang." They are all Zhuge Liang here, and they gave Lin Yuhan a lot of advice.Su Beiyuan was in high spirits, and Ling Xuanyi's lack of interest came because of Xiao Su's presence. Lin Shuo was naturally very sleepy when he was pulled here just after filming.

Su Beiyuan told Lin Yuhan to go to Qin Sijie more often from now on, otherwise his memory would fade away. "Don't let that woman succeed!" She slapped the table emotionally.

Lin Yuhan was very moved after hearing her talk so much, at least being around her made her feel that she was not alone, and she would always remember these people.

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