Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 198: The Strange Crisis

Early the next morning, Lin Yuhan went to the real estate company under the Feiyu Group to do handover work. After the last bidding turmoil, the Qi family withdrew from the competition, and the final bidding qualification went to the Qin family.This is expected by many people. After all, the Qin family has a great career, and it is reasonable to be qualified.

The president of the local real estate company is a manager surnamed Wang appointed by Uncle San. He looks very honest and looks like a person who can do practical things.The original vice president became Huo Jianning. He was quickly dismissed after knowing that Li Jianda and the Qi family joined forces. Now he is missing, and it is very likely that he was solved secretly.

Lin Yuhan felt very tired when he thought about these things, so he chose a real estate company if he knew this.Fortunately, she has done the previous work well, and the current handover is also going smoothly.In the afternoon, if she has nothing to do, she can take a rest and go to work in a design company early tomorrow morning.

She is not used to suddenly having leisure on weekdays, and she doesn't know what to do.She walked out of the company gate and thought about the next itinerary, but she didn't know that there was a pair of venomous eyes staring at her in the dark.

That person was Zhao Tingting, who was taken away by Qi Wen's people and almost died when the teahouse was left that day.She escaped while they were searching for the two of them, and has been hiding all the way to this day.Now that the Qi family has lost power, she has no scruples. Zhao Tingting dare not go home after her face is ruined. She wants Lin Yuhan to pay the price!
She was thinking about the plan, and today she got the news that Lin Yuhan had returned to the company.She was very unwilling, why Lin Yuhan could get the best.Qin Sijie loves her, Qi Wen wants to have her, and even the big star Lin Shuo loyally protects her.I heard that Lin Yuhan's design won an award, all good words should be added to her.That woman was so radiant, and she was like a gray sewer rat.

As soon as Lin Yuhan walked out of the gate, she felt that something was wrong. She always felt that someone was watching her.She went around but didn't see anyone, even though Lin Yuhan was confused, she had no choice but to press down and move on.

When she was about to reach the traffic light, she was hit hard by a woman. This woman was dressed strangely, wearing a long trench coat on a hot day, and her face... Lin Yuhan took a closer look at Zhao Tingting.

Zhao Tingting's face was ruined by Qi Wen, she had long lost her former charm, her originally big and bright eyes became cloudy.Seeing her like this, Lin Yuhan couldn't help being moved, why should a woman ruin herself like this for some insignificant things.

"Long time no see, Miss Lin." Zhao Tingting said hoarsely.

At the same time, Lin Yuhan felt something cold pressing against her lower abdomen, and she guessed it was a knife.But from the perspective of others, this is just a pair of long-lost reunited sisters embracing, and no one can imagine that danger is happening.

Lin Yuhan asked tremblingly, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. I think the scenery on the rooftop is very good. I wonder if Ms. Lin would like to take a look." As soon as Lin Yuhan knew that she was doomed today, she quietly put her hand into her pocket and pressed the button on the side of the phone five times. Second-rate.That way she can activate the emergency contacts, and that person can come to her rescue.

Lin Yuhan nodded in agreement, and the two entered from the underground parking lot and took an exclusive elevator to the rooftop.During this period, Lin Yuhan quietly looked at Zhao Tingting. Her appearance was no longer the same as before and she was much haggard. Looking at her like this made people feel chilling.How did the proud lady in the past become like this?
"The scenery here is really nice, isn't it?" Zhao Tingting had a sick and crazy smile on her face, "Standing here and looking at the whole city feels like a powerful person, isn't it Miss Lin?"

Lin Yuhan looked at her and didn't dare to answer, so he shook his head.Seeing her shaking her head, Zhao Tingting pressed her forward step by step, "Isn't it? Ms. Lin's calculation was good. She caught Qin Sijie and asked Lin Shuo to serve you."

"No...not." Lin Yuhan became more and more frightened, she couldn't explain that Lin Shuo was sent by her third uncle to protect her, and she couldn't explain the current situation to her.

Zhao Tingting has been blinded by hatred. She used to be a lady, and she was at the top of the city.She still remembers those nights when she was walking in evening gowns, Zhao Tingting received the eyes of countless people, men's longing eyes, women's envious eyes.

And she is not a vase, Zhao Tingting once studied at Harvard Business School, and was the most sought-after girl in the business school at that time.Everyone calls her "the flower of the high mountain in the East". She is not only beautiful in appearance, but also ranks among the best in academic performance. She is the object of countless people's pursuit.When she returned to China, some people were reluctant to let her leave. An American classmate asked her: "Zhao, why are you going back? How good is the Financial Street to stay here."

At that time, she was still a girl with dreams. Zhao Tingting shook her head and said: "My father's company needs my help. I am the only child in the family. I should help more." She also has a small selfishness. Zhao Tingting once Saw a man at a dinner party and fell in love with him immediately.

The man is Qin Sijie. He is an upstart in C City and a celebrity on the Forbes list.He is handsome and is the dream lover of countless women, and Zhao Tingting is no exception, but what she likes is this man's ability.He manages the company in an orderly manner. I heard that he still needs a good wife. Zhao Tingting is aiming for this position. No one can compete with her.

But halfway through, Lin Yuhan came out and snatched her sweetheart away. Thinking of this, her eyes became a bit more resentful.

"Yuhan!" The person she was waiting for finally came, but the person she was looking for was not her.

The two women standing on the roof turned their heads at the same time. Qin Sijie's forehead hair was slightly wet from running, and his suit was also slightly wrinkled.Lin Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief, she will be safe when this person comes.

Qin Sijie saw Zhao Tingting standing on the other side at a glance, and said, "Calm down, put down the knife." At this time, Zhao Tingting was unconscious, and no one dared to provoke her easily.

Seeing his nervousness, Zhao Tingting sneered and said, "What? Boss Qin's heart hurts, is he afraid?" Lin Yuhan's face turned pale when she was holding her hostage, which made people feel distressed.

He also couldn't understand why Zhao Tingting would do this. It was her fault first. It was the greatest kindness for Qin Sijie not to demote Zhao Weiqiang and let her leave. He didn't understand what offended her.

Zhao Tingting became smarter at this time, she said: "Qin Sijie, you should have let Lin Yuhan come back because of your mistake." If Lin Yuhan didn't come back, the position of Mrs. Qin would be hers.

"You don't need to do this, Zhao Tingting, you will meet someone better if you lose him." Lin Yuhan said softly.

When Zhao Tingting heard this, she tightened her grip, and the knife drew a bloodstain on Lin Yuhan's neck. She screamed, "What do you know? I have been waiting for him to turn around for more than six years. Why do you take him away as soon as you show up?" Sight!"

Qin Sijie didn't expect Zhao Tingting's feelings for him to be like this. He always thought that Zhao Tingting was trying to stabilize his position in Qin's.He thought for a while and said, "Let go of her first, let's talk if we have something to say."

Zhao Tingting didn't listen to him, and pulled Lin Yuhan to the edge of the roof step by step.

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