Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 193: Marriage Proposal

The next day was a fine day, the sky was blue and the white clouds were beautiful decorations on it.Qin Sijie woke up nervous all morning, he kept changing clothes, trying to give Lin Yuhan a good impression.

He now somewhat understands why those women go out of their way to dress themselves up. They want to make a good impression on each other. Qin Sijie belongs to this mood.He desperately wants to keep the best side of himself, hoping to keep the best stroke in Lin Yuhan's memory.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Xiaoyu's face appeared at the door, he was a little puzzled why his father changed his clothes back and forth.

Qin Sijie was taken aback and didn't expect Xiaoyu to get up so early on weekends, he said, "I have something to go out today." Xiaoyu's face was full of disbelief, his father usually goes out with a black suit as standard today Something is wrong.

Xiaoyu thought about it carefully and found it a little strange. Others said that he dressed like this because he was going out to meet his sweetheart. "Father! Are you going to go out with others behind your mother's back!" Qin Sijie was taken aback, wondering if his son would think so, why didn't he think that he was going out with his mother?

He said to Xiaoyu with a cold face: "Go to the study and face the wall!" Xiaoyu turned around and left with an aggrieved face, and he seemed to hear his son say: "Stinky dad." The angry Qin Sijie was speechless.

Qin Sijie looked at the mirror for a long time and felt that he was strange in casual clothes, and felt that he was too deliberate.After thinking about it, he still put on a casual suit and a pair of shoes and prepared to go to Lin's house to pick up Lin Yuhan.

Seeing Qin Sijie's usual attire, the housekeeper couldn't help saying, "Sir, you can't dress like this at the beach, it would be nice to wear casual clothes." Just wear it.

He said "um" to show that he knew, and went out in this suit.Standing behind him, the butler sighed, thinking that after so many years, the husband had finally become enlightened, so let's change slowly. The butler began to look forward to the return of the mistress.

After Qin Sijie left, the butler remembered another troublesome thing. He forgot that Qin's mother still lived here.Mother Qin played cards very late yesterday, and Qin Sijie didn't meet each other early today when she went out, so it would be troublesome to wake up later.The housekeeper felt a headache when he thought about it, he really didn't want to face that unmannered woman.

Sure enough, after Qin's mother came, she started to quarrel: "Where did Qin Sijie go?" She heard that he and Lin Yuhan were reunited, and felt upset for a while, just thinking about asking him to trouble, but she didn't expect that the other person had already left.

"Grandma, Dad has gone out to discuss business, what do you want from him?" Xiaoyu said first.

Qin's mother was very satisfied after hearing this explanation, she nodded and said, "It's not too bad, there are so many ladies in C City, you should stay away from that Lin Yuhan as soon as possible."

On the other side, when Qin Sijie arrived at Lin's house, he saw Lin Yuhan standing at the door. She was wearing a dark green casual dress today, her skin was as white as snow, and her long hair was braided loosely on the left.She stood there like a silent grass, growing quietly and stubbornly.

Lin Yuhan didn't ask where she was going when she got in the car, she knew that Qin Sijie would definitely take her to a fun place.The car gradually drove to the west of the city, because it was the weekend that many people had to go to the beach for leisure and vacation, and the road was stuck in traffic for a long time.Qin Sijie hammered the steering wheel a little irritably. He is what people often call "road rage". Whenever there is a traffic jam or something like that, he will be very irritable.

"Don't worry, drink a glass of water first." Lin Yuhan took out the iced chrysanthemum tea she prepared and handed it to Qin Sijie.

The cool water poured into his throat to comfort the irritable him, and the two sat in the car and talked.When Qin Sijie asked about Lin Shuo, Lin Yuhan hesitated for a while and simply said that he was his third uncle's man, and he was not bad for him, and he blocked a lot of trouble for him a while ago.

Lin Yuhan didn't reveal Lin Shuo's real identity, it's not good to tell the other party's identity, even Qin Sijie kept some points.After hearing this explanation, he nodded in satisfaction. Before, he always thought that Lin Shuo was interested in his woman, but now it seems that he is not.

She thought you wouldn't feel normal if you knew what he used to do.

After finally arriving at the seaside square, Qin Sijie parked the car and took Lin Yuhan to the restaurant he had reserved in advance.This store is an Italian-style store. The name of the store is "Ciao", which can mean "hello" and "goodbye" in Italian.

The decoration of the store is very similar to the big ships of the last century, with sloping ceilings, blue and white walls, and even the shop assistants are dressed like Italian sailors.

"Do you like it?" Qin Sijie asked.Lin Yuhan nodded joyfully around the surroundings. This kind of decoration made her seem to return to the time she spent in Italy. He also knew this and chose this store.

Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie seriously and said, "Thank you, Si Jie."

"You don't need to thank me, I should apologize. If it weren't for my arrogance, you wouldn't have suffered so much." After hearing his words, Lin Yuhan was surprised for a moment, she never thought of this proud man will bow his head.

"'s okay." Lin Yuhan lowered her head and stammered, "I don't mind these things." She said lightly.

The more she behaved like this, the more Qin Sijie regretted it.Lin Yuhan was so kind, so good that he was a little at a loss.Qin Sijie vowed to take her seriously from now on and never let Lin Yuhan down.

"What do you two want to order?" There were too many people in the store, and the store manager came to order in person.

The store manager is a person who loves Chinese culture. He came to China from a long distance, and after settling here, he opened a restaurant to make ends meet.On weekdays, he would take his camera to take pictures of the streets and alleys here, feeling the cultural atmosphere different from his country.

"We want a signature Margherita pizza." Lin Yuhan answered him in Italian.

The store manager was delighted when he heard it, and said, "Girl, my Chinese is very good."

Lin Yuhan curled her lips and said: "I haven't spoken Italian for a long time, I want to practice." After speaking, he winked playfully and made the store manager laugh.

"Okay, what do you two want?" He asked again in Italian this time, the two talked for a while, ordered and the store manager left.During this period, Qin Sijie didn't interrupt, but just quietly looked at her smiling face.

This is the woman he loves, so good, so attractive.Her every move attracted the attention of others, and many people were looking at this beautiful woman who spoke Italian very well.Qin Sijie, who was opposite her, was also looked at, making him feel uncomfortable. After watching, everyone sighed: Sure enough, a handsome man should be matched with a beautiful woman.

Qin Sijie was absent-minded after eating a meal, and he had important things to do after a while.

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