Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 156: Fake Shows Are Real

"Make it clear to me that I'm just your rumored girlfriend." She sighed helplessly, not wanting to have too much contact with him.

"Although you are just my rumored girlfriend. But, I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" She thought.

"Yeah, I have other ideas about you."

She began to get a little nervous: "What idea?"

"It's just the idea of ​​making a fake show."

"What! Fake show for real?" She exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

And there was a burst of meaningful laughter from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, I was just joking, I'm making you nervous." Lin Shuo said with a light smile.

"You, you are actually teasing me?" The woman became a little annoyed: "You can eat my meal by yourself, I won't come to accompany you."

"Hey, don't be angry. Are you angry like this?" He hooked the corners of his lips and said playfully.

"Lin Shuo, let me tell you, if you want to play, you can find another woman to play with. Don't play with me." The tone of warning was intended to make him retreat.But inadvertently teased his desire to conquer even more.

A wicked laugh came from the other end of the phone.Lin Shuo said confidently: "I really look forward to the days ahead!"

"Crazy." If Lin Shuo was beside her now, he would definitely see her rolling her eyes.

"How can you say that? Oh, just have a meal with me. Did you forget about the model?" He raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"You!" She understood that he wanted to force her through the modeling.

"Well, the design company just called and told me that your ready-to-wear has been made. I can show you to try it on after dinner." She pointed her chin with her finger and said in thought.

"So fast?" he exclaimed in surprise.

"Actually, I'm quite looking forward to it. After all, it's a dress designed for me by someone who has won a world award. I really want to see what it looks like right away." His voice of gearing up can be heard on the phone.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to it." She was full of longing, and she couldn't wait to see the upper body effect.

"Then it's settled, come out quickly, and I'll pick you up right downstairs at your company." He didn't listen to the urging.

"Boss Lin, are you going out for junior high school dinner?" The man stared blankly at Lin Yuhan at the door.

She responded, and then was taken aback for a moment: "He doesn't have a place to eat, so I can take him with me. This way I'll be more secure."

"Well, Xiaoyuan. Why don't you go out to eat with me at noon." She asked in a questioning tone.

Through Lin Yuhan's questioning, he found out that the man's name was Wang Yuan. He was originally a college student who had just graduated, but because of his mother's illness, he lost his first job in life, and his father also cheated.He finally said that his mother passed away in the end, but he was left with a huge debt that made him breathless.

After hearing this, she just gave a few words of comfort, but the other party looked very happy.

"That's enough." He said with a smirk.As long as I complete your order, my mother will be saved.

"What did you say? Do you want to go with me?"

Seeing the man talking in a low voice at the door, she asked anxiously.

"Go, let's go together." He pretended to be excited and said, "I'm so happy to be able to go out for dinner together."

But when he actually came to the eating place, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

I saw the man on the opposite side of the table staring at him very reluctantly.

"Who is he? Why did he come with you?" Lin Shuo said with his hands dragging his face in great dissatisfaction.

"This is an employee in the company. What if I ask his family to have a meal with me?"

"Oh, your employee, let him go back quickly after dinner, so as not to affect the work of the two of us." A dissatisfaction appeared at the corner of his mouth, it turned out that he was very unhappy with this new employee.

"How can you deal with such a domineering person like you?" She looked at Wang Yuan: "Don't listen to him, you will go with me to see a design company under our company's name to design clothes, and then we will come back together."

"Wow, is your boss so good?" Lin Shuo shouted in shock, "I wish I could be so gentle to me sometime."

She rolled her eyes at him mercilessly.

Lin Shuo pouted: "But the differential treatment is too unfair."

"If you spoil him so much, he should be your secretary?" Lin Shuo raised his chin and asked.

"That's not true." Lin Yuhan scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Xiao Yuan is a poor homeless person I met outside."

"Poor? How pitiful can it be!" Lin Shuo also had doubts on his face.

"Lin Yuhan frowned and said about the sad things about others. Why are you asking the bottom line?"

"I'm just curious, how pitiful it is to make you care so much about him and be so gentle." He propped his chin with his hands and said.

"I'm a college student who just graduated. My mother died of illness, and my father ran away with others. I can only bear the huge debt alone." Wang Yuan said according to the previous rhetoric.

"Fortunately, Mr. Lin showed up to help me when I was in trouble. He gave me a place to live and a place to work. I'm really grateful." After saying this politely, he remained silent on the sidelines.
"Yo, I didn't expect you to be so nice." Lin Shuo said with a teasing smile.

Lin Yuhan ignored him and kept sending food to his mouth.

Seeing that she was not in the mood to continue the conversation, the two of them shut up.

After the meal, Lin Yuhan brought the two of them to the fashion design company.

As soon as she stepped into the company, she immediately heard a warm greeting.

"Boss Lin, you're here!" Xiaoli threw herself in front of Lin Yuhan excitedly.

Lin Yuhan smiled and pointed behind him: "Man, I've already brought it all for you."

I saw Xiao Li's expression, which was looking in the direction of Lin Yuhan's finger, was calm to surprised and excited.What followed was piercing screams.

"Lin Shuo! It's really Lin Shuo." Xiaoli jumped excitedly while pointing at Lin Shuo.

Seeing the woman so excited, Lin Shuo just wiped his sweat helplessly.And returned a polite smile.

Have you finally realized your gaffe?The younger brother calmly coughed a few times when he was talking about work.

"Sorry, I lost my temper just now." She sorted out her image and said with a smile.

"It's okay, now take us to see your finished product." Lin Yuhan smiled.In fact, she was also very excited.

After several days, I finally got to see the ready-to-wear.I have long wanted to see what kind of effect my results will have.

Xiaoli nodded: "I'll take you to see it now." After speaking, she led a group of people to the room where a large number of ready-made clothes were stored.

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