As expected, the Qin Group quickly withdrew its support to the Lin Group.When Lin Yuhan came to your design team, everyone in the company regarded her as a life-saving straw.

"President Lin." They greeted Lin Yuhan warmly.

The person in charge of receiving her took her to his office after getting acquainted with the company.

The assistant held the financial statement in front of her.

"Boss Lin, here is the financial statement, please take a look." The assistant said in a sweet voice.

"Okay." She took the file from the assistant and flipped through it.

Lin Yide had a good life in his childhood.She looked around, and the assistants around her were all sweet.The decoration of the office is also unique.

It can be seen from the company's report that your group mainly invests in shopping malls and clothing stores.I heard from the assistant that the company had many big projects when Lin Yide was there, but after the scandal of Lin Yide was exposed and tax evasion was reported.Those partners have withdrawn cooperation.

There are also a lot of people who left the company, and now there are only a few backbones of the company left.

Lin Yuhan put down the report: "Looking at the current situation of a company, there is no problem in getting through this quarter. It's just that if there is no improvement in the next quarter, I'm afraid it will be time for people to leave the tea."

"We have always heard that President Lin is smart and smart. I believe that this time the company's crisis, President Lin will definitely help us solve it."

Lin Yuhan nodded: "As long as everyone works together, there should be no problem. After all, the company still has a solid foundation."

For example, several supermarkets under the company's name, and even famous clothing stores have stable income, which makes Lin Yuhan feel hopeful.

So Lin Yuhan focused on the company's two main sources of funds. As long as these basic projects can be done well, the company's prospects are still very broad.So she was going to investigate in person to see if there were any problems or areas that could be improved.

She noticed that there was a small clothing design company under the company's name, but the performance was not good.She frowned. Clothing design can be said to be a promising project. Why is this company doing so poorly?
So she decided to check it out for herself.

She arrived at her destination soon, and under the escort of bodyguards, she walked into the company.

The decoration of the company can be said to be very simple.Nothing but chairs and desks and some basics.The company is seriously short of personnel.

No matter how you look at it, it is a small company that is about to go bankrupt.

The boss of the company ran out of the office in a panic.Said that the girl who looked very young was dressed in fashion.Dressed very stylishly.

"I'm sorry, President Li. I forgot the time and didn't greet you in time."

President Lin frowned: "Is your company just established?"

The young woman nodded: "Yes."

"I used to study fashion design. With the support of my family, I founded this company, but there are not enough people to build the company. Look at the environment here... It's not very good." She spread her hands helplessly.

"Fortunately, there is support from the Lin Group. Otherwise, my dream of starting a business after graduating from university would not be possible for so long."

"You just graduated from college? No wonder you look so young."

The woman scratched her head: "Because I have always liked this kind of thing. So I have the courage to start this company after graduation. But I don't have much experience, so the people in the company are all my friends from college."

"I see!" Lin Yuhan nodded.

"Can you let me see what your company designs?"

"There are not many works, but there are many samples. I can show you all of them." The woman smiled and said.

Lin Yuhan nodded.

The woman took Lin Yuhan to a separate room.There are paintings and some ready-made clothes inside.

She stroked the clothes that were racked up and said: "These are all clothes that we plan to mass-produce this season."

Lin Yuhan nodded. He also studied fashion design before.The company's works are indeed no problem in terms of design, they are novel enough and have high practicability.

The woman brought it to a hanging picture and removed the cloth covering it.When it is not removed, it raises a little dust.Looks like no one has touched this for a long time.

"This work is our work in college." She said with a smile to the hanging picture.

When I just saw the whole painting clearly.Lin Yuhan took a deep breath.

The works in this hanging picture are clearly the costume design works that won the world award before.

At that time, the introduction said that this work was designed by several college students.The idea is very novel and directly won the laurel crown.

"So this work is yours."

The woman smiled and nodded: "It's been a dream of ours since several colleges to set up a clothing company. We want the whole world to feel our designs."

It turned out that the woman in front of me was so powerful.No wonder he was signed by the Drenching Group.

Lin Yuhan looked at the woman, as if seeing a bright future.

"The current prospects of the Lin Group are not very good. If they can achieve outstanding achievements in fashion design, it will surely relieve the group's pressure."

The woman said, pointing her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"We are very happy to help the Lin Group."

At some point, all the staff in the company also gathered in this room.

Lin Yuhan looked at them and smiled: "Tell me what you need now, and the Lin Group will do its best to help you."

At the same time, news of Lin Yuhan's divorce from President Qin also spread throughout the financial circle.

"I didn't expect Lin Yuhan and President Qin to end so soon." Qingqing said in a coquettish voice in Zhao Tingting's office.

"Yes, this vixen not only lost her husband but also her job."

"Sure enough, it's impossible to get to the position by improper means for a long time. Summarize Zhao, now your chance has come." Qingqing said to Zhao Tingting with a smile.

The corners of Zhao Tingting's lips raised a touch of pride: "Everything is under my control."

"Oh? So the divorce between the two of them has something to do with Director Zhao?"

"It's not a relationship, it's just that the fragile sense of trust between them has been broken."

"That is to say, before we arranged for the actors to take fake photos, it worked?"

"A few pictures are not enough to break the trust between them, but the suspicion that builds up over time will erode it."

The three women laughed in unison.

In the evening, Qin Sijie came to the hospital to visit his mother.

He held his mother's hand and said: "Mom, I still divorced Yuhan, everything should be as you wish. I don't know why you hate her so much. But our relationship died because we couldn't understand each other. Regarding the truth about your injury, I don't want to believe it, and I still don't believe that Yuhan would do such a thing. Please wake up and tell me the truth."

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