Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 139: The Threatened Little Boy

"Don't mind your own business." Zhao Tingting put on her sunglasses and walked away.

The principal immediately called Qin Sijie's company.

"Hello, what can I do for you? Ah, are you looking for President Qin? President Qin is still busy, please tell me first." The secretary said.

"Ah, indeed, Ms. Zhao has been picking up and dropping off the young master for the past few days. Do you have any questions?"

It seems that I misunderstood, the principal touched his chin and hung up the phone.

"You bad woman, dad won't let me skip class!"

"Hmph, is it possible that you still want me to wait for you? What I dislike the most is waiting for others. The little kid just listens to the adults." Zhao Tingting said sarcastically.

"Hmph, Dad has been discharged from the hospital, and now I want to tell Dad everything you have done." The little boy glared at the woman beside him.

"How dare you? The life of your hospitalized grandma is in my hands."

"What did you do to my grandma?"

"Nothing, just sent a nurse by her side."

"Don't hurt my grandma!"

"Then you are obedient and not honest enough. Your grandma is naturally fine."

The little boy stared at Zhao Tingting fiercely.

"I advise you not to look at me with your eyes. Your grandma's life is only a matter of a phone call from me. Please weigh it yourself."

When the car arrived at the destination, Zhao Tingting got out of the car triumphantly.

The little boy punched heavily on the seat.

"What? You haven't got out of the car yet, do you want the bodyguard to carry you down?" The woman looked at the little boy in the car with the corners of her mouth twitching.

The little boy didn't dare to refute, and obediently got out of the car.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate with me obediently, I will keep you and your grandma safe and sound." She walked into the company with the back of the boy's head supported.

The little boy's son felt the back of his head was very cold, and he walked forward quickly to avoid the woman's hand.

The woman withdrew her hand and wiped it with a tissue with a look of disdain.

"Wild child, what dirty hands."

Qin Sijie, who learned that Lin Yuhan hadn't come to the company all day, walked out of the company angrily, followed by Zhao Tingting and the little boy.

"Tingting, would you like me to send a car to pick you up?" Qin Sijie stopped and said to the woman behind him.

"Well, I left something at your house, can I go home with you to pick it up?"

"Well, let's go." Qin Sijie said, and opened the car door.

The little boy sat in the innermost place in disgust, trying to keep himself away from this woman.

After getting off the car, the woman kept yelling that she was hungry.

"I'm so hungry today, Brother Si Jie, can I have dinner with you?"

Qin Sijie helped his forehead.

"Auntie, if you want to eat, go back and eat."

"Does Xiaoyu hate Auntie so much? He wants to drive Auntie away so soon." Zhao Tingting said aggrievedly.

"Xiaoyu doesn't mean that. If you want to eat, you can stay and eat."

Zhao Tingting responded with a very happy look.Followed the two into the Qin residence.

Why did this woman follow her again?The housekeeper looked at Zhao Tingting with great dissatisfaction.

"Master is back? Dinner is almost ready."

"Okay, make an extra serving tonight, Miss Zhao is going to eat here."

The butler gave Zhao Tingting a shot, and the woman also looked at the butler with disdain.

"Then I will trouble the guests to wait in the living room for a while." After speaking, the butler turned and walked into the kitchen.

Looking at the ingredients in the kitchen, the housekeeper stroked his chin and began to think.

This woman wanted to change our Qin residence's nanny before she could not control herself.There was old Mrs. Qin as a shield for her before, now it's up to me to punish her.

He sorted out the ingredients in the kitchen and thought of such a dish on a brainwave.

Under Zhao Tingting's constant surveillance, the little boy had no chance to speak to Qin Sijie at all.The little boy stomped his feet angrily.

It seems that as long as this aunt is by Dad's side, I will never be able to tell Dad the truth.We must find a way to get this aunt away.

Dinner time.

The butler served mouth-watering dishes on the table one after another.

The three ate with relish.

I have to say that the butler's cooking skills are indeed much better than those of the chefs hired at home.Although they are all ordinary home-cooked dishes, they have a unique flavor. After one taste, people can't help but want to have a second bite.Zhao Tingting thought to herself.

She extended her chopsticks to a plate of meatloaf, which was delicately made.It can be eaten in two bites.

After taking a sip, she was surprised that she had never tasted this kind of taste before.Really delicious.She ate several with relish.

The butler standing by was secretly delighted.Embarrass you in no time.

The woman suddenly put down her chopsticks and covered her face.

"Oh my god, my face is so itchy. What's in this thing!" She pointed to the dish and asked the housekeeper.

"Miss Zhao, this is a shrimp patty."

"What, shrimp! I'm allergic to seafood." She exclaimed.

Qin Sijie hurriedly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and supported the woman's shoulder.

"Brother Si Jie, what should I do, I'm so itchy." The woman looked up at Qin Sijie tearfully.

Only then did Qin Sijie see the red spots on the woman's neck from her neck to her face.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

"Master, I'll take him there," said the housekeeper.

The little boy secretly delighted, what a good housekeeper.

But the woman was obviously very unhappy. She grabbed Qin Sijie's sleeve and looked at him pitifully.Honestly, this look is really disgusting!Very disgusting!

"Brother Si Jie, come with me. Tingting is scared. Okay, okay!" She buried her face tightly in Qin Sijie's arms as she spoke.

Seeing Zhao Tingting like this, the man frowned pitifully: "Okay, okay, I'll take you there, hurry up and follow me. Don't dawdle."

"Yeah! Thank you Si Jie!" She immediately smiled sweetly, very happy.

The latter frowned again. He didn't like this feeling very much, but he didn't say it.Instead, he picked up Zhao Tingting and rushed out the door. He was very fast, but disappeared in a moment.

"Oh! Master! You! You are so good!" The housekeeper stomped his feet angrily.

The little boy patted the table and said angrily?
"This old aunt is really difficult to deal with. Not only is she ugly, but she also has a dark heart. She is simply terrifying!"

The housekeeper shook his head angrily: "The young master is completely deceived by this woman now. I really feel sorry for Madam."

"What can the butler do now? This bad woman wants grandma's safety to threaten me. What should I do! It's too bad! That bad woman!" The little boy said angrily, very angry!
The housekeeper frowned, and said melancholy: "That's right, if we can't get rid of this woman, we won't be able to tell the young master the truth."

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