"If you don't like it, let's change another batch." Zhao Tingting said with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, I have asked the driver to take him to school."

"It's really careful." Qin Sijie smiled shallowly: "These things happened this early in the morning. I forgot about him."

"You can rest assured that I am here, and I will take good care of him."

"Tingting, you're fine, but it's really inappropriate for you to be with me."

"Brother Si Jie, don't say that, I can accept everything about you."

Qin Sijie sighed: "I am very short of someone who can take good care of me and my children."

"As long as you don't mind. I'm willing to do anything for you." Zhao Tingting held the man's hand with both hands.

"Let's talk about this later." The man retracted his hand.

"Tingting will always wait for you." She said with a smile.

The man twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't speak again.

Lin Yuhan rushed out of the hospital sadly when her phone rang.

It's Gao Zifeng's phone number.

"How about Yu Han? Have you discussed it clearly?"

The woman cried, "Gao Zifeng doesn't believe me anymore. He doesn't believe me now."

The man on the other side of the phone only felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the woman's cry.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" he asked anxiously.

"Qin Sijie's mother...she has become a vegetable."

"Wasn't what just fine? What happened?"

"Gao Zifeng, do you believe me?" the woman whimpered.

"Of course I believe you, tell me where you are, and I'll go find you."

"I just got out of the hospital..."

"Okay, can you wait for me where I am? I'll come to you now."

"No, you don't have to worry about me. Work hard, I'm going back to the company soon."

"No, this kind of thing happened, are you still in the mood to work?"

"Even so, we have to do things in the company."

"Okay, okay, let's put aside the company affairs first. I'll come to you. Let's go drink together."

"Well, you're right, I'm really tired right now."

"I'll wait for you at XX bar, come quickly."

"Okay." The man on the other end of the phone answered and hung up.

So the woman called and came to XX bar alone.

She ordered a strong drink at the counter and drank it down.

"Miss, why is she drinking here alone?" A burly man walked up to him.

"Miss, are you broken in love? Would you like me to have a few drinks with you?"

"No, I have an appointment." She gave the man a cold look.

"It's okay, if you have an appointment with a friend, you can drink together." The man smiled and said.The muscles in his chest undulated slightly.

"Get out!" The woman gave him a cold look.

"Hehe, chick, you have a stubborn temper. I just don't know if you can be so stubborn in bed?" The man said with a sneer after hearing this.

"Bang!" But at this moment, a fist hit him directly in the face.The man fell to the ground immediately, and he looked at the other man angrily.

"Medical expenses, get out!" But the other man threw out a few hundred yuan directly, and then sat on the stool.

Seeing this, the man snorted coldly, took the money and ran away.


"I didn't expect it to be your turn again not long after I was discharged from the hospital." Qin Sijie stroked Mother Qin's cheek with his hand in front of the ward.

He remembered what the doctor said just now: Brother Zhang.There is no serious physical problem at present, but the nerves on the second floor have been violently hit.Whether you can wake up or not depends on good fortune.

"Could it be that Auntie will only be a vegetable in the future?" Zhao Tingting said.

"There is nothing the doctor can do if the brain is injured. We can only wait for her to wake up by herself."

"What do you think you have done?" Zhao Tingting glared at Lin Yuhan angrily.

"You know what you have done yourself. Do you dare to do it or not?" Lin Yuhan shot back.

"If you hadn't pushed me. How could Auntie get hurt?"

"I'll let you bet that you won't be able to put your mother-in-law so hard. Did you use your strength secretly?"

"Brother Si Jie, you see she has done something wrong and is still sophistrying."

"Okay, don't talk about it. I have already asked the bodyguard about the facts. Lin Yuhan, you should have a limit to your sophistry." Qin Sijie said coldly.

"Qin Sijie, you used to trust me so much! How did you become like this?"

"I still want to ask you why you have become like this? Lin Yuhan, I have always believed in you, but you are busy with my affairs more and more. It's fine if you don't come to see me during those days when you are sick. You actually went to other people Go home. Have you ever wondered what I'm going to think?"

"Then have you ever wondered why I would do this? You are sick and hospitalized, and I tell you these things, which will make you and your family unhappy, or worse, prevent you from recovering from your injuries. Do you think I will do this? "The girl looked at Qin Sijie in disbelief.Unexpectedly, he couldn't understand himself so much.

"Forget it, this matter can't be judged like this. I will know when my mother wakes up and ask. Don't talk about this matter again. Now I just want to take good care of her. Although I have been growing up. He treats me The care of her is really not in place. But she is my only relative in the world?"

The only relative? Does that mean his father is gone?He never offered to mention his family to me.It seems that I don't know him well enough.Qin Sijie thought to himself.


"Tsk tsk tsk, lavish and domineering!" Seeing this, Lin Yuhan smiled and said.

"Hahaha, where, where. Just kidding. By the way, are you okay? On the phone..." Gao Zifeng said in a low voice, feeling a little worried.

The woman didn't reply, but played with the cup in her hand in boredom.

After a long time, I said, "It's okay, don't worry. There's nothing wrong! It's good! It's really good! Haha! Come! Drink!"

"Is it really all right?" Gao Zifeng looked at her distressedly, he naturally knew that it was impossible to be all right, but at this moment he didn't know how to comfort her.

"Just now, I was a little presumptuous on the phone!" She said with a wry smile, her face was full of loneliness.

"It's okay, you can say whatever you want!" He smiled, his voice was very gentle, very gentle, very gentle.

The glass in her hand was empty, and she was in a bad mood, but she was still drinking.As for what to drink, anyone can tell.

That's loneliness, that's love...

"Waiter, have another drink." She shouted at the counter.

The counter waiter immediately prepared another glass for her.

"What happened? Why do you say that Qin Sijie doesn't trust you anymore?" Seeing this, Gao Zifeng sighed, ordered a glass of wine and sat beside Lin Yuhan.

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