At this time, Qin Sijie's first assistant knocked on the door and came in to submit the latest financial statement. She looked at them very strangely, but she didn't dare to ask too much. Even her eyes were cautious until she walked out of the president's office and kept holding her breath. state.

"How? Chief Assistant"

"The two of them are discussing work"

The girl in a black dress standing next to the first assistant couldn't help showing a somewhat disappointed expression after listening to Qin's first assistant.

"I thought that men and women in love would race against time to have sex with each other."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. The way they concentrate on their work makes me feel guilty."

After speaking, he immediately returned to his seat and began to deal with the affairs at hand.

"Aren't you surprised? Announcing your marriage is not a trivial matter, and it requires courage. If my husband's family is so rich, I will never give up until there is a grand banquet for three days and three nights."

"It's better to be realistic. Isn't the most important thing about work?"

"Yes, life is also important. Life needs a sense of ritual."

The first assistant was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of something unusual on the surveillance screen.

"Why did this floor cause such a commotion. Hurry up and ask the security team to come forward?"

Speaking of which, Qin's first assistant immediately arranged for the girl in the black dress to start preparations.


In the face of work, the gossip girl in a black dress is still very professional and will arrange it immediately.

Unexpectedly, the security captain gave feedback that the scene was a little out of control.But it didn't make the first assistant timid at all.She thought that the matter should be settled before Boss Qin was alarmed.

She walked quickly to the first floor of Qin's, and she saw a girl with a strange appearance. When she was blocked from entering, she still looked like a madman with teeth and claws.

Fortunately, it was only a girl, and no one else was with her.The sad thing is that Lin Yue doesn't realize that she is alone.

"This girl, let me advise you, come out after plastic surgery, really, it's not expensive, you can afford it."

She tried to warn her in a gentle tone, but she didn't expect the visitor to be even more furious when she heard the words.

"You turn a corner and swear at people badly. If you have the ability to let me in, why don't you dare to let me in?"

She thought that such stimulating words would make the shrewd and capable OL goddess in front of her eyes become like her, full of swords.

Unexpectedly, she just pursed her lips and did not show any anger.She has learned to keep smiling in any situation.

"Sorry, but everyone who comes in and out is related to work. I'm sure you have no business dealings with us."

When she spoke, she did not forget to smile and maintain her professionalism.

After a while, she saw a person who stimulated her most sensitive nerves, like a queen admired by thousands of people, with a strong aura, stepping out of the president's elevator generously, next to him was Qin Sijie, who was known by everyone in the city, he was the leader of the Qin Group. The famous president is more like a knight, protecting the people she hates the most.

"She didn't either, why is she free to come and go?"

Knowing that she was lying, Lin Yue, who was accidentally disfigured five years ago, did not change her face.

"She is a senior leader of the Qin Group, and also the wife of the president of the Qin Group. Sister, I think you should stop talking nonsense."

She gritted her teeth with hatred, and looked at Lin Yuhan with murderous eyes.

Lin Yuhan had already caught a glimpse of being blocked by a human-shaped protective wall composed of several security guards, so she didn't deliberately look at her.

She has been very busy recently and doesn't want to waste her time and energy on irrelevant people and things.

"Si Jie, do you know who she is?"

"Is it your sister?"

Although she wanted to deny such a relationship, blood relationship is the most unchangeable thing, so she nodded helplessly.

"how do you know?"

"I really don't know how to answer this question."

He was worried that if he forcibly brought up that forgotten past, it would increase her troubles and make her faint again. He would rather she had forgotten it.

"Is it difficult? Just tell me how you met her?"

"There will never be any opportunities for business cooperation in the past, and it is impossible to have business cooperation opportunities in the future. It's just that there will always be people around me who mention irrelevant things, so I pay attention to it. I didn't expect to find that her father won such disgrace in business. .”

"It's more than disgraceful, it's simply despicable"

Her hands that were relaxed at first clenched her fists. Seeing his suffering in the past, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her past.

"Yuhan, when I go back, I'll probably see Xiaoyu, what do you think he's been up to lately?"

Lin Yuhan thought of this cute child, and her heart became gentle. She knew that she had warned herself not to make mistakes again, and in the blink of an eye she committed another act that hurt herself.

"I don't know, it's mysterious. Go back and see him, can we ask him?"

Qin's Group and Qin's House are not far away, and they arrived at Qin's House soon.As soon as they entered the door, they found Qin Tianyu in a small tuxedo looking at them with a smile.

As if preparing to perform, full of enthusiasm accumulated for a long time.

"Xiaoyu, okay, why are you dressed so formally? Are you going to participate in some event?"

Qin Tianyu shook his head, then opened a gift box behind him.

"Dad, this is my Father's Day gift for you, Happy Father's Day"

To Lin Yuhan, this voice has the power to heal people's hearts. She knows that no matter how cold the world is, it can be healed by other warm people and things.

The decision to recover is entirely up to the individual.

"Xiaoyu, I didn't expect this to be a family portrait made by you yourself."

Qin Sijie took the gift from his son and admired it with Lin Yuhan.

The family portrait was more like a painting, the portraits were pasted from well-cut photos, and the photo of the three of them was surrounded by colorful nature painted with brushes.

She never thought that a child's imagination can be so broad and boundless.

"Yes, Mom, you too"

Speaking of which, Qin Tianyu took out a second similar gift from the gift box, and he handed it to her.

"That's right, Xiaoyu is really good. Let me see, let's find the difference and see what's different."

Lin Yuhan found that the only difference between the two paintings was the gift object, and the others were exactly the same.

"It turns out that Xiaoyu has worked so hard these days, just for such a thoughtful gift, thank you very, very much."

She is like a mother who is doted on by Mr. Qin's son. She thinks it would be great if this sensible and well-behaved child is her son.

It's a pity that she is just his contract mother, it doesn't matter, as long as you meet, it is fate, and a good fate should be cherished.

Seeing such a gift full of love, Lin Yuhan felt that she deserved it.She was very envious of Xiaoyu's mother, who had such a well-behaved and sensible child, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Qin Sijie noticed her subtle emotional changes and asked with concern,
"Yuhan, what are you thinking?"

These words gave people a warm feeling, which made her feel comfortable at this moment.

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