Qin Sijie's combat effectiveness is still very strong, but the latter is weaker in comparison.I was hit by the former several times, and my face soon turned blue and purple!
"Hmph! A woman who dares to touch me. Today, you are dead!" At this moment, the former is even more irritable, and his fighting power is very strong.

At this moment, he looked at Qi Yi who was rushing towards him again, and raised his fist to hit Qi Yi in the face.This punch was so powerful that after the latter was hit, his body flew upside down for one meter before landing heavily on the ground.

"Ahem!" the latter coughed loudly.

"Why are you targeting us!" Qin Sijie squatted down, looked at him with an ugly face, and asked coldly.Even at this moment, he didn't understand why he was targeting him, his woman!

"Hey hey hey! You have some skills, but you are not qualified enough? Want to know? Go on! Hahaha!" Qi Yi lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

"What a piece of rubbish!" Seeing this, Qin Sijie knew that the other party would not say anything, and immediately put away his fists: "Hmph! If you don't say it now, you will know!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Sijie let go and turned his head, with a smile on his face, he turned and walked towards Lin Yuhan.

Just a few steps closer, he saw the terrified expression on the woman's face, and it became bigger and bigger on the woman's face, so that he screamed out.

"Si Jie, be careful!" the woman exclaimed in shock.

The man immediately felt something was wrong behind him, he turned around quickly but it was too late.At this moment, he showed a look of horror, and then stared at the other party closely.

Qi Yi had already inserted the bright dagger deeply into the man's abdomen, "Hahaha! Go to hell! Fight me!"

The man widened his eyes and fell down.

"Qin Sijie!" The woman quickly rushed to the man and held the man's head.

The man looked at the woman and smiled far-fetchedly: "Isn't it very pleasant to insert this thing in?"

The woman's eyes were red: "Fool, is it comfortable to be inserted like this?"

As she spoke, she looked at the man's stabbed abdomen, blood flowed out and colored the man's shirt, like a blooming mandala flower.

The woman felt a sharp pain in her eyes, her nose was sore, tears flowed down and dripped on the man's face.

"Fool, don't cry."

"Woooo, stop talking, the more you talk, the more blood will flow."

The man gently twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with fear and despair: "Anyway, I won't live long, so I have to finish what I want to say at the last moment."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will let you go to heaven together."

Hearing the sound, the woman glared at the man behind him, who found another dagger from nowhere.

"Since you are so loving, let's die together!" The man raised his dagger high.

Seeing the dagger getting bigger and bigger in front of her eyes, the woman closed her eyes, waiting for death.

"I love you, Si Jie."

"Ah!" There was another miserable cry, followed by the sound of the dagger falling to the floor.

The expected death did not come, and the woman opened her eyes in disbelief.

A solemn face came into view
"Are you okay, Lin Yuhan." The man knelt down and supported the woman's shoulder.

"Qi Wen..." The woman stared blankly at the extremely handsome face in front of her.

"Woo, I almost died." Someone cried: "I thought I was dead."

"Don't cry." The man comforted.

"Call 120 quickly, Qin Sijie has passed out, don't hurry, I'm afraid it will be too late."

The woman nodded violently, took out her mobile phone and called the emergency number.

But Qiwen just walked in front of Qi Yi.

"Brother, you did this kind of thing again this time. I really want to keep you."

"What? Brother doesn't want brother? I can't let you go. Brother loves you the most, brother." Qi Yi knelt and came under Qi Wen and hugged Qi Wen's legs: "Brother don't leave brother, brother don't Go back to the mental hospital, brother don't want to be alone."

"Psychiatric hospital?" The man with the scar took a heavy breath.My employer is actually a psychopath?
"Brother, this is not the first time for you. Brother really can't keep you by my side this time. I can't let you hurt the people around me anymore." Qi Wen gently touched Qi Yi's cheek head.

"No, brother doesn't want that, don't go to that place alone." Qi Yi shook his head desperately.

He glared at Lin Yuhan angrily: "It's all her fault. It's because of her younger brother that he didn't accompany her brother. My brother is going to kill her. Brother, I must kill her!"

Qi Yi quickly stood up and rushed towards Lin Yuhan with outstretched arms.

"Be careful!" Qi Wen yelled and reminded.

"Crack!" There was another heavy sound, and Qi Yi fell to the ground in response.

Yao Can frowned and moved his arms: "What have I done?" He looked at the scene in front of him.

"I never thought that the person who hired me was actually a mental patient..."

Seeing Qi Yi being knocked to the ground by Yao Can, Qi Wen let out a long breath, luckily he didn't get into trouble again.

Yao Can stepped over Qi Yi's body and walked in front of Lin Yuhan: "Let me do it, I will know how to stop the bleeding." He squatted down in front of Qin Sijie, ripped off his clothes, and bandaged him briefly.

The girl moved aside with tears in her eyes.

Soon the ambulance arrived, and Qin Sijie was sent to the intensive care unit.

In the corridor of the hospital, the three of them waited anxiously.The woman pulled her hair anxiously with both hands.

"He'll be fine." Qi Wen comforted the woman by patting her on the shoulder.

The woman just choked up in pain and said, "If I hadn't bothered him, he probably wouldn't have been hurt. It's all my fault."

"this is not your fault."

"Yes, I failed to nurse my sick brother and let him slip out."

The woman just shook her head and said nothing.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have listened to his words for money." The man with the scar said with self-blame.

"I always only do things with money. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing this time." He squatted down remorsefully and shrank in the corner.

It was the first time in his life that he experienced such a blow, which made it difficult for him to accept.I actually became a murderer for a mental patient.

After a long wait, the door of the emergency room finally opened.The doctor took off his mask and came out.

The woman rushed forward quickly: "How is the doctor?"

"The patient is temporarily out of danger." The doctor said solemnly.

"Really... that's great." The woman breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, he's fine..."

Qi Wen also smiled happily: "Let me just say, he will be fine."

Just as he was talking, the woman before her death suddenly rolled her eyes and passed out with a bang.

"Yuhan, Yuhan!" Qi Wen quickly hugged the unconscious woman.

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