Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 109: Zhao Weiqiang was Kidnapped

The woman looked at the man with red eyes, and she could feel the affection in the song.

After the intense tune, everything returns to the calm and calm.New life blooms quietly in tranquility, a harbinger of hope.

This paragraph should be about our present.The woman thought to herself.

The music stopped suddenly, and the intoxicated man opened his eyes.

"The next song will have to be written by us in the future. In the future, no matter what happens, I will protect you. Protect our family! Yuhan, please believe me!"

The woman looked at the man moved: "I believe in you! I must believe in you! It's such a touching song. You spent a lot of time composing it."

"Well! This song didn't take much effort. It's all about empathy and expressing it." The man smiled. This smile is like a spring breeze, which makes people very comfortable.

At this moment, the phone rang again inappropriately.

The man frowned, picked it up and saw that it was the assistant calling.

"What's the matter?" The man answered the phone impatiently.

"President, Yao Can is making trouble at the company again, come quickly..." the assistant's voice sounded very anxious.

"Here it comes again! This bastard! You are a bastard without credibility!" He immediately roared angrily after hearing this.I literally scolded the latter thousands of times in my heart, and I just made a phone call, and I did such a thing again immediately!
"Where's Zhao Weiqiang?" He asked coldly.

"Director Zhao...he's been tied up now. Yao Can, tell me to call you over, or we'll all die."

"Crack!" The man slapped his phone on the piano, and the keys made a few sharp tones as they were pressed.

"Are you okay?" Seeing this, the woman gently hugged him and asked with great concern.

"Yuhan, I have to go to the company now. That guy is simply not keeping his word!"

"Why suddenly..." The woman was a little puzzled.

"Zhao Weiqiang and the others are tied up. If I don't go, they may be in danger." Qin Sijie took a deep breath and said.

"What, who is this..." The woman's expression also changed after hearing this.Someone even made a fuss about the company!She immediately looked worried.If the other party really did this, wouldn't it be him who is in danger if his man goes there rashly?
"I'll be fine, his target is not me! You wait for me obediently at home, your safety is the most important thing." After the man finished speaking, he walked out quickly.

Lin Yuhan watched him leave, feeling anxious and panicked.Somewhere, she felt that something extremely bad was going to happen.

"What kind of person is it? Since Qin Sijie is so anxious, who is he who wants to target us like this?" The woman held her chin with her hands and thought.

The man rushed to the company at a flying speed.

"Boss Qin!" The assistant who had been waiting at the door shouted excitedly at the man.

The man ran over quickly, only then did he notice that the woman's hands and feet were tied up.No wonder Yao Can let her meet him at the door.

"Where are they?"

"Upstairs, in Director Zhao's office."

Qin Sijie walked into the company, only to see that the security guard at the door was beaten up and tied up with bruised nose and swollen face.

When the security guards saw the man coming, they hummed excitedly, but because their mouths were blocked, they could only make a whining sound.

The man took the cloth out of one of them's mouth.

The man immediately said excitedly: "President, go upstairs to Mr. Zhao. If you don't hurry up, Mr. Zhao may be in danger."

The man didn't answer, but immediately untied the rope on the man's body.

"You go and untie your brothers and take them to the hospital."

"I'll go to the police." The man who was untied from the rope said excitedly.

"I'm going to call the police." The man took a deep breath and said.

"The police can't solve this problem. Take care of yourself first."

The man nodded, and after Qin Sijie untied him, he immediately stood up and untied his companion: "Thank you Mr. Qin, hurry up and save Mr. Zhao, just leave it to me here."

So Qin Sijie hurried upstairs.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.What caught the eye were two rows of human walls.

The human wall surrounded by Yao Can's men stretched all the way to Zhao Weiqiang's office.

"Boss has been waiting for you for a long time." One of the subordinates said with a smile.The laughter was weird and trembling.

Qin Sijie walked cautiously to Zhao Weiqiang's office.

There were only Yao Can and Zhao Weiqiang in the office.Yao Can is sitting at the desk next week.Zhao Weiqiang was tied to a chair by Wuhuada.

Seeing Qin Sijie coming, Yao Can smiled and dropped the dagger in his hand on the table.

"Boss Qin is here." The man with the scar twisted his neck and said.

"Qin...Qin me..." Zhao Weiqiang's legs were trembling uncontrollably.

"Yao Can, let him go."

"Don't worry, we'll let him go after a while." The scarred man smiled.

"What's the matter? Didn't I say yesterday that I will give you money within today."

"Even if you give me money, it will be a matter of later. My boss ordered me to take someone back today."

The smile on the scarred man's face disappeared instantly, and his tone became cold: "Where's Lin Yuhan?"

"I won't hand her over to you." Qin Sijie said without hesitation.

"Oh?" Yao Can bent her neck: "Are you so uncooperative?"

Said that the dagger that was sitting in his house was pulled out.Lift it up to Zhao Weiqiang's neck.

Zhao Weiqiang suddenly cried out in fear.

"Since you don't cooperate, don't blame me. Take him first."

"Qin Sijie,, I don't want to die yet."

The man with the scar nodded in satisfaction: "How is it? If you hand over Lin Yuhan, let him live. If you don't hand over, then this person..." The closer he drew the dagger, Zhao Weiqiang flinched back desperately. The neck didn't help either, it was about to touch Zhao Weiqiang's neck.

"Oh? Are you really not going to save him?" Seeing that the man stood still and didn't respond, the man with the scar asked suspiciously.

"What is there to save an irrelevant person?" Qin Sijie said coldly.

"Qin Sijie, you!" Zhao Weiqiang's head was already pressed tightly against the back of the seat.

"You were the one who took over the project. Even if you die, it's not a pity to die." Qin Sijie looked down at Zhao Weiqiang coldly: "Involving Lin Yuhan in it is even more sinful."

"Haha..." the man with the scar laughed.

"What a poor lost dog." The man with the scar looked at Zhao Weiqiang under him: "I didn't expect your life to be so worthless."

"Forget it." The man with the scar put away his dagger: ""If I kill you, then I will be able to eliminate disasters for free, and I will not do business at a loss. "

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