The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 85 Spring Chapter Gathering (2)

The horse had already run a long way, Song Wenyin chased behind for a short distance, but she knew it was impossible to catch up, that horse ran too fast, this horse knew how to get back to the stable, because horses generally have a sense of belonging, and This place is where it lives, and finding the way back is as easy as pie. The horse ran ahead, and soon disappeared. Song Wenyin was tired of chasing, and half kneeled on the ground to rest. Hat, wanting to be more comfortable, thinking that she can only call Song Wende to find her. She touched her body, but she didn't touch the phone.

"Where's the phone?" Song Wenyin rummaged through all her pockets, but found nothing, "Oh my god, I forgot to bring my phone!" Song Wenyin admitted that today was really unlucky, so she had to go by herself After returning home, Song Wenyin was sitting by the shade of the tree, looking up at the sky, there was a big tree with dead leaves, only a little bit of sky could be seen, and only a little sunlight came through. This forest was given by Jiang’s logistics department. The map looks small, but it's actually very big. It took them half an hour to ride into the small lake just now. It should take some distance to go out. Song Wenyin decided to rest and go on the road again. This Spring Festival has really passed I'm useless, and Qin Zhengtao's side, it's almost twelve o'clock at this time, and the notification should be sent out soon, but unfortunately I don't have a mobile phone, and it will take an hour or two to walk back now. Today is really unlucky, if I knew it, I wouldn't go out .

Song Wenyin fell asleep leaning against a tree, she seemed to be dreaming again, in the dream, she returned to that village, in that piece of wheat field, she saw herself there alone, with the same old appearance, she wanted to go to Walking inside, but she didn’t dare, she looked at the one in the wheat field, at that time, the pure self was very happy, doing whatever she wanted, the current life really made her exhausted, she saw walking not far away Here comes a person, it is Zhang Yide, but the Zhang Yide inside is not what he used to be, he is the current Zhang Yide, Song Wenyin is very curious, why does this kind of picture appear?Song Wenyin couldn't stand it anymore, these two people were like two worlds.

Not only did Zhang Yide not leave, but he walked slowly towards that "Wang Chunni". "Wang Chunni" held Zhang Yide's hand, and the two walked forward. They also glanced at Song Wenyin and smiled. Song Wenyin chased them forward, but always They didn't go up to them, and then disappeared from Song Wenyin's sight. Song Wenyin didn't know why, but she knelt on the ground and started crying. She didn't know what she was crying for, but after the two of them left, the wheat field looked extraordinarily beautiful. cold
"Song Wenyin? Song Wenyin? Wake up!" Song Wenyin was suddenly woken up from her sleep, she opened her eyes and saw Zhang Yide's face enlarged in front of her, Song Wenyin hiccupped in fright, Zhang Yide looked at her , smiled slightly, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket, "Wipe your tears." Song Wenyin came to her senses, and quickly touched her face with her hands, feeling tears. It seemed that she was really crying. He took Zhang Yide's handkerchief and wiped his face.

Zhang Yide stood up and looked at her with his waist in his hand, "Where's your horse? Why are you here alone? Huh?"

Song Wenyin looked at him, "My horse ran back by itself"

Zhang Yide sighed, "You can't control a horse, so what's the use for you?" Zhang Yide reached out to Song Wenyin, trying to pull her up.

Song Wenyin cut, opened Zhang Yide's hand, and stood up by herself, "I don't need your help, I'm going back now!" Song Wenyin patted the ashes on her body, and walked forward, Zhang Yide didn't come up to chase her, Song Wenyin frowned, This heartless!Don't even come over and take yourself back!

Song Wenyin walked for a while, and the sound of horseshoes approached. Song Wenyin thought that it was Zhang Yide who came, so let's pick her up now. She stopped deliberately and stood aside, waiting for Zhang Yide to come up to pick her up. Get on the horse and pass by like this
Song Wenyin was completely dumbfounded, what? ? ?Actually left herself and left, she yelled from behind, "Zhang Yide!! Do you still have a conscience!! You don't even come here to help me!! You bastard!!!"

Zhang Yide disappeared, just like that, Song Wenyin continued to walk forward, and after a while, Zhang Yide came back on horseback, Song Wenyin stood there and looked at him, Zhang Yide was riding a horse, looking at her from above, "How is it?" ? You want me to help you this time?"

Although Song Wenyin felt ashamed, there was nothing she could do. She was too tired to walk back by herself. She couldn't carry it. Zhang Yide stretched out his hand, and Song Wenyin grabbed his hand. Zhang Yide brought Song Wenyin up with strength. , After coming up, Song Wenyin was shocked, "??? Why don't you let me sit in the back, why sit here like this??"

Zhang Yide pulled Song Wenyin up, and sat in front of Zhang Yide, Zhang Yide ignored his question, took the horse rope, protected Song Wenyin in his arms, and rode forward slowly, Song Wenyin saw that it was useless to resist, Sighing, the two walked slowly in the forest like this, "Can you ride faster??"

Zhang Yide shook his head, and said calmly, "This is two people on the horse, ride slowly, don't be in a hurry." Song Wenyin couldn't take it anymore, she sighed, closed her eyes, and said to herself, forget it. , as long as he doesn't kill himself, he can do anything.

An hour or two later, they appeared in everyone's field of vision. Song Wenyin was so sleepy that she lay in Zhang Yide's arms. Song Wende was waiting for her to come back at the racecourse. Seeing them appear, Zhang Yide woke up Song Wenyin in a low voice, "Get up." Alright, Song Wenyin, we're back."

Song Wenyin opened her eyes ignorantly, looked around vaguely, and saw that she had returned to the racecourse hall. There were already many people at the racecourse at this time, and everyone looked at them one after another. Song Wenyin immediately blushed. Get up, oh my god, it’s so embarrassing, I don’t know what others are going to say when I and Zhang Yide appear like this, the horse returned to the stable, Song Wende went up to help Song Wenyin down, and said to her anxiously, “You didn’t Do you have a mobile phone? Xu Jie is crazy looking for you, you should call him back.” Song Wende received a call from Xu Jie, but he didn’t respond to calling Song Wenyin. He didn’t see Song Wenyin come back after waiting for a long time, but Song Wenyin’s When he came back, Song Wende was very worried and wanted to go out on horseback to find Song Wenyin. After Zhang Yide knew about it, he told Song Wende not to go and let him go. He was familiar with this place and could bring Song Wenyin back soon. Song Wende trusted Zhang Yide , nodded.

Song Wenyin just remembered that Qin Zhengtao's results should come out at this time, she hadn't brought her mobile phone with her, Xu Jie should have shown her the results, and now she is looking for herself like crazy, it shouldn't be too good, her heart has been beating crazily , Immediately go to the back to find the phone.

When she found the phone, Li Wan and Xu Jie had already called her no less than 50 times. She must have been in a panic, so she called Xu Jie, "Hello? Xu Jie, what happened?"

Before Song Wenyin finished speaking, Xu Jie yelled, "Manager Song!! Manager Song!!! Why did you answer the phone!!!"

"Oh, I didn't take my phone out just now, what happened?" Song Wenyin took the phone away, Xu Jie's voice came too suddenly, she didn't expect Xu Jie to make such a loud voice.

"Manager Song, haven't you read today's announcement?" Xu Jie asked, Song Wenyin's heart beat a beat slower, she was really a little scared.

"I didn't watch it just now, I'll watch it now"

"Stop watching." Xu Jie's voice became softer.

Song Wenyin broke out in a cold sweat, "Huh?"

"The announcement is too long, let me tell you the result directly."

Song Wenyin swallowed, "Yeah"

"We passed!!!!" Xu Jie yelled again.

Song Wenyin also knelt on the ground excitedly, "What!?!? We passed???"

"Yes, Manager Song!! We succeeded!!! Assistant Qin called us to have a meeting at noon tomorrow!!!" Xu Jie said excitedly.

Song Wenyin was so excited that tears came out, "Okay!! Let's meet at noon tomorrow and tell them! My treat!!"

"it is good!!!"

Song Wenyin went out happily, pulled Song Wende, and whispered in his ear, "Brother, we passed!!!"

Song Wende was also happy, and patted Song Wenyin's head, "It's not in vain!"

Zhang Yide who was on the side also heard it, and smiled, picked up the water and drank it, thinking in his heart that Song Wenyin was happy, someone should have blown it up.

The person who was blown up was none other than Jiang Meiqing. When Jiang Meiqing got the result, she was very unconvinced. She immediately called Song Gaoyang and asked him, "Didn't you say that this plan will definitely pass! Why did you choose Song Wenyin?" The plan, give me an explanation!!"

Song Gaoyang paused, "I didn't make any guarantees. If Song Wenyin was so easy to deal with, would I still need you guys? This is just one time! Don't afford to lose like this! Now is not the time to be angry! It's the first time I will work! Let's sum up what's missing! Get ready for the next plan!" Song Gaoyang also hung up Jiang Meiqing's phone angrily, and Jiang Meiqing angrily smashed the pillow in the room.

A photo came from the mobile phone. In the photo, Zhang Yide was riding a horse. Song Wenyin was sleeping in Zhang Yide's arms. In the photo, Zhang Yide was very gentle. .

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