Everything was ready, and three hours before the reception, Song Wenyin received a call from Song Yanyang, asking her to come over early, and he would introduce her.

Song Wenyin arrived at the place Song Yanyang said, and Song Yanyang took out photos of several people. In the first one, the person's facial features looked a bit like Song Yanyang, but his temperament was quite different. It felt like the person she saw on TV who always ran the train with his mouth full. people.

"This person is your uncle, Song Gaoyang, who is also supported by most of their board members. He will be our opponent in the future." Song Yanyang said with a serious tone.

Regarding Song Gaoyang, Song Wenyin knew about him a long time ago. When she was studying in the United States, Song Wende told herself about Song Gaoyang's "deeds". How can there be such a selfish person with all the money to support his own company, so the brothers turned against each other.

He continued to take out the second photo, which was a photo of a woman. This woman had a very dignified posture and was a very aura woman. She had never seen her before.

"This is one of the two giants on the board of directors. She is called Zhou Anqi. She has her own business and is a very strong woman. She holds a large part of the shares, but she has not yet stood up. If you want to stand firm, you need For her help, remember her appearance, and you will meet her at the reception later."

Then a third photo was taken out, it was a man wearing glasses, about the same age as Song Yanyang, it was impossible to tell what kind of person he was from his face.

"This is another giant on the board of directors, Jiang Hairen. He is already Song Gaoyang's pair. He is someone we need to guard against. He is very good at doing business, and the industry evaluates him very well. His ability He is basically above everyone else, although he is an opponent, but he has something to learn, you can pay attention to him."

"Okay, I'll finish talking here, and I'll introduce you one by one at the reception." After Song Yanyang introduced Song Wenyin, he planned to take her to the reception.

"Also, your brother will be here tonight."

Hearing this, Song Wenyin was a little excited, "He's coming? Is he already on the plane?"

Song Yanyang looked at the time, "It's time to get off the plane. Let's go to the reception first. He should arrive later. Most of the people already know him. Only you and them are meeting for the first time."

"Okay, let's give them a surprise!" Song Wenyin raised her face slightly.

As expected, the reception was attended by all the rich locals. The location we chose was only a short distance from the seaside. After entering, there were no other people except those who attended the reception. The participants also included celebrities and some scattered Internet users. Red is mixed in.

After sitting down, Song Wenyin looked at the introduction of the reception, and invited celebrities to perform. There was also a person she knew, Zhou Zhou. Song Wenyin didn't know much about their celebrities, so she took out her mobile phone to search for information about Zhou Zhou. Song Wenyin covered her mouth after browsing through the information about Zhouzhou. He turned out to be top class!Almost everyone was seated and the party started, but Song Wenyin heard the people around whispering that Zhou Zhou hadn't arrived yet, she was a little curious why Zhou Zhou hadn't arrived yet, she took out her mobile phone and sent him a WeChat message , and asked him why he hasn't come over for so long, but he hasn't replied to the message after a long time, is he busy?
Zhou Zhou and his agent Linda set off from the hotel very early, but they couldn’t get out of the company because of fans. This reception is also very important for Zhou Zhou. The other side left, the fans were successfully attracted away, Zhou Zhou drove out the car, but just as he got out of the hotel garage, he was surrounded by fans again, so he had to ask the driver to go back, he planned to go out from the hotel gate and find a taxi Just hitch and go.

He was wearing a Linda lady's coat and a hat, and ran out of the hotel elevator. The fans hadn't reacted yet, but he was waiting for the bus outside the hotel, but he couldn't wait for the car. He heard fans behind him Calling his name, he hurriedly stopped a car, closed the door and sat in, and then hid in the co-pilot of the car to prevent fans from seeing him.

"Um, little brother? What are you doing?" The people next to him wondered how this person got into his car.

"Don't ask so many questions, drive quickly, and I'll give you the money later." Zhou Zhouwo watched the situation outside carefully in the co-pilot.

"I'm not a taxi driver, and I have important things to do now, so I don't have time to take you, so go down quickly."

Zhou Zhou got a little angry, "Why are you like this, can you help me?"

"No." The man said firmly.

Zhou Zhou looked back at him and took off his hat, "Don't you know who I am? Don't you want to help me? You are lucky to meet me. You know that even the chances of fans meeting me are very small. ?"

The man looked at him and said coldly, "Ah, I don't know you, go down, don't delay me, hurry up."

Zhou Zhou was so pissed off by him, "Why are you so brainless, what can you do to get me?!"

The man was obviously amused by Zhou Zhou's appearance, "I can take you, anyway, I must be late." He looked at Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou obviously felt his strange eyes, and covered himself with his hands, "I don't Sell ​​yourself."

"Hehe, I don't need your body either. Give me your cufflinks. I just forgot to bring them today."

Zhou Zhou straightened his back, "I'm going to perform today, what would it look like without cufflinks?!"

"Then you go down."

"What's the big deal, I'll give it to you." He said and took off the cufflinks and gave it to him.

"This is your fare."

"Fare? Do you know what brand this is? This is Bulgari's customization. Do you know how expensive it is?"

The man turned over and approached Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou quickly took a breath and backed away, "Then this is a Maserati car, do you know how expensive it is?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhou didn't dare to move, the man seemed to have succeeded, and he fastened his seat belt with a smile, "Sit quietly and tell me where to go."

Half an hour later, a Maserati stopped next to the reception. Zhou Zhou got out of the car angrily, and watched the Maserati drive away. What kind of person is this!
Because of Zhou Zhou's late arrival, his show was canceled, but coming to the show is not his main purpose. His main purpose of coming here today is to see his mother. His mother just came back from abroad today. Yue didn't see her anymore, so Zhou Zhou tidied up his clothes and went in.

The reception started for a while, and Song Wende also came in. He found Song Wenyin and Song Yanyang.

"Brother, you are here."

"Well, my good sister is really looking better and better." Song Wende gently helped Song Wenyin to brush her hair behind her ears.

"Okay, okay, don't greet me, I haven't seen you for a few days, come over and let me introduce you."

Song Yanyang led them to a place, and Song Wenyin saw that there was a very temperamental woman in the crowd, that should be the person she saw before, Zhou Anqi, Song Yanyang took the two of them up.

"Director Zhou, you finally returned to China today."

Zhou Anqi looked at Song Yanyang, "No, if you don't return to China, the domestic economy will collapse. How is your health recently?"

"The physical condition is fine recently." Zhou Anqi looked at the person behind Song Yanyang, indicating to him who it was.

Song Yanyang pulled them forward, "This is my daughter and son, Song Wenyin and Song Wende."

The two of them also greeted Zhou Anqi tactfully.

"Wende is already this old, and this is the first time I've seen Song Wenyin. Let me introduce my son as well."

Zhou Anqi looked around, and then brought out a person from the crowd, "Mom, what are you doing, I'm eating."

Song Wenyin took a closer look and found that it was actually Zhou Zhou. Why didn't she expect that these two people were actually a family, and why was their surname Zhou?

"This is my son, Zhou Zhou."

Zhou Zhou was also shocked when he saw the two of them. He was not surprised by Song Wenyin, but by Song Wende. He pointed at Song Wende and said, "You, you, you, aren't you the rude person just now?"

Zhou Anqi quickly patted her son, "What are you talking about, you silly boy."

Zhou Zhou lowered his head, not disturbing Zhou Anqi and Song Yanyang's discussion, the three young men stood aside, Zhou Zhou looked at Song Wenyin, "Are you his sister?"

"Well, what happened?"

"How can you be his sister? That person is a devil, but you are an angel."

Song Wenyin looked at Song Wende helplessly, Song Wende didn't look at her, but looked at Zhou Zhou playfully, "Uh, uh, uh, thank you so much for saying that."

Zhou Zhou was already tall, but he was still not enough in front of Song Wende. Song Wende and Zhou Zhou stared at each other, "I am the benefactor who sent you here today."

"Hmph, I paid for it, okay?" Zhou Zhou glared at Song Wende who was taller than him.

"Money? You mortgaged something."

"Is it a mortgage? Do you still want to return it to me?"

"Of course I don't want to. This is custom-made, how can it be given to anyone casually."

"You!" Zhou Zhou was so angry that he was speechless, he didn't know what to say, seeing Song Wende's smug face really made him angry.

Song Wenyin didn't bother to talk to them, so she went to the bathroom to have a quiet time, and she received Zhou Zhou's WeChat call, "Okay, okay, I'll be out right away, stop arguing." She walked outside the bathroom and bumped into him head-on. The last person, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

A pleasant voice came from his face, "It's all right, I was not careful." He left in a hurry.

This person's voice was very familiar, Song Wenyin looked up and just saw his profile, it was a very familiar person, she looked at the back of that person in surprise.

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