The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 38 Graduation is a New Beginning

A school in the United States is reporting the graduation ceremony. Everyone present is very happy. Their children have struggled for so many years and finally graduated. They have two paths to go, to continue their studies or enter the society, but these are all It's a later story, at the graduation ceremony, they were still enjoying the last time of their youth.

On the beautiful Ginkgo Road, there are many students taking pictures, and there is a good-looking Asian face in it. Song Wende walked forward with flowers, "Yinyin should be very happy today!"

The girl turned her head and smiled happily at Song Wende, "I graduated today!"

Looking at his younger sister in front of him, he had to sigh, the younger sister that their family spent five years cultivating, it was finally time to harvest, when he just picked her back, because of lack of nutrition, there was no flesh on her face, Now the face is full of collagen, which is very attractive. Even in foreign countries, many people pursue it. Looking at my sister, if she is brought back to China, won't she be pursued by more people.

Song Wende tidied up Song Wenyin's hair, "I really don't want you to go back to China, how nice it is to be here with brother and mother."

"You still have the nerve to say, the price of my return to China is that you go to study medicine, how about it? Will you pass today's exam!"

"Of course I will. Who am I, your brother? How powerful I am!"

"That's great. After you pass the exam, you can really be a doctor."

"Hmph, who caused this today! You little villain!"

Even though he said so, Song Wende is still very grateful to Song Wenyin. I don't know how she knew that she wanted to be a doctor. She ran to her father and asked him not to let her participate in the family business, otherwise she would give up these inheritance rights , He was very confused at the time, he didn't know what this sister wanted to do, until she found herself at night, "You go to be a doctor, and let me take care of the family!" Song Wende didn't know where she knew about this. , but there is only one possibility, and that is Mia.

Because of his father, Song Wende didn't dare to agree to Song Wenyin's request easily, but the whole family couldn't stand this little girl's torment, insisting that Song Yanyang talk to Song Wende and ask him to quit, which he didn't expect, he is also very good at acting, Acting very aggrieved in front of Song Yanyang, "There is no way, our family will lose everything if your sister continues to make trouble like this, so let's do it, what do you want to learn, dad will definitely support you with all your strength." Song Wende said half-heartedly about studying medicine. This started Song Wende's journey to study medicine.

Song Wende finally learned what he likes, and naturally he went all out. He and Song Wenyin have a very good relationship these years. After Song Wenyin graduated this time, Song Yanyang planned to arrange for her to join the company directly. He needs support now, uncle Song Gaoyang suppressed his father in all aspects of the company, and he planned to sell the company to foreign capital for mergers, which was to smash the Song family's brand.

Now he has no way to help his father. Only Song Wenyin can help. During Song Wenyin's college days, she did not fall behind in playing and studying. It can be said that she went through college normally. After returning to China, I don't know what she can do. I can't bear it, and I still have to go back to my country to help. Although I am a doctor, I can also give advice by the side.

Song Wende brought Song Wenyin back. Zhou Min originally wanted to go to Song Wenyin's graduation ceremony, but she thought that Song Yanyang would come back to celebrate with Song Wenyin's graduation. After leaving Song Wende and Song Wenyin, she has been busy in the kitchen. The servant next to her didn't want to help. Everyone can see that Zhou Min is very happy. Since Song Wenyin came back, Zhou Min's health is getting better and better. Song Wende has always believed that Zhou Min is sub-healthy, and his mentality affects his body.

Since Song Wenyin came back, because Song Wenyin had no friends when she first came here, it was Zhou Min who went to the coach to learn a lot of sports when Song Wenyin was in class, and then came back to learn with Song Wenyin. Song Wenyin learned cello, she also learned, she Wanting to get the best for her daughter has also opened up her mind, and it can be said that the longer she lives, the younger she is.

"Mom! We're back!" Song Wende led Song Wenyin into the hall.

Zhou Min ran out immediately, "Oh! My Yinyin, let mom see you." She ran out and pulled Song Wenyin around, looking carefully at her bachelor's uniform.

"Graduation is good. You can change your clothes quickly. Your father will come over soon. He just called me and said that he has already got off the plane and can eat soon."

Song Wenyin hugged Zhou Min and said coquettishly, "Mom, I'm so hungry! I really want to eat."

"Hoho! You little villain, are you going to steal it! We have to wait for Dad." Zhou Min also liked her daughter's acting like a baby.

Song Wende also responded beside him, "That's right! She is a little villain, and she still wants to steal it!" After speaking, he pinched her nose with his hand.

He was immediately knocked off by Song Wenyin, "Oh! Mom! Look! My brother bullied me!"

Zhou Min shook his head with a smile, "You two together are older than me, and you are still making trouble here. There are some small cakes in the kitchen. You two should eat some of that first to cushion your stomach, Dad I'll be right back." Song Wenyin stuck out her tongue triumphantly and smiled at Song Wende, Song Wende was also very helpless towards his sister, he could only pamper her on the head, who called her his precious sister.

Song Yanyang came back, and the family sat at the dining table and ate happily, "Since you have graduated, you should go back to China to help Dad." Song Yanyang came back for two purposes, one is to celebrate Song Wenyin's graduation, and the other is to For work, he needs Song Wenyin's help, otherwise the family business will be ruined.

Song Wenyin also knew about this a long time ago, "I know, when will Dad arrange for me to go back?"

"Father respects your decision, when do you want to go back to China?"

"Next month, I'll say goodbye to my friends here, and I want to see our family's doctor start work!" Song Wenyin meant that she wanted to wait until Song Wende got her doctor's license before leaving.

"Oh, my sister wants to see my brother work so much, so dad will let her play for a month."

"Of course, I just go back and ask the servant to prepare the room for you."

"Stop it! Now is the time for the whole family to have fun. I don't allow you to talk about work anymore. Give me a good meal." Zhou Min didn't want them to continue thinking about work, so he interrupted their conversation .

Song Yanyang lowered his head, approached Song Wende, and pretended to whisper, "Your mother doesn't allow us to continue talking. Let's talk in another place later."

Zhou Min made a gesture to hit him, Song Yanyang hurriedly continued to eat as if nothing happened, Song Wende smiled, "Okay, okay."

After eating enough, Zhou Min took Song Wenyin out and wanted to buy her some gifts as a reward, but Song Wende was called by Song Yanyang to discuss things.

"Dad, what's the situation over there now?" Song Wende more or less knew what happened, but he was not sure about the main situation.

"Song Gaoyang is already instigating the board of directors, we need a more powerful person to lead the company." Song Yanyang is obviously a little powerless, and he has nothing to do with the company's affairs.

"Dad, can't you? Doesn't the board trust you?"

"The reason of the board of directors is very straightforward. They say that I am old and without a young blood leader, this company cannot continue. They want me to retire." The matter of age has always been Song Gaoyang's rhetoric against Song Yanyang, and in recent years, Song Yanyang's physical condition also had problems. In the public health report, Song Yanyang could barely meet the requirements.

"Did uncle take the lead?"

"He didn't come out directly, but he can guess who led the way."

"Can Yinyin do it?" If Song Wenyin wants to go back to work, the best way is to get the shares of her father and Song Wende. In this way, she can compete with the board of directors and Song Gaoyang, but her father will also retire.

"I don't know, son, we still need you. Can you also come back to China to help your sister lay the foundation?" Song Wenyin was still a novice in this matter, and Song Yanyang didn't dare to take the risk.

"This. Yinyin will disagree, she will feel that we don't trust her."

"You also know that those old foxes are hard to deal with. Yinyin and I alone are not enough. You still have to come over when the time comes. You should think about it carefully. You should get your license next month."

"Yes, I originally planned to go to Africa. It seems that I have to think about it now."

"I hope your decision is right." The father and son drank together after a long absence.

"In what form will Yinyin be known to them this time?"

"There will be a reception next month, and all shareholders will participate. It's just a chance for them to get to know each other."

"Indeed, exactly, it's time for them to see it."

This month, Song Wende successfully passed the doctor's license test, and when it was time to leave, Song Wenyin arrived at the airport according to the time, and Song Wende and Zhou Min were here to see her off.

"Yinyin, you have to take care of yourself, and tell your father if you need anything, and he will tell you."

"I will take good care of myself. Brother, you should also take care of your mother. If I come back, if my mother is not in good health, I will only ask you."

"You can rest assured! I will take good care of my mother. I am already a licensed doctor. Take care of yourself!"

As Song Wenyin entered the boarding gate, Song Wende knew that her new life was about to start again. Mia called him recently, hoping that he would come over, saying that it was about Song Wenyin, and she had told him about the red line before. Things, it seems that this red line is going to get entangled again.

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