Tonight's moon is very round, but it hangs faintly in the sky with a little blood color. Mia is sitting in the temple tonight with her eyes closed. She should be resting with her eyes closed. The wind around her is very strong, blowing the door The sound was not like the wind blowing the leaves, but rather like people crying, and crows flew up in large numbers. Although the temple was lit, it didn't feel as happy as in previous years. Even the double happiness posted on the wall, this Looks pale all the time.

There is a red candle on Mia's left hand, and aromatherapy on her right, because she can't find suitable candles here, she can only buy these recent candles in the town, the aromatherapy is brought by herself, she sits in the temple In the middle, because this is a Buddhist temple, she knelt on the futon, put her hands together, and after kneeling three times, she picked up the candle and said something with her mouth. Blowing up into the sky, you can vaguely see a vague figure in the air, it is the figure of a woman, Mia will not serve people, all she can do here is to help their souls find the position of their family members, and help them reincarnate reincarnation.

Zhao Quan was drunk and drove all the way to the county town. He drove forward with a single muscle. He didn't know where Jiang Meiqing was. He was in a trance now. He only remembered that when he arrived in the county town, when he was driving, the front There were two people walking, but after I bumped into them, I was stunned by the airbag. When I woke up again, I was already in the hospital, and there was no one next to me. I pressed the call next to me with trembling hands. A nurse walked in impatiently, with disgust in her eyes, and asked Zhao Quan fiercely what he was going to do. Zhao Quan didn't know what mistake he had made, so he waited in the hospital like this, he vaguely remembered He seemed to have bumped into someone, so he quickly found his cell phone, he didn't know what to do, he called his father, but after answering the phone, he fell into despair.

After a long time, the first "guest" came in, and Zhao Quan saw clearly that it was Jiang Meiqing.

"Are you crazy! Zhao Quan!" Jiang Meiqing stood in front of Zhao Quan's hospital bed, speaking with anger.

But Zhao Quan didn't want to talk, and he didn't dare to see Jiang Meiqing. He and she really belonged to two worlds. "My father has given up on me, and the police should be here soon."

"You killed someone! You murderer!" Jiang Meiqing yelled at Zhao Quan with red eyes, she answered a phone call and left the place.

Zhao Quan knew his fate. His father didn't want to be dragged down by him and had already given up on him. Zhao Quan was waiting for the police to arrive in the ward.

Zhang Deshuai had been waiting for Wang Chunni in the wheat field. He was tired from standing in the wheat field, so he sat down and continued to wait. He checked the time and found that he had been waiting for two hours. Why hasn't Wang Chunni appeared yet?He was a little worried at first, so he hurriedly called Wang Chunni, but the phone was always turned off. At this time, Jiang Meiqing called, and Zhang Deshuai was not very happy when he thought of what happened just now, so he hung up Jiang Meiqing's phone and continued Called Wang Chunni, but the phone was still turned off. He knew her answer. He squatted on the ground, his thoughts were confused. He glanced and found that Jiang Meiqing was still calling him. He answered the phone very impatiently.


"Come to the hospital quickly!!! Auntie has an accident!!" Jiang Meiqing cried anxiously on the phone.

Hearing Jiang Meiqing's voice, Zhang Deshuai panicked, "What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong with my mother?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Meiqing kept crying, "I don't know, I don't know what will happen... Come here... Zhang Deshuai, come here..."

Zhang Deshuai dropped the flowers in his hand and went to the hospital with all his strength. When he came to the hospital, he saw Jiang Meiqing sitting at the door of the hospital crying. He went up to her and asked her, "How is it now?"

Jiang Meiqing was crying all the time. She grabbed Zhang Deshuai, tears streaming down her face, "Auntie, auntie... she's gone."

Zhang Deshuai felt a loud buzzing sound in his ears, he couldn't bear the blow, he walked out slowly, Jiang Meiqing was a little at a loss seeing him like this, went up to hold him, "Zhang Deshuai! What's wrong with you! "

Zhang Deshuai ignored him and continued to walk out. Jiang Meiqing ran in front of him, fixed his head with his hands, and made him look at her, "Zhang Deshuai, what's wrong with you? Are you sad? Tell me! Don't do nothing talk!"

Zhang Deshuai looked at Jiang Meiqing with blank eyes, "I just need to go back, my mother is still waiting for me at home, I'll go back now."

Jiang Meiqing began to cry, and she yelled at Zhang Deshuai: "Zhang Deshuai! Be sober! You still have to live!"

Jiang Meiqing hugged Zhang Deshuai, Zhang Deshuai still didn't cry, but he had no expression on his face, but he looked sadder than crying without expression, Jiang Meiqing comforted him and said, "You still have me, I'm still here, we Go see your aunt."

After Jiang Meiqing knew that Zhen Meili had passed away, she called Zhang Deshuai first, and then called Jiang Hairen. Zhang Deshuai would definitely have a mental breakdown after losing Zhen Meili. Only Jiang Hairen can rearrange them, and this is also for Zhang Guhao Zhen Meili's diary, God knows her decision will definitely support her.

"Dad, Zhen Meili just got into a car accident." Jiang Meiqing tried her best to keep calm, she didn't want to show her weak side in front of Jiang Hairen.

"Car accident? How is she now?" Jiang Hairen was a little surprised.

"The doctor just pronounced him dead."

"What!?" Jiang Hairen couldn't sit still at home and stood up directly.

"How is that Deshuai Zhang?"

"He's on his way."

"I'll go right now."

Jiang Hairen knew that something happened to the Zhang family, how could he still sit still, he never liked Zhen Meili, he thought that Zhen Meili took everything he wanted, and even threw it in his own hands, if Zhang Guhao Zhang Guhao would not have died without leaving himself!This is the woman's own retribution!Now Zhang Guhao’s only flesh and blood is Zhang Deshuai. Thinking of Zhang Deshuai, Jiang Hairen looked out the window and began to cry. Since he is your only connection in the world, I will help you protect him.

"Aunt Liu! Get me a lawyer! Quick! Call Lawyer Zhu now!"

Jiang Hairen and the lawyer came to the hospital as quickly as possible in the car, and saw Jiang Meiqing sitting in the hospital waiting.

"Where's Zhang Deshuai?" Jiang Hairen looked at his daughter, confirmed that she was fine, and started looking for Zhang Deshuai.

"He's inside, saying his last goodbye to Aunt Zhen."

Jiang Hairen respected him and said goodbye to Zhen Meili, so he waited quietly outside.

An hour later, Zhang Deshuai came out. Jiang Hairen had never seen Zhang Deshuai before. This was the first time he saw Zhang Deshuai. Because of Zhen Meili, he had been reluctant to see Zhang Deshuai, but today was the first time he saw Zhang Deshuai. , his own tears filled his eyes, he looked at Zhang Deshuai with tears in his eyes, Zhang Deshuai looked very much like Zhang Guhao, this was unexpected by Jiang Hairen, he had not seen Zhang Guhao for more than ten years Yes, on the day when he learned of Zhang Guhao's death, Jiang Hairen locked himself in the room and cried for a long time until he fainted in the room. Aunt Liu noticed something was wrong, and everyone ran into the room and sent him to the hospital.

Zhang Deshuai in front of Jiang Hairen, just like his young appearance, just like his Zhang Guhao, the lawyer saw Jiang Hairen crying and gave him a handkerchief, so that Jiang Hairen regained his spirit. Jiang Hairen was in the car I have already told the lawyer that since Zhen Meili is gone, he intends to make Zhang Deshuai his successor, give him the best education, and retrain him. He still wants to marry Jiang Meiqing and we will become a family.

Jiang Hairen motioned for the lawyer to come forward with his eyes, and the lawyer walked up to Zhang Deshuai, "Mr. Zhang, hello." Zhang Deshuai looked at the lawyer, and then at Jiang Hairen behind him. He didn't know what was going on, but now he felt very happy tired.

The lawyer is also very smart, knowing that Zhang Deshuai's current state is not suitable for talking about these things, he glanced back at Jiang Hairen, Jiang Hairen nodded, "Mr. Zhang, you should take a rest now, and we will take care of Auntie's funeral. , Your current physical condition is in great need of rest."

Zhang Deshuai originally wanted to refute the lawyer's words, but when he just took the first step forward, his eyes began to be in a trance, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, Jiang Meiqing who was next to him supported him, so he had to borrow a bed to sleep first. Clear your head.

Jiang Meiqing pulled Jiang Hairen aside and asked him, "What are you and Lawyer Zhu planning!" She knew very well what Jiang Hairen was thinking, he definitely had a plan, otherwise he wouldn't have come here in person, she flipped through the Diary, she knew that Jiang Hairen was cruel to Zhen Meili, so he didn't come to see Zhen Meili off!
"I know you like Zhang Deshuai, I will give you a wish now, okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"After you graduate this year, go to France to study for graduate studies. Zhang Deshuai will go with you. He is very talented. He will finish his graduate studies in five years."

"Are you crazy?!"

"No, he is absolutely capable. According to his current state, he will definitely agree."

Inside the temple, Mia's candle was blown out by the wind, Mia opened her eyes, she felt the call of the soul, Zhang Guhao's soul appeared in front of her, and the soul would respond because the person she cared about appeared nearby , Jiang Hairen is here!

Mia took the things and walked out of the temple with Zhang Guhao's soul. She was going to help this affectionate man convey the secret that had been buried for a long time. Mia could see that the fire in this soul was always burning, but in his eyes there was Full of tears, he was so eager to see him. Jiang Hairen had never been to the grave to see Zhang Guhao, and had never even been to this place. Mia felt that Zhang Guhao was willing to reincarnate only when he saw Jiang Hairen , I am willing to leave this world, the love between humans and ghosts is over.

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