The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 29 Zhang Guhao's Narrative of Jiang Hairen's Story (2)

The night before they went to London, Zhang Guhao was so excited that he couldn't sleep. First, he had never been to London. Second, he was very happy to be able to go there with Jiang Hairen. Because he was so excited, he couldn't sleep all night. He didn't fall asleep, and when he got on the plane the next day, he fell asleep by himself. He was very annoyed, and he wanted to fly soberly.

When they arrived at the hotel, they simply packed their luggage and went downstairs to eat. The teacher in the team called Zhang Guhao away because he was the main force in the team. The teacher hoped that Zhang Guhao could communicate with other national teachers. Many people surrounded Zhang Guhao, Zhang Guhao felt a little weak, he didn't like socializing with others very much.

Zhang Guhao looked around, trying to find out where Jiang Hairen was. He saw Jiang Hairen talking to a girl. Even if he watched from a distance, he knew that Jiang Hairen was interested in this girl. It was all red, he didn't care at first, the students next to him kept talking to him, he answered, and when he looked up again, Jiang Hairen was nowhere to be found, he hurriedly pushed away the crowd, went out to look for him, he was in a corner Jiang Hairen was seen inside. He was eating with that girl. He casually picked up the plate next to him, put something on it, and walked towards them.

Jiang Hairen desperately winked at him to signal him to leave quickly, so he didn't leave, how could he give him this chance, he squeezed out his best smile to face Jin Nian, Jiang Hairen was also impatient, and wanted to push Zhang Guhao away Go, but he just doesn't move. Zhang Guhao looked at Jiang Hairen's anxious appearance. To be honest, he was very sad. Although he knew that Jiang Hairen would end up with someone else, he didn't want to see it. His own waywardness does not want him to be someone else's.

The next day, Zhang Guhao went to the streets of London by himself. The scenery in a foreign country was different from his hometown. He bought some food and enjoyed the scenery along the way. He saw all kinds of couples in the park. , a same-sex couple attracted his attention. He sat on a bench and ate bread, wishing to win someone's heart and stay together forever.

When he got back to the hotel, he heard that Jiang Hairen had fainted. Without thinking, he rushed to the infirmary, and when he entered, he saw Jiang Hairen lying on the bed, his face flushed. He must have a fever. He simply learned about the situation from the doctor. When he found out that it was acclimatization, he blamed himself a little. He obviously lived with him, but he didn't realize that he was not acclimatized. He sat aside and watched him inject salt water, and he changed wet towels back and forth for him.

After the salt water was poured, the teacher originally planned to have someone help Zhang Guhao to help Jiang Hairen back to the room, Zhang Guhao didn't say anything, just hugged Jiang Hairen directly, and walked directly to the direction of the room, he returned to the room, simply Help Jiang Hairen tidy up, take off his clothes, cover him with a quilt, and put a wet towel on him.

At this time Jin Nian walked in, Zhang Guhao was extremely impatient, "What are you doing here?"

Jin Nian also looked at Zhang Guhao coldly, "Let me see if I can take care of him for you. Aren't you going to train alone tomorrow?"

"Yes, but I can take care of him, you go." Zhang Guhao didn't look at her the whole time.

"You like Jiang Hairen, right?"

Zhang Guhao was frightened by Jin Nian's words, he stopped what he was doing, and looked back at Jin Nian, Jin Nian also showed a sly smile as if his words were right.

"Sure enough, I feel right."

Zhang Guhao's secret was exposed, he was obviously impatient, he turned his head and yelled at Jin Nian, "Yes! I just like Jiang Hairen, a fool!" Maybe it was because of the backlog of feelings for too long, he yelled at Jin Nian like this After leaving, he felt relieved, he sat by the bed blankly, Jin Nian seemed to know his feelings, and patted him on the shoulder to express his comfort.

Jiang Hairen suffered from a fever at night, and kept saying that he was cold. Zhang Guhao also covered Jiang Hairen with his quilt, but he still felt cold. Zhang Guhao had no choice but to get into the quilt by himself and hugged Jiang Hairen , hugged him into his arms, Jiang Hairen didn't cry anymore, it was just the first time he saw Jiang Hairen so close, he fell asleep, his face was plump, but his facial features were very cute, and his mouth was also fleshy. Dudu, this is why he likes to provoke Jiang Hairen to be angry. Every time he gets angry, he likes to pout his mouth. He is very cute. Watching him hug him tightly, Zhang Guhao thought of the first time he saw Jiang Hairen. When it comes to Jiang Hairen playing the piano, after so many years, he is still his little master, but what about himself?There is no change, I am still the person who chases the stars, the only thing that changes is that the star also chases itself as a star, the two of them are really fools.

After waking up the next day, Zhang Guhao couldn't find Jiang Hairen. He looked around and found a sandwich there, and there was a note under it. He knew the handwriting, which belonged to Jiang Hairen. His happiness was very simple. He held up the note, laughed and laughed, feeling like a fool, he touched the sandwich, it was still hot, he was reluctant to eat it, but it was cold and tasteless, he ate it slowly .

After that, the relationship between Jiang Hairen and Zhang Guhao became very good. Zhang Guhao was very happy because of this. This is the relationship he dreamed of. He is already very satisfied. He can do whatever he wants. He has never even thought about their current relationship. He enjoys this relationship very much. No matter how much trouble he makes, he will accept it all. The current Jiang Hairen is a Jiang Hairen who can accept his nonsense.

The relationship between the two of them has become better, and the people next to them can see it. Only Jin Nian doesn't think so. When Zhang Guhao went back to the room to get something, he met Jin Nian at the corner, and he didn't want to talk to Jin Nian. , because he felt that Jin Nian could see through him, and he didn't like the feeling of being seen through, so he deliberately ignored her.

"Zhang Guhao!"

Jin Nian stopped him, Zhang Guhao turned his head impatiently, Jin Nian pulled him to a corner, "I know that your relationship with Jiang Hairen has improved a lot recently, but I want to remind you, you have to be careful , Many people still feel strange about your relationship."

"Why do you find it strange? Many people here are like this." Zhang Guhao wanted to refute, but he still lacked the confidence to say this, and he knew what Jin Nian was talking about.

"That's different. Our traditional concepts are not that advanced. Don't let yourself get too deep. If Jiang Hairen has the same feelings for you, will his family agree? You will harm him, and you will also harm him." My own." Jin Nian grabbed Zhang Guhao and said these things, she was doing it for the good of Zhang Guhao, and also for the good of Jiang Hairen.

Jin Nian didn't give Zhang Guhao a chance to say, "You are a smart person, you can measure it yourself, I just remind you kindly as a friend to do it yourself." Jin Nian left, leaving Zhang Guhao behind, Zhang Guhao felt special Uncomfortable, he leaned against the wall, indeed, it was time for someone to remind him of what he was doing, Jin Nian was this person, he didn't want to harm Jiang Hairen, he wanted to continue to be by his side.

After that, Zhang Guhao has been treating Jiang Hairen coldly. He deliberately didn't talk to Jiang Hairen in the car. high.

He purposely took the front seat in the training class, just to keep Jiang Hairen from sitting with him. During the class, his mind was full of images of him ignoring Jiang Hairen in the car. He didn't ignore him, he just pretended. As if he didn't want to hear it, in fact, every word he said was remembered in his heart.

Because of his wonderful answer, the professor invited him to have dinner together. The professor wanted to become his student and come to London to study, but he refused, because in this way, he would not be able to follow the path that Mr. Jiang arranged for him. There would be no Jiang Hairen in his world. A foreign student poured him alcohol. He went back to the beach drunk and saw Jiang Hairen sitting with Jin Nian from a distance. He admitted that he was very jealous, so he went up to talk to him. Jiang Hairen let out his anger, he couldn't control himself.

The next day, he didn't remember anything, he planned to keep ignoring Jiang Hairen, but Jiang Hairen caught him and blew his hair, Zhang Guhao couldn't bear his coquettish request, all the bullshit ignoring was forgotten , he wanted him.

After returning to school, their relationship was still very good. In winter, Jiang Hairen came to school and liked to crawl on himself to keep warm. He was not frightened. Although he said to let him go away, he actually hoped that he would always Hold on to yourself and don't let go, Jiang Hairen doesn't know something else, that is, he is getting angry.

In Jiang Hairen's room, he saw every book on the bookshelf clearly for the first time. He lamented Jiang Hairen's erudition. He desperately wanted to remember every book, and he wanted to know what he was thinking. One day, when they parted, he would arrange the books according to his bookshelf, as if he was still by his side, but there were too many books, and he couldn't read them all at once, that's why he chose the book Jiang Hairen was reading, He really had a fluke mentality to see if he could make it happen quickly.

The two of them also went to the rooftop together, where there is a beautiful swing, they sat on the swing together, and made a wish towards the shooting star, Zhang Guhao is glad that he has been helping Jiang Hairen to "tutor" chemistry, if there is no trip to London, they will not be the case.

Jiang Hairen asked himself to make a wish. Before he closed his eyes, he saw Jiang Hairen making a wish with his eyes closed. His young master, he didn't know what kind of wish he was making. If he was speaking, he should hope that his grades would surpass his own. He also closed his eyes make a wish.

I don't have any extravagant wishes, my only request is that you will be by my side day and night, I am not afraid of any difficulties, I only want you to be with me, I only ask for this, I pray for the days to come, I can get your dependence, I can be your embrace.

When Zhang Guhao opened his eyes again, what he saw was Jiang Hairen's blurred eyes. Everything seemed to be arranged. It was the appearance of this person that made every moment meaningful to him. He touched his face , kissed him like a demon, his tongue was like an electric shock, he fell in love with his voice, maybe their hearts really sparked, we seemed to fall into each other's trap, fell in love with each other unknowingly ,be terribly upset.

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