The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 27 The Story of Jiang Hairen (4)

After returning from London, the relationship between Jiang Hairen and Zhang Guhao became very good. Jiang Hairen himself could not understand this relationship. On the contrary, Zhang Guhao got closer to him, but Jiang Hairen only regarded it as something he had been missing for many years. Brotherhood, let Zhang Guhao go.

"How did your relationship become so good?" Xiao-Woo was always confused about the relationship between the two of them.

"Didn't I say it, the long-lost brotherhood." Jiang Hairen described it lightly, but he himself didn't feel like it, he couldn't tell what it was like, and couldn't find the feeling that could accurately describe him. When getting along with Zhang Guhao that day, he made himself very warm, like a comfortable bed, like the warm sun in winter, like the hot milk he likes very much. Jiang Hairen lay on the railing, looking at Zhang Guhao on the court, He felt that Zhang Guhao was very comfortable, and he didn't know how his feelings were.

In the self-study class, Zhang Guhao came back from playing basketball, just in time for the self-study class, he returned to his seat, looked at Jiang Hairen's appearance, and put his face in front of him, "Do you have any questions that you don't know? I can teach you."

Jiang Hairen frowned, looked at him with distaste, pulled his head, and said softly, "Now the self-study class, keep your voice down, you will be caught later."

Zhang Guhao looked at him, smiled even brighter, and blinked at him, which reminded Jiang Hairen that there was a lot of emotion in the corners of his eyes, which was blown away by the wind to the world.

Jiang Hairen pushed Zhang Guhao's face aside, signaling him to study hard. Zhang Guhao stuck out his tongue and smiled mischievously at him.

Winter is coming, the snow has not yet fallen outside, the air has become very cold, the students are very cold before entering the classroom, the heating inside the classroom is on, because of the cold weather, Zhang Ju Hao is not playing anymore, so he came to school a little late, Jiang Hairen knew that Zhang Guhao was starting to stay in bed.

Usually in winter, Aunt Liu will drive Zhang Guhao to school. Zhang Guhao arrived at school early, and he will study in the classroom first. Early in the morning, I went outside the classroom to watch Zhang Guhao study. Some courageous people would go up and ask him questions. At first, Zhang Guhao answered politely once or twice, but Zhang Guhao felt bored after asking too many questions, and dealt with everything coldly. Say no.

Jiang Hairen went to school at normal time, got out of the car, and trotted into the school. It was too cold in the corridor, and shivered when he entered the classroom. Seeing Zhang Guhao sitting warmly on the seat, Jiang Hairen himself felt more and more Relying on Zhang Guhao, he dropped his schoolbag, turned Zhang Guhao to himself, straddled Zhang Guhao, opened his clothes chain, wrapped his arms around Zhang Guhao's waist, and then hugged Zhang Guhao with his whole body , resting his head on his collarbone.

Zhang Guhao was startled by Jiang Hairen at first, and seeing him embracing him, he couldn't hide his smile, but he continued to say, "What are you doing!" The people in the classroom couldn't help but see them making such a fuss. I feel very happy, everyone has never seen them so well.

Zhang Guhao also stretched out his arms to hug Jiang Hairen, and then smiled and wanted to drive Jiang Hairen away, "It's just for warmth, cheapskate, you come so early every day." Come down, sit on the seat, rub your hands, and do your homework proudly.

The tradition of the Jiang family is to eat with a large group of people. Jiang Hairen's parents are doing business abroad, and his grandmother died early. Only Jiang Lao is here, and Jiang eats fast. Generally, only Jiang Hairen and Zhang Guhao are left at the dinner table Two people eat, Zhang Guhao likes to chat with Jiang Hairen while eating after Jiang Lao leaves, but Jiang Hairen hates Zhang Guhao, he speeds up his eating speed and ignores Zhang Guhao, but Zhang Guhao seems It doesn't feel tiring, it's been like that since the first day they met.

Now the relationship between the two has improved, Zhang Guhao also eats delicious food, and eats three more bowls every day, Jiang Hairen sees Zhang Guhao eats so deliciously, and asks, "Is it so delicious?" Aunt Li who is cooking next to him Quit, "Is there something so delicious? Xiaohao eats so well." Aunt Li was very happy to see Zhang Guhao, a handsome guy, eating her food so deliciously, and the servants beside him laughed.

Jiang Hairen also lowered his head and smiled, this home is so warm, he looked at Zhang Guhao eating, the rice in his bowl seemed to become more delicious, what a fool.

After eating, Jiang Hairen didn't know what was wrong, so he said to Zhang Guhao who was about to go back to his room, "Do you want to come to my room?"

Jiang Hairen brought Zhang Guhao to his room, Zhang Guhao came in cautiously, came in and took a look around, Jiang Hairen looked at him, and said with a smile, "Look around for yourself, you probably haven't come in. "

Zhang Guhao turned around by himself, walked to Jiang Hairen's bookshelf, looked at each book carefully, and muttered, "I came here before, I didn't read it carefully..." Zhang Guhao realized that he had slipped his mouth , shut up quickly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Jiang Hairen frowned.

"I came here when I was a child. It happened many years ago. I don't really remember the details." Zhang Guhao quickly changed his mouth.

Jiang Hairen liked reading since he was a child. In his room, there was a wall-high bookshelf. Zhang Guhao looked at every book for a long time, as if he wanted to remember every book in it.

"Have you read all of these?" Zhang Guhao turned his head and asked Jiang Hairen, maybe he couldn't believe that Jiang Hairen had read so many books.

Jiang Hairen took out one of them, with bookmarks stacked inside, "That's right, these are the books I've read over the years."

Zhang Guhao opened his mouth wide, and looked back at the books on the wall. He touched them one by one with his hands. Zhang Guhao's body had almost no flaws. His fingers were very slender, with white skin, touching the books , it seems that he is not feeling the book, but the book is enjoying his touch, Jiang Hairen adjusted his glasses, coughed lightly, and looked back at Zhang Guhao.

"Would you like to see it? I can lend it to you."

Zhang Guhao smiled like a child, and readily agreed. Jiang Hairen took off his glasses and tilted his head to look at Zhang Guhao, "Choose which one you want to read."

Zhang Guhao looked at it for a while, and his eyes fell on the book that Jiang Hairen just took out. Jiang Hairen received his gaze and lifted the book up, "Do you want to read this book?"

"Um, can you?"

Jiang Hairen was puzzled, why would he want to read the book he was reading now? Forget it, he was about to finish it anyway, so he handed the book to Zhang Guhao.

It was already dark, Jiang Hairen accidentally glanced out of the window, saw a shooting star flashing by, and jumped up excitedly, "There are shooting stars outside! Look!"

Zhang Guhao closed the book and looked helplessly at the cheering Jiang Hairen, but he suddenly put on a smile, "I'll take you to the roof, where you can see the whole sky, it's beautiful."

Zhang Guhao asked Jiang Hairen to wear two more clothes, and helped Jiang Hairen zip up, but Jiang Hairen was not happy, "I'm wearing two coats, it's too much."

"Haven't you ever gone out at this spot? It's very cold here, wear more, or you'll catch a cold." Although Jiang Hairen was not happy, he still let Zhang Guhao put on his clothes honestly. I really enjoy this feeling.

Jiang Hairen saw that Zhang Guhao didn't wear many clothes, so he picked up the one next to him and put it on for him, "You don't want to see what you look like, so just wear it for me." Zhang Guhao put on clothes for himself Jiang Hairen also laughed, his eyes seemed to have stars, "What are you laughing at, you idiot."

Zhang Guhao picked up the hat next to him and put it on Jiang Hairen, holding his face, "How about it, you fool." Then he dragged Jiang Hairen upstairs.

There is a swing on the roof, which was removed from the garden last year. Aunt Liu was reluctant to lose it, so she put it on the roof, and then set up a table on the roof, and then added chairs, and slowly the workers would come up to rest, There are more parasols on the top, and Aunt Li has planted flowers upstairs. This rooftop has become a garden, a garden that everyone can come to. Mr. Jiang saw that they were happy, and he acquiesced to this place.

The two of them were sitting on the swing, Zhang Guhao was wearing a little less clothes, and sneezed, Jiang Hairen felt a little distressed seeing him, he stretched out his hand, wrapped Zhang Guhao around him, hugged him, Zhang Guhao was a little bit Shocked, he looked at Jiang Hairen, "You?"

"I'm afraid you're cold!"

Zhang Guhao smiled, and he also hugged Jiang Hairen.

A star flashed across the sky, Jiang Hairen looked at the sky, his face turned from surprise to a smile, "Make a wish!" Jiang Hairen clasped his hands together and began to make a wish, Zhang Guhao looked at Jiang Hairen's appearance, and made a wish with.

"What wish did you make?" After Jiang Hairen made his wish, he was very curious about Zhang Guhao's wish. He doesn't know why now, but he is always curious about Zhang Guhao's thoughts. He really wants to know more about him. Jiang Hairen suddenly saw Meteor, the first wish in his heart was to be with Zhang Guhao forever. When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Guhao making a wish and closing his eyes.

His eyelashes are very long and very curled, even prettier than all the girls he has ever seen, even with his eyes closed he looks very good-looking.

Zhang Guhao opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Hairen, his head was slightly tilted, his eyes were smiling like peach blossoms, everything looked so appropriate, Zhang Guhao looked at Jiang Hairen's face, and took off his glasses , Jiang Hairen kept looking into Zhang Guhao's eyes as if possessed by a demon. These eyes are really magical.

Taking off Jiang Hairen's glasses, Zhang Guhao stroked Jiang Hairen's face with his hands. Jiang Hairen trembled a little because his hands were cold, and then the eyes of the two of them began to slack, and Zhang Guhao looked at his lips. Go, Jiang Hairen is the same, he feels drunk, he thinks Zhang Guhao's mouth is so charming, he has a beautiful mouth, but something happened today, he really wants to let someone bite him.

A shooting star passed by, Zhang Guhao closed his eyes, kissed Jiang Hairen, Jiang Hairen also closed his eyes, today he felt that he was not himself, he let the feeling, hugged Zhang Guhao, Zhang Guhao As the kiss continued to deepen, Zhang Guhao's tongue touched Jiang Hairen's teeth, he gently rubbed Jiang Hairen's face with his hands, and looked at Jiang Hairen with half-closed eyes. Hao raised Jiang Hairen's chin, opened his teeth at the same time, and touched his tongue. Jiang Hairen felt that every cell in his body was excited. He kept humming comfortably, which made him feel shy, but He couldn't control it anymore, his tongue was not his own anymore, as if he was tightly controlled by Zhang Guhao, he just let his tongue linger with his own tongue in his mouth.

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