A glass of water was poured into the water glass. The sweet-looking girl sat at the dining table and took a sip of the water, but her behavior was not as sweet as her appearance. Because of drinking, her white face was flushed, and her eyes were dark. It's not as sweet as it looks, but it looks like an old man downstairs in the community who drank and started complaining about the society when he got drunk.

Song Wenyin came out of the bathroom, wiped her head with a towel, and patted her face with her hands to wake herself up.After leaving the bathroom, she met Ouyang Lisa immediately. Ouyang Lisa put down her glass angrily, "You! You! You! You! What are you thinking!"

Song Wenyin ignored her, continued to wipe her head, and then sat under the blanket under the sofa, holding Ouyang Lisa's computer. After turning it on, she said to Ouyang Lisa, "Computer password."

Ouyang Lisa raised her head, "What on earth do you want to do? Can you tell me?" Song Wenyin's behavior was beginning to be incomprehensible.

Song Wenyin looked out the window, "I still want to continue to participate in the board election."

"What did you say?!?!" Ouyang Lisa looked at Song Wenyin, she didn't understand what she was talking about, she had a good talk with her just now, why now she has the idea of ​​continuing to participate, the purpose of telling her was to let She gave up, if Song Gaoyang collapsed, it would have a certain impact on herself, and of course it was because she wanted to help her
"I'm serious, I want to prove myself." Song Wenyin looked at Ouyang Lisa firmly.

"My goodness!"

"I know you told me this because you want to help me, so you can continue to help me like this, can't you?" Song Wenyin said to Ouyang Lisa in an almost begging tone.

"Really, I really lost to you!" Ouyang Lisa walked over, grabbed the computer, and turned it on for Song Wenyin.

"Thank you." Song Wenyin nodded to Ouyang Lisa.

"You can use a computer! The files inside are not allowed to be tampered with! This is my little world for big stars. Generally, people can't look at it randomly. The things inside" Ouyang Lisa kept talking beside her.

"Well, don't worry, I'm not interested in your selfie." Song Wenyin said it straight to the point. She just opened one of the files, and a large selfie photo of Ouyang Lisa popped up.

"I want you to take care of it! You do your thing, and if you don't do it, just return the computer to me. What's going on with people nowadays." Ouyang Lisa cursed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Turning on the computer, Song Wenyin logged into her mailbox, and called Xu Jie on Ouyang Lisa's mobile phone. Xu Jie was shocked when he received the call in the middle of the night, "Manager Song? Manager Song? Is it really you? Why didn't you come today?" company?"

"Uh, don't worry about this for now, you can send me the information first, do you have a backup?" Song Wenyin tapped the keyboard quickly.

"Ah? Yes, yes, yes, sister Yinyin, are you going to attend tomorrow's board meeting?" Xu Jie also took out his computer, and sent the backup to Song Wenyin's mailbox.

"Well, I will come to the company tomorrow morning, for sure!" Song Wenyin said with certainty.

"Okay! Manager Song, I will definitely wait for you tomorrow!" Xu Jie hung up the phone, and finally felt relieved when he heard Song Wenyin's voice. He didn't see Song Wenyin during the day, and no one answered his calls. Song Wenyin has already given up. Looking at it now, she should be very confident!
After Ouyang Lisa took a shower, she wandered around Song Wenyin for a while, and then said uneasy, "I reminded you, it was you who insisted on doing this!" Ouyang Lisha also looked at Song Wenyin seriously.

Song Wenyin stood up and hugged Ouyang Lisa, "Thank you, I know."

I don't know if they went to drink just now. Song Wenyin was sober after drinking, but Ouyang Lisa's head hurts a little. It seems that this should be real wine. After all, her head hurts very much. Go to bed early, there is still work tomorrow, and the Song family should change the dynasty tomorrow.

Song Wenyin didn't sleep all night, thinking to solve everything during this period of time, she drank some wine, not drunk, but sober, Ouyang Lisa told herself everything, Song Wenyin thought over and over again, she should always Being concealed by them, she was a little angry, but the current self will never be the same as before, she will not continue to be an entertainment pawn.
On the other side of the house, Zhang Yide looked at the calendar, getting closer day by day, the day after tomorrow is an important moment, his task tomorrow is to submit the plan of the board of directors, according to their review speed, it should be at noon the day after tomorrow. There will be news that their wedding tonight will have to be cancelled. After Jiang Meiqing gets the news, she must have no intention of focusing on the wedding. At the same time, Song Wende's plan to rescue Jiang Hairen is going on. So far everything is within Zhang Yide's control.

However, there is another uncontrollable thing, Song Wenyin. Every time Zhang Yide thinks about Song Wenyin, Zhang Yide feels unspeakably uncomfortable. After Song Wenyin came back, he did not contact him. Although Zhang Yide told Song Wende that he wanted to respect Song Wenyin If she can forgive herself, she will take the initiative to come back, but the emotion of longing has always surrounded his heart. He always thinks that he has always been a person who can control his emotions. Whenever he encounters Song Wenyin, he I will lose control, this time I did not lose control, but now this kind of uncomfortable and crazy longing, is it not a kind of loss of control?
A sudden ringtone interrupted Zhang Yide's thoughts. Zhang Yide looked at the name displayed on the phone, immediately picked up the phone, and asked the person on the other end, "What's wrong? Why are you calling at this hour?"

The person over there said slowly, "Song Wenyin, didn't I contact you?"

Zhang Yide's nerves suddenly flashed, "What do you mean? Didn't she return to China? What do you mean by contacting me?"

"She came back yesterday and suddenly said that she would continue to participate in the board of directors. You know what we mean. We don't want her to participate." Song Wende felt very guilty when he thought of what he had done. "In order to prevent her from going out, we decided to lock her up." Get up, but when I came back to check, she was not in the room, the car was driven out, she was not in the company, and she was nowhere to be found. I thought she was looking for you."

"She didn't come to me, but I think you can rest assured that she has grown up, and she may know more about some things than you, right? You have spent so much energy on Song Wenyin, I think you can let go Already." Zhang Yide persuaded Song Wende to let Song Wenyin decide the path he wanted to go, Song Wende really spent so much on Song Wenyin that he never had time for himself.

"Hey, hey, hey, but, hey, you are right, but it seems that we really need to let go." Song Wende kept sighing, Song Wenyin is indeed not as easy as Song Yanyang thought, she has already Not the little girl who can always be obedient.

Zhang Yide diverted Song Wende's attention by talking about other things, "I know it might be selfish, but I still hope that you can help me. I need to prepare for tomorrow, and I need you to pay more attention. You should rest well these two days. I solemnly request you to take a good rest and ensure your own health, Song Wenyin, she is already an adult, and only she can decide her life, right?"

"Okay, don't worry, nothing will happen, she will have her own judgment, take a good rest."

After Song Wende hung up the phone, he sat on the bed and sighed. Zhou Zhou was beside him, "Are you still worried about Yinyin? Zhang Yide, what should I say?"

"Well, Zhang Yide said that he has no contact with Yinyin. Am I controlling Yinyin too much?" Song Wende hugged Zhou Zhou and buried his head on Zhou Zhou's shoulder.

"Zhang Yide told you to let go?" Zhou Zhou probably guessed why Song Wende said that.


Zhou Zhou hugged Song Wende, "Maybe, she really needs to make her own decisions. Didn't your father interfere with her a lot? Isn't it fair to her? Stop helping your father with things, you brothers and sisters, live on your own Live the life you want."

"Dad, dad." Song Wende's mood was very depressed.

Zhou Zhou continued to hug him and patted him on the back, "For the rest of the day, you can make up for what you lost, can't you? I believe Song Wenyin can understand. As for your mother, you keep saying that she doesn't know Everything, right? Your dad, it seems, really likes her."

Song Wende didn't want to continue talking about this matter, instead he hugged Zhou Zhou, "I'm very busy these days, I have forgotten you, let me hug me to recharge my batteries."

Holding Zhou Zhou's waist and abdomen with his hands, he pressed his head on top of his head, "You bastard, when I saw you just now, you were covered in thorns, but now it seems that you are just a coquettish cat, hahaha."

Zhou Zhou was not convinced, puffed up his cheeks, and rolled his eyes, "You are not an adult who is so much older than me, but you are still like a child, and you will act like a baby with me if you have nothing to do! You have the nerve to talk about me! [-] Every step laughs a hundred steps!"

Song Wende smiled and kissed the back of Zhou Zhou's hand, kissed both hands separately, then raised his head and looked at Zhou Zhou with warm eyes, "Fortunately, I didn't miss you, otherwise I might regret it for the rest of my life."

Zhou Zhou also smiled, "Yeah, it's a good thing you didn't escape."

"The road ahead may be difficult, but I don't want to think about that now, I want to cherish my life now." After finishing speaking, Song Wende kissed Zhou Zhou's forehead, and pulled up the curtains.

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