The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 137 Entering the Club (2)

Zhang Yide took a bath in the room provided by the butler, and he and Song Wende both rested in their respective rooms. This club is a game area for the rich, and it is even more luxurious than the highest-end hotels he has ever seen. What you can see is everything, even the scenery outside is very unique. The ginkgo trees outside the "Forbidden City" are very oppressive. If Zhang Yide can see the place in the distance, it should be the place where they are drinking tea. , Looking at it from a distance, it is really very elegant.

It is in the pond, and there are three pavilions connected together, standing above the pool, each pavilion is very large, and in one of the pavilions, there is a "musician" performing on it, and the sound of the piano is very loud, even very loud. It can be heard from far away. Of course, the sound of the piano is also very good. All the rhythms can catch people's hearts. Even if it is so far away, you can feel the melodious sound of the piano. Relaxed, he turned off the bath water, took out a towel to wipe his body clean, and went out in a bathrobe.

The clothes given by the butler are displayed outside. Even the clothes prepared for VIPs are special brand-name, and the materials are also very good. This club doesn't know how much the annual membership fee will be. He doesn't even know that Jiang Hairen has been in This place has spent a lot of money, but it is indeed a kind of investment. With these powerful people, it is no wonder that even if Jiang Hairen does not continue to work in the Jiang family these years, these cooperating people will still help the Jiang Group. After putting it on, I sat on the sofa and looked at the scene outside. It seems that this tea party should continue for a while.

Song Wende also changed his clothes and came to Zhang Yide's room, "Is the seal still with you?"

Zhang Yide turned out the seal, "It's still here, they will go on for a while." Zhang Yide pointed in that direction.

Song Wende also took a teacup to the window to have a look, Song Wende was also surprised by the scene there, "This club is really extraordinary."

"That's right, I don't even dare to think about the people here." Zhang Yide became more and more nervous. Jiang Hairen's own status is very high. Now the person he has to face, I don't know what will happen. Compared with these people, I am really insignificant.

"What? Secretary Zhang, don't you want to join this club in the future? This club seems to have a high threshold and a lot of good resources. With your ability, after a few years of hard work, you should be able to become a member here." Song Wende wanted to inquire Zhang Yide's thoughts on the future, he also wanted to ask Song Wenyin about their possible future.

"I should not be able to enter this club." Zhang Yide shook his head.

"Why can't you get in? Jiang Hairen trusts you so much, you should be the chairman here in the future, and you know the relationship between your father and Jiang Hairen. To put it bluntly, in his eyes, you are one of his children. He I love you very much, you know that, right?" Song Wende said frankly, if this matter succeeds and Jiang Meiqing resigns, Zhang Yide will definitely be the chairman of the board in the future, and of course with his ability, he can definitely take on this role There is no doubt about the position. What he wants to know now is Zhang Yide's attitude towards this matter. After all, as long as Zhang Yide wants to get it, he can get it long ago. Song Wende doesn't know why Zhang Yide has been in the second line all these years. What is it? stopped him?
Zhang Yide smiled, "You should be able to imagine the level of people in this club."

Song Wende looked at Zhang Yide and nodded.

"In fact, I have never liked this kind of fame and wealth, intrigue, and I am very tired. I grew up in the countryside, and I like a free life." When Zhang Yide said this, his eyes sparkled, Song Wende Seeing this light, he should really want to go back. Indeed, the water in this business is very deep.

"Then what are your future plans? Don't you want to continue working in the company?" Song Wende continued to ask.

Zhang Yide was silent for a long time, "I want to leave."

"You want to leave?" Song Wende was very surprised that Zhang Yide said such a thing, he really didn't expect it.

"Well, after so long, I always feel that I am not used to it. I feel that the current me is not the real me, so I want to leave even more." Zhang Yide also has his own plan, he wants to get back to his original self , He wants to leave here, abandon everything that doesn't belong to him, he came here in a commoner, so when he leaves, he also intends to keep his sleeves clean.

"What about my sister? Song Wenyin, don't you plan to continue with her? It's so difficult for you to fall in love, are you going to give up and leave together?"

Zhang Yide remained silent, "Some things cannot be forced. If she cannot accept it, we can only have a deep relationship."

What Zhang Yide said is very clear, and Song Wende also understands that these two people are not people who will force each other, and they are unwilling to restrain each other. Only freedom is what they want. Song Wenyin can't know her inner thoughts well, but it may be for Freedom, Song Wenyin may want to show her ability in this place more, because of her inferiority complex, she has always wanted to prove herself, Zhang Yide can be regarded as living a clear life by saying such words now.

The two chatted in the room for a while, the butler outside the door knocked, the two looked out, and the butler walked in, "Gentlemen, the tea party over there is almost over, I will take you there later See the president of the club, please come with me now."

They took their seals and followed the butler to another place. They kept walking inside, only to find that there was more than one house, and there were buildings of other architectural styles in it. They were taken into a hotel-like house, When they came to a meeting room, the housekeeper motioned them to sit down and wait, "The president will be here soon, please wait here patiently."

Sure enough, the butler was very powerful. They waited here for a while, and immediately came in an older man. Zhang Yide and Song Wende both knew this man. He was the chairman of Group H and the richest man in China. The first three, Song Wende and Zhang Yide immediately stood up when they saw him, and they were very respectful. After all, this is a figure at the level of a big boss. I didn't expect him to be the president here!
Su Wenyan saw the two of them nodding, indicating that they could sit down. Su Wenyan sat opposite them and looked at them, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yide immediately took out Jiang Hairen's seal, "Mr. Su, Uncle Jiang asked me to give you this."

Su Wenyan took the seal, looked at it for a while, and after confirming that it was indeed Jiang Hairen's seal, he asked, "What happened to Jiang Hairen? He didn't come to this month's regular meeting, but he didn't say anything, and he asked you to come here. Is something wrong?"

Zhang Yide nodded immediately, "Yes, as you said, something happened to him and he was imprisoned."

Su Wenyan was surprised, "What?! Imprisonment? What's going on? Didn't you call the police?"

"We can't call the police because it was his daughter who imprisoned him."

When he said this, Su Wenyan didn't have a surprised expression, as if he knew this would happen a long time ago, "Sure enough, this day has come, he has been too indulgent to his daughter, Jiang Meiqing is a good seed , but she is a beast that cannot be tamed, but sooner or later something will happen to her, which we all know in our hearts."

Su Wenyan felt that it was too far, so he turned around and asked them, "How do you want me to help you? Jiang Hairen is my good brother, and I will definitely help with this matter."

"We want to use your ability to gather shareholders to stand on our side and force the board of directors to convene. Jiang Meiqing's attention will be diverted. They can also rescue Jiang Hairen by the way. Then the position will be taken down, and they can Let Jiang Hairen be rescued." Zhang Yide said so.

"Now that I think about it, you should be the son-in-law of the Jiang family, right? It's very simple for you to force the meeting of the board of directors. What I'm curious about is, are you going to continue to sit in that position instead of Jiang Hairen?" Su Wenyan looked at Zhang Yide, but Zhang Yide but do not escape.

"I won't be in that position. I will still be from the Jiang family, Jiang Hairen or Jiang Meiqing in the future." Zhang Yide said calmly.

Su Wenyan was very surprised, "Don't you want to sit in that seat? Jiang Hairen gave this seat to you? Don't you feel tempted at all?"

"No, I still don't want it. After all, it doesn't belong to me. Even if I have it, I won't feel at ease."

Su Wenyan nodded, "Jiang Hairen is really discerning! Just follow your plan. I will take you to meet the major shareholder of your company. As for the plan to save Jiang Hairen, you have another plan. , I don’t understand the situation, so I can’t help you.”

They talked briefly, and after the end, the butler asked the driver to send the two of them down. The two of them found the car they drove, and they were very happy. Finally, something went well. So far, it is still great. .

Song Wende and Zhang Yide are happy, but some people are in danger
Song Wenyin is still continuing to investigate Song Gaoyang. Ouyang Lisa has become one of the evidences that she can threaten Song Gaoyang, but she does not want to directly threaten Song Gaoyang. If this old fox confronts him directly, the disadvantage will be herself. So Song Wenyin and Wang Chunyan's idea was to skip Song Gaoyang and go directly to Zheng Qiangtian.

Even if Zheng Qiangtian doesn't admit it, it's useless, Ouyang Lisa is his daughter, he is willing to hide his name like this, not to say he loves his daughter, but he has to rely on his daughter to continue living!

These are all things that can threaten them, Song Wenyin suddenly felt full of confidence, this war has just begun!

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