After getting the seal, Song Wende led Zhang Yide back to the office. They asked the assistant to go out first. Song Wende took out the diary that Jiang Hairen had given him. Zhang Yide wanted to go over and take the diary, but Song Wende immediately took it back. Zhang Yide was a little Confused, "This is?"

Song Wende's expression was not very good, he reminded Zhang Yide, "This thing may subvert your concept, I think I should give you a vaccination first."

Zhang Yide didn't understand what Song Wende was saying, "What do you mean? You still need to be vaccinated? What's going on here?"

Song Wende poured a glass of water for Zhang Yide, "Listen to me and tell you slowly, it's complicated but not complicated, just remember that love is love, there is no right or wrong in love."

Zhang Yide looked at Song Wende's expression still puzzled, he didn't know what Song Wende was talking about now, so he could only nod his head to express that he would accept it, "It's okay, just say it."

"Let's put it this way, your father grew up in Jiang's family, and he has had someone he likes since he was a child. The two of them have gone through a lot, and they finally fell in love with each other." Song Wende planned to tell Zhang Yide slowly.

"Someone I like? Is it my father's childhood sweetheart? How come I haven't heard of it?" Zhang Yide has been in Jiang's house for so long, and he hasn't heard of such a woman?

"Um, don't think about it yet, just keep listening to me, it's very complicated, and you still have a lot to digest." Song Wende wanted Zhang Yide to calm down so that he could continue talking about this matter.

Song Wende continued, "But the two of them did not stay together in the end. Due to the coercion of the family, your father went abroad to study, and the other went to the best university in China. Your father alone bears the truth, and the other I have always hated your father very much, because I don't know the truth inside."

Zhang Yide nodded to express his understanding. It is true that two people love each other. It is not just a matter of two people. He can understand very well, "What about after that? Didn't my father return to China after that? Didn't they continue their relationship?"

"Of course there is, but one person's heart is love, and the other person's heart is jealous love. In order to make the other person give up, your father promised the head of the Jiang family that he would marry a wife and have children, and then married your mother. , Zhen Meili, the other person couldn't bear it, and agreed to the marriage that the family said." Song Wende said here a little sad, the story of the two people is like a novel, but it did happen, and many things are based on reality. s story.

"What happened after that? Did the other person never know the truth?" Zhang Yide's expression was still not good. He felt sad for his father having this relationship. He knew from a young age that his father didn't actually love him. Mother, but mother accepted, mother often told herself that they are already very good now, Zhang Yide gave them everything, mother didn't think there was anything bad, father always had a very soft place in his heart , his own mother, maybe just a relative of him.

"That person knew the truth, but it was too late. He didn't know the truth until after your father passed away. The relationship between the two of them has not changed from the beginning to the end. It's just because of anger that they didn't communicate anymore." Song Wende burst into tears up.

Zhang Yide looked out the window dully and thought for a long time, "So? Isn't this a normal story? Why do you think I can't stand it."

Song Wende patted Zhang Yide on the shoulder, "I'll give you the diary, please take a good look."

The diary was in Zhang Yide's hands. There were two diaries in it. There were a few letters between the diaries, but there was no one he didn't know. "Jiang Hairen? Is it about his sister?"

Song Wende shook his head, "Keep reading, there are all the truth in it, you just need to remember that there is no right or wrong in love."

In fact, Jiang Meiqing already knew about Song Wende trying to see Jiang Hairen. When Song Wende went to see Jiang Hairen's doctor, she realized that Jiang Hairen wanted to find Zhang Yide to save him, but she didn't care. , because she still has something that can threaten Zhang Yide, she plans to use Song Wenyin to threaten Zhang Yide, which is also in her favor. She and Song Gaoyang are going to teach Song Wenyin a little lesson!

According to the normal time, Song Wenyin got off work from the office, walked to the underground garage, and was about to drive home, but Song Wenyin felt that today was unusual, she felt strange, and felt that someone was following her. At this time, there was no one in the company. Song Wenyin walked and couldn't find anyone, so she went back to her office. The security guards in the building were changing shifts at this time, and no one came to work. She felt that she was being followed all the time. Song Wenyin gritted her teeth, Just run to the garage all at once, drive the car away, and then nothing happens.

Thinking this way, Song Wenyin took her things, went back to the garage, and immediately started sprinting, running all the way to her car, when the sound of a motorcycle suddenly sounded in the garage, Song Wenyin looked back while running, and saw a man wearing a The person in the helmet, dressed in black, drove towards her on a motorcycle, took out a knife in her hand, and the motorcycle drove towards her. Song Wenyin ran quickly, thinking to hide in the car, but she Running is always not as fast as a motorcycle. .

The man rode a motorcycle and came to her side, and she was almost at the side of the car. Song Wenyin took out the key and pressed the door. The motorcycle rider swung a knife and stabbed at her. His arm was scratched, and that person's motorcycle went to the front immediately. Enduring the pain, Song Wenyin opened the car door, locked it immediately, started the car and drove out, her arm was bleeding all the time, Song Wenyin didn't know that she Where should she go, she has no one to look for, so she called Song Wende.

There was a crying voice in her mouth. The slap just now was really painful, and it really scared her, "Brother! I was attacked just now!"

Song Wende immediately stood up, "What?! You were attacked? Are you injured? Where are you now? I'll go find you right away!"

While crying, Song Wenyin treated the wound simply, "I'm going to the People's Hospital, but he scratched my arm."

"Go to the hospital, go to the hospital, I'll go to the hospital to find you right away! Go and treat the wound first." Song Wende told me the news to Zhang Yide, and then he took his clothes and left immediately, driving to the hospital. .

Zhang Yide was also very distressed when he heard the news of Song Wenyin's injury. He probably knew who did it. He was still in the company and knew that Jiang Meiqing was not off work. He immediately went to Jiang Meiqing's office to question her. He rushed straight away without knocking on the door. go in.

Jiang Meiqing was unusually calm, "What's wrong? Didn't the secretary-general tell you that you need to knock on the door to enter the chairman's office? Have you even forgotten this simplest rule?"

Zhang Yide was very angry, "You did it! You ordered people to hurt Song Wenyin, right! Are you human?! You are hurting other people's lives! This is against the law!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jiang Meiqing continued to smile.

"You must stop your current behavior! This is very despicable! You will harm yourself!" Zhang Yide didn't want to see Jiang Meiqing in this state, it was so sad.

"Stop? She deserves it!" Jiang Meiqing spat.

"I don't want you to become what you are today!"

Jiang Meiqing smiled, "Hmph, do you wish? You wish! What can you wish for? You still want me to fulfill you. Let me tell you, it's impossible. I can't do what you think!"

"Jiang Meiqing, you were not like this before, do you know that you are breaking the law now?!" Zhang Yide was very disappointed with Jiang Meiqing, and hoped that she would turn around.

"Breaking the law? You didn't force me to do this! Needless to say, this is a little warning, and there will be more exciting things in the future, let's have fun!" Jiang Meiqing laughed even more terrifyingly.

"Aren't you afraid of being reported by others!" Zhang Yide really had nothing to do with Jiang Meiqing.

"Report? Do you dare? I'm just betting that you won't, don't think I don't know, you've already met Jiang Hairen! I just turned a blind eye, because you guys won't do anything to me. I'm threatening, so I don't care!" Jiang Meiqing's expression became serious.

Zhang Yide didn't know what to say, "What do you want to let Song Wenyin go, you can make a condition."

Jiang Meiqing did not expect Zhang Yide to say this, "Conditions? Of course you can let her go, but this condition can only be met by you. You have to break up with her, and then we will get married as planned. It's very simple."

"Okay, I promise!" Zhang Yide gritted his teeth and agreed. He didn't know what to do, but what Jiang Meiqing did to Song Wenyin today really stimulated him. Song Wenyin is now his weakness. , I have no way to let Jiang Meiqing hurt Song Wenyin any longer.

When Song Wende arrived at the hospital, he saw that Song Wenyin had been treated from the emergency room and had been bandaged. After seeing Song Wende coming, he immediately looked at Song Wenyin. Song Wende came to check the wound himself. The wound had been treated. Song Wende I went in and talked with the nurse, and came out and asked Song Wenyin, "Do you know who hurt you? Do you still have an impression of the person who hurt you? Have you seen him clearly?"

Song Wenyin shook her head, "I can't see him, he's wearing a mask, he doesn't look like someone from the company."

"People from outside? Have you become enemies with anyone recently?" Song Wende hugged Song Wenyin to comfort her.

Song Wenyin probably knew in her heart that the person she suspected was Song Gaoyang, and the one who had a grudge against her was Song Gaoyang.

After a while, Zhang Yide arrived at the hospital. His expression was also very bad. When he saw Song Wenyin, he immediately went up to ask her, "How are you? Is the wound serious?"

"Fortunately, there is nothing to do, just do simple processing." Song Wende said to Song Wenyin.

Zhang Yide stepped forward and hugged Song Wenyin, and then said to Song Wende, "Go outside and wait, I have some important matters to discuss with Song Wenyin."

This was the first time Song Wenyin heard him call her full name, and she didn't feel very good. Zhang Yide kept hugging herself like this, "In the future, don't investigate Song Gaoyang again, okay? Promise me, okay?"

Song Wenyin also felt wronged, "But! If he did it, it means that the direction of my investigation is correct, and I don't want to give up! I'm already close to the truth!" Song Wenyin took Zhang Yide's hand, hoping that he could understand herself.

Zhang Yide let go of Song Wenyin, "Listen to me, okay?"

Song Wenyin didn't speak, and kept looking away.

"Let's break up." Zhang Yide said flatly.

"What did you say!? You want to break up with me? Why?" Song Wenyin asked incredulously, she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Let's end it. I still want to continue to be the son-in-law of the Jiang family. There is no way for the two of us to have a future."
Song Wenyin's eyes widened, "Let's not do this, let's not do this, okay, don't marry Jiang Meiqing, she might hurt me, you know?"

"Stop talking, it's for our own good."

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