In the evening, after work, Song Wenyin felt a lot more relaxed. She wanted to leave the company immediately so that she could leave the real world. She and Zhang Yide went out on a date. Although Jiang Meiqing suppressed them, Song Wenyin and Zhang Yide still came out. Dating, Song Wenyin still has a hurdle in her heart, which is to confess her own affairs to Zhang Yide, Zhang Yide has never mentioned this matter to herself, Song Wenyin thought in her heart, Zhang Yide should still not recognize herself.

Zhang Yide and Song Wenyin were having dinner at the restaurant. At this time, Wang Chunyan sent a message about Zheng Qiangtian. Song Wenyin had been reading the news. Zhang Yide looked at her, "It's time to eat, concentrate on it." Zhang Yide watched her staring at the phone without paying attention. I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Song Wenyin looked at Wang Chunyan's message about what she had found through investigation by someone over the years, about Zheng Qiangtian's experience over the years, kept her eyes on the phone, and then perfunctorily said to Zhang Yide, "Yes, yes."

Every time they choose a restaurant, they can see the scenery of the whole city, which is very beautiful. Zhang Yide saw that Song Wenyin was busy all the time, so he stopped talking, let her go, he was also worried The thing is, Song Wende found him that day, saying that Jiang Hairen asked him to go to him, and Song Wende's tone of approaching him at that time made him feel bad.

When Song Wende found him, he was very anxious. Song Wende was in the office and dragged Zhang Yi out, "Come out with me! Hurry up!"

Zhang Yide avoided Jiang Meiqing and went out. Song Wende directly took him into his car, "Do you still want to get in the car?" Zhang Yide was a little puzzled, where did Song Wende take him?
Song Wende took Zhang Yide to drive, and drove all the way out, not within the range of the Jiang Group, Song Wende looked around, and then said to Zhang Yide, "Jiang Hairen, I need you very much now!" Song Wende suddenly talked to himself in such an illogical way Having said that, Zhang Yide was a little overwhelmed.

"What's wrong? Why did you say that so suddenly?" Zhang Yide wanted to know what happened, why Song Wende suddenly told him about Jiang Hairen.

Song Wende was so anxious that he didn't know what to say, "Oh! Hasn't Jiang Hairen not come out all this time? Have you seen him during this time?"

Zhang Yide shook his head, "I've been waiting for him to come to me, but he never came to me. Do you know what happened?"

"He asked me to come to you, he needs your help, you have to go see him." Song Wende said anxiously.

Zhang Yide frowned, he still didn't know why Song Wende said that suddenly, "Wait, what's wrong with you? How did you know that Jiang Hairen wanted me to find him? Why can't I understand what you're talking about?"

Song Wende is really going crazy, he is very worried about Jiang Hairen's current situation, what he thinks in his heart is to take Zhang Yide to see Jiang Hairen today, Zhang Yide is the only one who can save Jiang Hairen, but now he is incoherent in anxiety, I need to calm down and say it again.

Song Wende swallowed, "It's like this, something happened to Jiang's family yesterday, Jiang Hairen's arm was scalded by water, they called a private doctor, and I was sent there, but Jiang Hairen's hand was not taken by someone else. Be careful of the scald, he deliberately scalded himself."

Hearing this, Zhang Yide couldn't believe it, "I intentionally burned myself? What's going on?" Isn't Jiang Hairen the kind of self-harm? !
"That's right, I scalded myself just to let me go. The Jiang family can only find a private doctor for treatment now, because Jiang Meiqing imprisoned Jiang Hairen and didn't let him go out, so he can only think of me .” Song Wende continued talking, but Zhang Yide over there was not calm.

"What!?!? Jiang Meiqing imprisoned Jiang Hairen? Is she crazy?" Zhang Yide couldn't believe what Song Wende said to himself, but he thought it was very possible, because he really, since Jiang Meiqing took office , I have never seen any news about Jiang Hairen again. Jiang Meiqing also said that Jiang Hairen is not in good health, so he rests at home, but Zhang Yide thinks it is too abnormal. Jiang Hairen has always paid attention to his body. I will go to the hospital for check-ups every month. If there is any disease, I will find it immediately and be cured. So when Jiang Meiqing said that, she felt bad, and she blamed herself. At that time, she felt bad and didn't stop it immediately. .

"Jiang Hairen asked me to let you go to see him no matter what, only you can help him, that's what he said, and he told me why Jiang Meiqing became the chairman, not Jiang Hairen Take the initiative to abdicate." Song Wende took out the diary, he hesitated a little, wondering if he should show Zhang Yide this thing.

"Does Jiang Meiqing have something against Jiang Hairen? I knew about this before, but I didn't expect that she would continue to use this to threaten Jiang Hairen. What is the reason?" Zhang Yide also saw Song Wende's handout Diary, wondering what this is.

Song Wende thought about it, Jiang Hairen didn't want others to see this thing, and it would be very bad to take it out now, Song Wende took it back, "This is the answer, but Jiang Hairen wants me to keep it for him, he hasn't thought about it yet. Let’s make this thing public, I respect him, and I can’t show it to you yet, but after I get his consent, I will give you this diary.”

Zhang Yide respected, he nodded, but he was still curious, "Have you seen this thing already?"

Song Wende nodded, Zhang Yide continued to ask, "Is it about me?"

Song Wende frowned, "Well, I can't say, it's related to you, but it's not you. I can only say that it's related to a relative of yours."

Zhang Yide doesn't want to know what it is anymore, the most urgent thing right now is to find a way to get to Jiang's house, "Then how should I get to Jiang's house, Jiang's house is surrounded now, so it's not easy to get in, what can you do?" ?"

Song Wende had already thought about it. Next week, he would go to the Jiang's house to give Jiang Hairen a review. Then he could bring an assistant. However, Zhang Yide has been in the Jiang's house for so long, so he will definitely enter the Jiang's house in his current state. Jiang Meiqing will know about it, and Zhang Yide will be wronged at that time, "I have a way, but I just want to wrong you, what do you think?"

"If you are wronged, you will be wronged. It's fine. As long as you can help Jiang Hairen, this is my repayment to him." Zhang Yide nodded. Indeed, for Jiang Hairen, he can do anything. Quan Xiangbao, this is his motto, especially Jiang Hairen has helped him so much.

"Everyone in the Jiang family must know you now. You have to change your appearance to go in with me. What I think is this." Song Wende looked at Zhang Yide.

Zhang Yide was also curious about what he was thinking, "Huh? What are you thinking about?"

"You go in in women's clothes." Song Wende said that even Zhang Yide couldn't believe it.

"What??" What is Song Wende talking about!I really found that the two brothers and sisters are more and more alike, and my mind is full of such bad ideas.

"There is no way, your appearance is too obvious, and they may not recognize you only if you wear women's clothing." Song Wende persuaded Zhang Yide.

Zhang Yide naturally felt that what Song Wende said was reasonable, he struggled for a while, and finally agreed. They made an appointment to meet in the private hospital next week, and then went in after putting on their makeup in advance.

So during this dinner, Song Wenyin and Zhang Yide both had their own things to think about. In fact, neither of them escaped from their difficult real world.

Song Wenyin went to the toilet and left her cell phone on the dining table. The cell phone suddenly started ringing. Zhang Yide glanced at it and thought that if she didn't answer it, it would be over soon, but the cell phone kept ringing, and Song Wenyin didn't come back. , Zhang Yide picked up the phone, ready to answer the call, but immediately hung up again, Zhang Yide immediately saw the message on the phone, it was from Wang Chunyan, it was about the investigation of Zheng Qiangtian, and Song Wenyin was still investigating Ouyang Lisha!

When Song Wenyin came back, Zhang Yide held up her mobile phone, "What's going on? You are still investigating about Song Gaoyang? Didn't I tell you not to continue investigating? He is very dangerous and will threaten you life!"

Song Wenyin was very angry when she saw Zhang Yide looking at her mobile phone, "How do you look at my mobile phone!" She snatched it immediately.

"It's not about the phone, it's you who are still investigating Song Gaoyang! This matter! Stop it immediately, it can't continue." Zhang Yide was also very angry. They protected Song Wenyin like this, but they didn't expect Song Wenyin to take the initiative to get close to the danger.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Song Wenyin felt that Zhang Yide was worried about her, but she also knew that Zhang Yide and Song Wende were in the same team, and neither wanted to get close to the truth.

"If you think the same way as Song Wende! You don't need to continue talking to me! I must investigate this matter! Don't stop me!" Song Wenyin felt very angry, no one supported what she was doing now, Everyone's reason is the same, is to love her.

"We are protecting you. Don't continue the investigation. You have to listen to your brother." Zhang Yide continued to persuade.

"Do you know what happened?" Song Wenyin wondered if Zhang Yide knew.

"I do not know."

"You don't know what you are blocking! I just want to know the truth!" Song Wenyin continued.

"Although I don't know, I believe that Song Wende won't hurt you. Be good, don't investigate."

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