In the morning, Wang Chunyan dressed herself up beautifully in front of the mirror. She posed different poses in front of the mirror, looked at it for a long time, held her face in satisfaction, and winked at the mirror. How can there be such a beautiful person like me? Son, the person in the mirror is so unreal, I am so beautiful!I was facing the mirror with a smug look, and a person came running outside, and I saw Wang Chunyan playing in front of the mirror from a long distance, so I stopped in fright, and looked at her suspiciously, Wang Chunyan saw the person outside through the mirror, and she frowned , looked back at her, and saw that the person was still not moving, Wang Chunyan walked to the window sill, and shouted at the person: "Hey! Qiufeng! What's the matter with you! What are you doing here at my house?"

Qiufeng on the other side was called back to God by Wang Chunyan, and immediately ran to the window sill, "Oh! You don't know yet! Something happened! Something happened!" Qiufeng said anxiously, and suddenly another person came, Seeing Wang Chunyan and Qiufeng together, she became even more anxious, "Sister Chunyan! Sister Chunyan! Something serious happened! Something serious happened!" Ah Fang also ran to the window sill.

"Is that it! Do you know it too!?" Qiufeng screamed at Ah Fang.

"Ah! That's right! That's right! That's the one, my God! It's really stinky and shameless!" Ah Fang became a little angry, and Qiufeng and Qiufeng stomped their teeth itchingly.

The two of them didn't say anything, just anxiously beside Wang Chunyan. Wang Chunyan couldn't bear to hear their chattering, and looked at them with a straight face, "What's the matter! You two chatter endlessly. Ah!" He said while rolling his eyes.

"Sister Chunyan! That little bitch Wang Chunni! She and Zhang Deshuai stayed in the temple warehouse for one night!" Qiufeng hammered the wall excitedly.

"That's right! That's right! I heard from the old woman in the south that when they opened the warehouse, the two of them were flushed and sweating! It must be that!" Ah Fang took the conversation.

"That's right! I heard from the aunt next door to my house that the expressions on both of them were wrong when they came out! Sister Chunyan, we've taken advantage of her by calling her a slut!" Afang said angrily, pulling Qiufeng next to her.

"That's right! She is a slut, and she actually went to seduce Zhang Deshuai! I think she directed and acted it herself! She actually wanted to marry Zhang Deshuai."


Wang Chunyan was also very angry when she heard what the two of them said. She gritted her teeth, wishing to tear Wang Chunni apart, "Okay! This shameless thing seems to be going to teach her a lesson, and she has learned how to seduce men." If my dad didn’t pity her, she wouldn’t know where she is now! Let’s teach her a good lesson today and return the anger from last time!”

Wang Chunni arrived at home at 6:[-] in the morning. She didn't feel very well. She felt uncomfortable all the time. When she got home, she washed her face and stood in the courtyard. She was confused and sighed. She picked up the The laundry basket on the side, she was planning to hide, she chose a path with the least people, and found a creek with the least people, she didn't want to think about anything else, because the more she thought about it, the more terrifying she was, she focused all her attention on the Washing clothes, but the clothes are limited after all, after washing the clothes, she sat alone by the stream, in a daze quietly, she was clearing her mind.

After Zhou Min woke up, she decided to wash her clothes. Her house was in the back mountain, and almost no one came by the stream next to her. Song Wende got up and made breakfast, and then went out to inquire about things. Zhou Min went after eating. Shan Xiaoxi, she saw a person sitting by the stream from a distance, she felt a little strange, she got closer and found that it was Wang Chunni, it was the first time she saw Wang Chunni in the stream here, and then looked at the laundry basket next to her, The clothes were all washed, and they felt almost dry. She seemed to have been sitting by the stream for a long time. Zhou Min thought for a while, and called Wang Chunni softly, and Wang Chunni recovered from her daze.

"Ah! Hello, Auntie, why are you here..."

"Our house is just behind."

"It turns out that you live here, auntie. This place is very quiet."

"Yeah, it's quiet because it's remote, and it's very suitable for retirement." Zhou Min heard that Wang Chunni had regained her former spirit, and sat next to her.

For a while, Wang Chunni was speechless, she seemed to really not know how to chat with people, she got up and was about to leave without disturbing Zhou Min's laundry.

"Auntie came here to wash clothes, why are you here?" Seeing that she wanted to leave, Zhou Min opened her mouth without thinking too much. She wanted to chat with Wang Chunni, because she felt that she and this child were very destined. , when she braided her hair before, she felt very warm and made her feel like family.

"Eh... because it's quieter here." Wang Chunni didn't dare to look Zhou Min in the eyes, and stared at the water by the stream.

Zhou Min felt a little strange, and felt that Wang Chunni was in a strange mood, as if some catastrophe was about to happen, "Did something happen? Why is her face so gloomy?"

When Wang Chunni heard Zhou Min explain her current appearance, she lowered her head and started looking around, not wanting to admit her appearance, but didn't know what to say. Zhou Min also saw that she didn't want to say what happened, so she continued: "If you really encounter difficulties, it's useless to hide here. You should think about solving them."

"It's not that I have encountered difficulties, I just don't want to hear gossip..."

"Since it's gossip, why should you care about it? You just need to be yourself. Sometimes, if you insist on yourself, you will suffer a lot of grievances, but at least you won't be ashamed of this place." Zhou Min pointed at himself firmly heart of.

Heart?Zhou Min's words seemed to be full of magic power, Wang Chunni felt a warm current surge up, she knew what to do, she lowered her head and smiled, "You're right." She looked up at Zhou Min, and replied with a smile, Zhou Min saw that Wang Chunni was happy, and she was also very happy. She really was a child who was very close to him.

Wang Chunni and Zhou Min stayed together by the creek all morning. It was almost noon. After Wang Chunni and Zhou Min said goodbye, they returned home. Today Wang Ji went to the county to see a doctor. The clothes were dried and lunch was simply prepared, but nothing seemed to happen, Wang Chunni thought to herself, with a smile on her face.

After she finished washing the dishes, she simply tidied up the house, when suddenly someone said abruptly from behind, "You still know how to come back?" , looked at her coldly, "You are such a shameless person." Wang Chunyan was very disdainful when she said this, her eyes were full of disgust for Wang Chunni.

"Without our family, what are you? You still seduce men now. I think you are tired of work."

Wang Chunni stopped what she was holding, closed her eyes, and calmed down her anger, "What did I do?" She looked straight at Wang Chunyan, she had a clear conscience and would not be afraid.

"What? Do you still want to deny it? You still think that Zhang Deshuai has done something stupid! Really! I feel polluted when I breathe with you." He said while pinching his nose and fanning the surrounding air.

"I said I didn't! I always said that nothing happened to us!" Wang Chunni was really angry.

"No? Don't talk such nonsense, you liar, you have been like this since you were a child! You still want to marry into the Zhang family, I'm sorry!"

"I don't have this idea, don't make trouble for nothing!" Wang Chunni became excited, and she accidentally knocked the cup next to her.

"Okay, you little bitch, you're still making a fuss with me now, isn't it too long since I've taught you a lesson, I'll teach you a lesson today." Wang Chunyan stomped her feet, pointing at Wang Chunni and cursing.

Wang Chunyan ran over and grabbed Wang Chunni's hair. Wang Chunni subconsciously protected her hair and grabbed Wang Chunyan's hand. The two of them wrestled like this, but Wang Chunni could not be Wang Chunyan's opponent. Wang Chunyan was much stronger than her. Wang Chunyan pulled her out of the house and threw her in the courtyard.

"Now I will still resist!" Wang Chunyan was very angry, grabbed the water ladle next to her, and splashed water on Wang Chunni.

"Look at what you look like! You still resist me!"

Wang Chunni was kneeling on the ground, her clothes and hair were messed up, she tried hard not to cry, she had resisted Wang Chunyan before, but it didn't work, Wang Chunyan was like a shrew, Wang Chunni was no match at all.

Wang Chunni clenched her fists, raised her head and said firmly, "I said it! I didn't! I didn't have anything to do with him."

"Okay! You bitch!" Wang Chunyan raised her hand and slapped Wang Chunni in the face.

"Crack!" Wang Chunni covered her face and turned her head to the other side. Wang Chunyan still felt that it was not enough, so she walked to Wang Chunni's direction, cursing and hitting her hands. Every time Wang Chunni turned an angle, Wang Chunyan quickly changed directions. .




After four slaps, Wang Chunni covered her face and cried, and kept saying, "I didn't...I didn't..." She stood up and shouted at Wang Chunyan: "I said I didn't fuck your brain What I was thinking!" After that, she ran out, leaving Wang Chunyan who was impatient, Wang Chunyan thought that it was getting late and Wang Ji would be back soon, if her father found out that she beat Wang Chunni, she would definitely be taught a lesson. If this bitch dares to say it, I will repay it double!Wang Chunni covered her face with her hair and kept running forward, sobbing as she ran. One or two people on the side of the road saw it and thought it was some kind of crazy person, and they couldn't see clearly.

Wang Chunni was tired from running, and ran to the back mountain. She sat down at a random position, and tears flowed uncontrollably. She is still powerless to resist the bullying, and now even the person she has a crush on is a high climber, she is so tired that she can't cry, she can only sob.

Song Wende finished his lunch and was walking in the back mountain. He heard the faint sobbing sound. He followed the sound and found Wang Chunni nesting there. Her hair and clothes were messed up. Her face was red and swollen. He hurried forward.

"What's wrong with your face? Why is it like this?"

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