Since Song Wenyin went to Hawaii for filming, Zhang Yide is still working in his position. Zhang Yide has always been the executive director in the Jiang Group. He originally thought that the first thing Jiang Meiqing did after taking office was to fire him. But she didn't. Zhang Yide is not stupid. He probably knows what Jiang Meiqing wants to do in his heart. If he is not coming directly at him, then he is coming at Song Wenyin. What does Qing want to do.

Zhang Yide was in the office, and was out of his mind at work every day, because Jiang Meiqing didn't know what he was busy with when he went to work. Zhang Yide's assistant said that it was said that Jiang Meiqing was introducing a new policy, and it seemed that there was nothing about internal personnel, nor any work plan.

"The new policy? What is it about? Have you heard about it?" Zhang Yide didn't know what Jiang Meiqing was doing. In his impression, Jiang Meiqing was not a person who could manage affairs, and her professional level was in the industry, in the In his eyes, Jiang Meiqing has never had any insights, maybe he doesn't know him well.

"Uh, it seems that the process of agreeing to the activity plan, in addition to the board's suggestion, seems to go directly through her hands? There seems to be some adjustments to the internal structure of the personnel." The assistant said in a low voice, watching Zhang Yide's face.

"Adjustment of the internal structure? What do you mean?" Zhang Yide didn't feel very good. He felt that this should be aimed at him. Tomorrow is Monday. They should be able to know Jiang Meiqing's decision at their meeting tomorrow, but it feels like They should all know, as it did last time, the entire company, except for their own people, didn't know about Jiang Meiqing's appointment. Zhang Yide felt that it might be the same this time, only he didn't know, but he didn't want to ask. , I still want to continue with this bit of backbone.

"Looks like it's about you," the assistant whispered.

As expected, it was still about her. Zhang Yide guessed it right, and she didn't know how Jiang Meiqing would arrange it, but she should be directing at him. This is not the only thing he knows, no matter what Jiang Meiqing arranges. He himself, he admits that he deserves what he deserves to be a cow and a horse for the Jiang family now. Even if he promised something, even if it was to atone for Jiang Hairen, he would obey Jiang Meiqing's arrangement. This can be regarded as an explanation to Jiang Hairen , but he felt that if he found a time, he still wanted to meet Jiang Hairen. He still wanted to know Jiang Hairen's thoughts on such an arrangement!
Monday is coming soon, Zhang Yide is still going to work as usual, but he clearly feels that the people who entered the meeting room with him today are all talking carefully with their heads down, of course Zhang Yide knows who they are talking about, it must be himself, Zhang Yide I closed my eyes, didn’t want to know at all, and sat quietly on the seat. At this time, Chen Chuhe appeared again, and sat next to Zhang Yide again. Although Zhang Yide was very annoying to Chen Chuhe, but at this time, Chen Chuhe was sitting next to him. Zhang Yide They all felt at ease, and it was the first time that they didn't hate Chen Chuhe.

Chen Chuhe came up to speak again, "Minister Zhang, how is your week going? It's been a week since Jiang Meiqing took office, time flies so fast."

Zhang Yide simply nodded and didn't want to talk much.

"How is it? Are you used to it now? It's really fast enough to adjust the policy and internal structure immediately after taking office for a week. I don't know what will happen today. Does Minister Zhang know anything?" Chen Chuhe's tone was not good As if joking, Zhang Yide was a little puzzled, Chen Chuhe didn't know this time?So why did Jiang Meiqing release the news first?I feel a little scared. Could it be that the people around me also belong to Jiang Meiqing?

All the doubts were stopped after Jiang Meiqing arrived. Jiang Meiqing walked up directly with the document and said into the microphone, "Good morning, everyone. I am very glad to see that everyone arrived on time. I think everyone has heard about it today." , In the week since I took office, I have rectified some of the company's policies, added some new rules, and adjusted the internal personnel structure. These are all considered for the future development of the company. There are too many complaints, try to accept them, and emphasize again, this is all for the future of the company." Jiang Meiqing emphasized the last sentence heavily, and then looked in Zhang Yide's direction, Zhang Yide knew that the personnel affairs this time There will definitely be himself in the transfer, but it may not be that he will be fired directly.

Jiang Meiqing explained the new rules one by one on the PPT. Zhang Yide didn't care about the new policy at all. He was still thinking about his future, which he was very afraid of. This is aiming at his worrying thoughts and has been trying to stimulate him. Zhang Yide is a little angry, but there is nothing he can do now.

The meeting was over, but Jiang Meiqing did not say anything about the personnel transfer. Zhang Yide was a little strange. The meeting time was approaching. Jiang Meiqing continued, "As for the personnel transfer arrangement, I don't want to talk about it at the meeting. Everyone just needs to obey Just make arrangements, and at nine o'clock, the company's official website will be released, please check it on time."

After the meeting was over, Zhang Yide returned to the office and nervously looked at the news on the company's official website on the computer. As soon as nine o'clock arrived, the news on the official website was updated immediately. Zhang Yide immediately saw his position. Zhang Yide frowned. Position?Is Jiang Meiqing serious?Zhang Yide looked at the information on the official website, Zhang Yide's position has been adjusted, and he is now appointed as the secretary of Director Jiang Meiqing.

Of course, Zhang Yide was not the only one who knew that this job change scared everyone, everyone in the company was scared, even in the office.

"What?! Jiang Meiqing asked Zhang Yide to be her secretary? Oh my God! Come and see it, everyone!!" The office was boiling.

"What? Really? Oh my God, I saw it. What is Chairman Jiang thinking? Didn't Zhang Yide leave Jiang's house? Jiang Meiqing can't understand this step?" Everyone began to guess. .

"Yeah, yeah, is this Chairman Jiang's way to get Minister Zhang back? It's often played like this in TV dramas!"

Another person tapped this person's head, "Are you stupid? This is the real world. I think it's an understatement to be Jiang Meiqing's secretary. Zhang Yide's abilities are more than that. Is this suppressing Zhang Yide's ability? What?" Everyone began to analyze the reasons for this.

Soon after, Jiang's group's position adjustment was also on the hot search, and netizens also began to speculate on Jiang Meiqing's intentions. The news about Jiang's group is even more exciting than gossip news, so of course the people who eat melons are also very excited. I like it, the change of things this time is too surprising, there are already their web articles on the Internet, which is unsightly.

Zhang Yide ran to Jiang Meiqing's office to question Jiang Meiqing's office with the personnel change appointment letter given to him by his assistant, and opened the door directly to go in. Jiang Meiqing also expected that Zhang Yide would definitely be angry, and anyone who encountered such a thing would be very angry , this is of course Jiang Meiqing expected, "What's the matter?"

"Jiang Meiqing, what do you mean? Let me be your secretary? What do you think? Are you short of a secretary?" Zhang Yide took the appointment letter and fell on Jiang Meiqing's desk.

Jiang Meiqing smiled, "What's the matter? I don't lack a secretary, but don't you think it's okay to be a secretary?"

"I used to be a graduate of economics, do you think I can be a secretary?"

"Hmph, I don't care what you are, I said, you just need to obey the arrangement." Jiang Meiqing stood up very confidently, and walked to Zhang Yide's side, "Do you know why I dare to make such an arrangement?" Jiang Meiqing Zhang Yide was very unhappy because Jiang Meiqing really kept pinching his weak point, and she guessed right before, he and Jiang Meiqing, he has been loving and ignoring Jiang Meiqing, but Jiang Meiqing has been ignoring Jiang Meiqing all the time. Observing him, I have always been particularly aware of his weaknesses, but now I can't imagine that it has become something that can deal with him.

"What do you want to say?!" Zhang Yide kept staring at Jiang Meiqing, and there was nothing he could do.

Jiang Meiqing continued to hang around in front of Zhang Yide, "I bet you won't refuse at all, so I'm not afraid at all. Regarding your position, it's just that I threw darts on the job list, because you are not an ungrateful person." Man, you won't just leave Jiang's Group like this, and you came to question me today, which already shows that you won't leave the company, if you want to leave, you just slam the door and leave, right?" Incredible. , Jiang Meiqing's every word is aimed at Zhang Yide's heart. I have been wasting the past few years, but I didn't expect to be calculated in the end.

Zhang Yide had nothing to say, so he had to leave, but he was not let go when he went out, Jiang Meiqing said in a low voice, "You will be on duty today, and I will meet you at the secretary's desk outside at noon, you will go later Hand over to the secretary in front."

But Jiang Meiqing didn't finish speaking, and continued, "Also, you have to thank your assistant. He was also there when he threw the dart that day. The one who threw the dart was the cleaner, but he knelt down for me for you." Now, you have to thank him well, he begged me to change your position for you, and finally I gave you the position of secretary after careful consideration, thank him well."

Zhang Yide felt even angrier. He went back to his office and packed his things. His assistant came in, "Minister Zhang, are you okay?"

Zhang Yide nodded, "Thank you, I know all about it, you begged Jiang Meiqing for me."

"It's nothing, Minister Zhang has also helped me a lot."

Zhang Yide was already in tears, and nodded, feeling a little sad.

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