The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 111 A New Enrollment Begins

When I left the College of Arts and Sciences, the sky outside was still the same as before. It was gray when I came in, and it was the same when I went out. There was basically no change. Bill’s mood was the same. It started to rain outside, but it hadn’t rained yet when I came in. Rain, just windy, it's raining straight away, and Bill didn't bring an umbrella when he came out.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Bill, a big man, was inside the teaching building at this time. He couldn't walk because he didn't have an umbrella, and even if he went out under such heavy rain, his whole body would get wet. Bill felt very uncomfortable. It's just depression. My mentor has no way to understand my thoughts. After all, I still hope to get the support of Professor Robert.

After standing for a long time, the rain was still falling, and a person came out, "Bill, take the umbrella back, this umbrella." It was Professor Robert's assistant, and he came out and gave the umbrella to Bill.

Bill looked at the assistant, "Did Professor Robert say something? Is he still angry?"

The assistant shook his head, "Professor Robert has always had a bad temper, you know, nothing can make him have a good temper, I think you don't have to worry about it." The assistant handed the umbrella to Bill, who Bill had seen before , is Professor Robert's umbrella with his name on it.

"Professor Robert was looking at the rain outside in the office, and suddenly said something, there are students who are getting wet in the rain outside, and asking me to go out with an umbrella, as a gesture of kindness, it seems that there are students who don't have umbrellas, Bill, can you It's lucky, it's rare that Professor Robert wants to give someone else the umbrella." The assistant continued to say something.

After taking the umbrella brought by the assistant, Bill left with the umbrella in his hand. Walking in the school, Bill cried again, but only a drop of tears, but he knew in his heart that there is no student without an umbrella, saying In the end, Professor Robert would not be happy, but he respected Bill's own choice. Although he was fierce, he still sent Bill away in a gentle way.

Holding Professor Robert's umbrella. The professor has been using this umbrella all the time. It is a kind of souvenir for Bill. After returning home, Bill folded the umbrella neatly and hung it in his room , There is still a long way to go, and Professor Robert has led himself a long way.

"How about that old guy Robert? Did you tell him that you were going to take the art academy exam? Is he angry?" Dean Owen met Bill who was taking the exam at the art academy and invited him to drink tea in the restaurant.

"Well, Professor Robert was very angry and asked me to leave directly, unwilling to see me."

Dean Owen curled his lips, "This old guy is still like this. If he knows that you are going to become my apprentice, he will definitely be angry. There will be a reason to joke when we eat in the future." Dean Owen was not angry , but find it fun.

Bill still finds it amazing that the two of them are said to have broken up, but until now, the relationship between the two of them still feels very good. It's the feeling of falling in love and killing each other. Bill himself can't be sure about Professor Robert's temper, " Well, Mr. Owen, I can ask about the relationship between Professor Robert and you. I am very curious, why didn’t you break up? Why are you still so good now? Relationship.”

Professor Owen took a sip of his drink with a smile, "He has always been a soft-hearted person. He doesn't have too many vigilances, and he doesn't have too many bad ideas. He actually forgave me a long time ago, but he didn't want to lose face. We Just get along like this, although he looks very fierce, but he is gentler than anyone else, and his heart is very soft, this is why he is so fierce, and there are so many friends around him, in fact, he is a very warm people, right?" Professor Owen said with a smile.

"Yeah." Bill nodded.

"When we were studying, when we first met, we found that Robert was a very serious person, but after getting along, you will find that he has his own bottom line, but he also has his own kindness, but he never Tell anyone, because he is my roommate, I am worried that he will never have friends, so I always let everyone be friends with him, and everyone slowly discovers his warmth."

"Because everyone's relationship is really good, that is, when I chose to leave, Robert was very unacceptable. The students in your class originally agreed to continue to aim at scientific research together. , but I quietly went another way, which made him angry." Dean Owen began to recall their years.

"Then what did he do after that?" Bill was still curious, thinking about that umbrella, hoping that he wasn't being self-indulgent.

"Well, I did a lot, because I was a poor student at the time, I couldn't afford those things at all, and I worked part-time everywhere to raise money. Robert was also a poor student at the time, and his living expenses were enough for him to eat, study, and buy some clothes. I put the money in the dormitory, and he will put his money in my piggy bank." Professor Owen also laughed when he said this, it seems that Professor Robert has always been a very warm person.

"But he didn't say anything. This was when I bought painting tools later. When I counted the money, I found that there was too much money. When I asked Robert, he didn't admit it. After I accepted it once, I left. Because his own life is also very tight, he also lived frugally during that time, and then gave me the money, and I was very sorry, so I chose to go home." Thinking of those days, Dean Owen Also raised his head, in order to keep the tears from falling.

"He should have left something for you. He is a stubborn person. You are his lover. He must want you to follow the path you like. Don't worry, follow me and I will take good care of you. You go back first, take a good rest during this period, after half a month, the list will come out, and the entrance ceremony will be in a month, and you still have a lot to learn by then, go back and rest." Dean Owen did not Looking at Bill, he patted him on the shoulder instead and told him to go back.

When I left, looking at the back of Dean Owen, I felt inexplicably sad. If Professor Robert is a very gentle person.

The next day, Bill came to the College of Arts and Sciences to move. He was about to leave this place. He was a little bit reluctant, and left this place in a car. The person who might be reluctant should be Professor Robert and the people here. I don’t know about Owen College. How did you feel when you were away?
After that, life returned to normal. Bill was waiting for the result of the Art Institute. Although he would have known the result a long time ago, he was still in the waiting stage. After all, he still didn't know what he should do. After all, it was because of Professor Robert that he felt a little uncomfortable .

When the rankings were announced that day, they were announced directly in the school. After they announced the results, they entered the new class directly.

Bill entered Dean Owen's class directly. Dean Owen would not take students, so he made an exception for Bill and went directly to Dean Owen's office.

"Bill, welcome. You are now a student of the Academy of Art. Here is your school badge. From now on, you can follow me directly. I will teach you what you need to learn. Please rest assured." Dean Owen stood up Shake hands with Bill.

Bill was very happy that Dean Owen recognized him so much, and walked out of the office. Bill wandered around the campus casually, wanting to see the campus where he was going to stay for a few more years. It was full of artistic atmosphere and paintings everywhere. Students, as well as performance art, this kind of school is very lively at the beginning of the school, and there are many clubs here.

Walking around, no matter where he went, he didn't know the way. He just walked and came to a place with a lot of people. Everyone seemed to be looking at something. Cautiously bumped into someone, "Sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay." It was a girl's voice.

Bill looked over, "Betty? Why are you here?"

Sure enough, it was Betty. Betty appeared in the College of Arts and Sciences. Now she looks in good condition, wearing very fashionable clothes, and her hair has grown a lot.

"Ah? It's Bill. Why are you here? I'm a student here now." Betty showed Bill her student ID card.

Betty is a graduate student who came to study here. The class she studied was different, and she was not the same tutor as herself. Bill also took out his student ID card, "I also come here to study."

Betty was very excited when she saw Bill's student ID card, "Wow! Bill, you are a student of Dean Owen. Oh my God, you are too good. I heard that the dean doesn't accept students anymore. But Bill, you are very powerful, and it is normal for you to be accepted by the dean."

"But, Betty, why are you in France? I heard that you and Mr. Steven, I don't know if I should say that. Is it very impolite?" Bill regretted a little after asking, and asked the girl this question , It is indeed very impolite and a little embarrassing.

But Betty shook her head, "He has a life that belongs to him, and his life doesn't belong to me, and I also know that I should pursue my own life, right? When I was in the studio, watching you paint, I felt very This is why I come here every day, but look now." Betty held up her student ID card, very happy, "I am also pursuing the life I want now, and Miss Bell encouraged me to take the exam. This, and now, I have achieved it, I am very happy, this is my life."

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