Qin Xiyu's order was like a mountain to Mo Deqi.

If he doesn't leave now, his job will be lost immediately.

He put the document in his hand back on the table, and rushed towards the school gate like an arrow.

Wang Jiaqi, who walked outside the school, looked back at the door and felt that the pressure was like Mount Tai.

She gasped, relieved, and walked aimlessly down the street.

Her eyes were blank, she stared blankly at the front, the passing traffic was like a white mist.

When I came to an intersection, I didn't even realize that there was a red light on the zebra crossing.

She had only taken half a step towards the zebra crossing when the minivan beside her blared its siren.

The long-pressed horn of the truck frightened her downcast.

Before it was too late, Mordecchi grabbed her arm with one hand, pulled her back, and pulled her back to a safe place.

Wang Jiaqi came back to her senses.

Before Wang Jiaqi could say thank you, Mo Deqi rushed to teach the lesson: "I said Miss Wang Jiaqi, if you don't want to die, don't bother the driver of the truck.

"Wang Jiaqi, who was still in shock, was suddenly surprised and asked: "How do you know my name?" "My name is Modqi, and I am the special assistant to the CEO. He asked me to come out to see you off."

I have long admired my name! "Wang Jiaqi looked embarrassed, said nothing, and looked at the indicator light.

Moderqi loved Wang Jiaqi a lot.

Seeing that her clothes are more shabby than those of passersby, her taste is already very different from Li Qianyao's.

Secretly ridiculed in his heart: It's not the chief executive's job at all, and he deserves to suffer.

I wouldn't care if it was me.

Thinking about it, Mo Deqi patted his forehead, and murmured in his heart: "Do the right thing, do the right thing!" Then he said, "Actually, Miss Li..." Before Mo Deqi could say anything, Wang Jiaqi interrupted Say, "Needless to say, I know.

"" You... just understand."

So... don't get overwhelmed.

" "I didn't blame anyone, let alone him.

The Qin family and the Boyas are his territory, and he can do whatever he likes.

It's not my turn to be capricious.

It's just... I sometimes reflect on why I have to be so humble by Qin Xiyu's side, just thinking about it.

She asked Mo Deqi back, "I believe that Mr. Mo sometimes thinks about "why should I do this?" and other questions.

like now!The aroused emotions are hard to control.

"Hearing Wang Jiaqi's rather human emotion, Mo Deqi suddenly lost his way and was speechless.

Because Wang Jiaqi really spoke to her heart, compared to the embarrassing Li Qianyao who looked so expensive, Wang Jiaqi had a precious warmth.

It will be embarrassing if you feel it for a long time.

After changing the color of the indicator light several times, Mo Deqi regained his focus and said, "You can walk back to Qin's house until it's dark like this, and you're out of your mind, and it's hard to explain to anyone if something happens.

You wait, I will help you take a taxi.

"After finishing speaking, he pulled her back under the shade of the tree.

Wang Jiaqi seized the opportunity in her loneliness and said, "I don't want to go back.

"Mo Deqi was terrified by her words, thinking: You don't want to play something and run away from home, don't you go home tonight?" He panicked and persuaded timidly: "Miss Wang, no matter what, you should go first Let's go back.

Where you want to go, you can tell the old lady that it is better to have a driver to pick you up.

"Don't worry, I want to go to Chenxi Music Classroom to find my second aunt."

I will go home with her tonight.

Just take a taxi and take me to the music classroom.

With a frustrated look on her face, she said to Mo Deqi: "Also, do you think Qin Xiyu will really care where I go?"Even if I really disappeared, all kinds of rumors would affect his status in the Qin family, he is so smart, and he has countermeasures.

""So..." Mordecchi still felt embarrassed.

"Why is there no wedding? Isn't it just not paying attention? I understand how his heart looks at me.

Compared with the days when he was in the Wang family, he is kinder.

But, still feel uncomfortable.

"Wang Jiaqi laughed at the current situation, she suddenly changed the subject and said: "I want to know something from you.

"In an instant it became heavy.

"Uh... you can ask, and I will try to answer as much as I can.

"Mo Deqi is tactful and will not write guarantees at will.

Wang Jiaqi took a deep breath and said, "I asked you today, you can't mention it to Xiyu.

" "Miss Wang, please ask."

"Modeqi said politely.

"I would like to know how much investment the Austrian Ding Berner's family has in Boyas, and whether they hold shares?" Mo Deqi was taken aback, and asked, "Where did Miss Wang know about it?" He looked at Wang Jiaqi With a dignified look, it is impossible to guess the abnormal situation.

Then he explained: "This involves commercial secrets, I think it's better for Ms. Wang not to know.

"Wang Jiaqi continued to ask: "Even the identity of the young mistress of the Qin family can't ask? "She looked up to the sky and sighed, "Actually, I have no other intentions, I am only worried about Xiyu.

’ She watched the passing traffic break through the emptiness of the street.

"Why did you say that?" This made Mordecchi feel baffled.

Wang Jiaqi smiled and said lightly: "Wang Jiaqin is an example.

Without the support of Ding Bernard's family, they could not make it through in the end, and had to rely on selling girls to survive.

Of course, there are other frustrations.

"Mo Deqi nodded half-understanding, thinking in his heart: It turns out that he feels the same way.

Wang Jiaqi turned to look at his silly expression and said, "We seem to have talked too much.

Mr. Mo, please help me take a taxi to the piano store! "Modeqi still put on a embarrassed look.

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