Wang Jiaqi walked into the top-equipped kitchen, and stood in front of the stove without moving.

Qin Xiyu sat at the dining table in front of the refrigerator and saw her motionless, frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Do you want to do it?" Wang Jiaqi glanced at him, then pointed to the door with her index finger, several servants and Qin Xiwen poked their heads together to steal look.

Qin Xiyu raised his angry eyes, turned his head, and directed the kitchen door coldly.

The crowd dispersed instantly.

He rested his chin and said helplessly: "You can do it now?" Wang Jiaqi nodded behind his back, opened the refrigerator full of vegetables and fruits, and asked while picking out: "Is there anything you don't like, or is there anything you are allergic to? "I'm probably allergic to nuts, but nothing particularly annoying for now."

"Wang Jiaqi saw that there was still half an onion in the refrigerator, so she took it out and chopped it, mixed it with eggs and fried it.

Then use the sesame oil at the bottom of the pot to boil the water and scald the bottom of a few green vegetables.

Simply serve Qin Xiyu a bowl of light supper.

Qin Xiyu looked at the onion and egg noodles in front of him, pointed with his chopsticks and asked, "Is this the limit of your cooking skills?" Wang Jiaqi shook her head and said, "I'm afraid you will starve and your hands will hurt, so I have to cook it the simplest.

""Shouldn't the salted fish and cabbage be bland in Hanshan Village?"This bowl of noodles is the easiest?The price of onions is not cheap, it seems that you are a rich woman in Hanshan Village! "Wang Jiaqi pouted and said: "That's not it!I ate too much vegetables blanched in water, so I naturally wanted to spend my time trying to change the taste.

A little extravagance for a long time is the comfort of the soul.

Besides, onion quiche is one of my childhood memories.

But I still prefer to eat tomatoes.

"Qin Xiyu sprinkled some pepper powder into the bowl, picked up the noodles, and cleared his throat.

Wang Jiaqi immediately stopped talking, and said timidly: "I'm sorry, I talked too much.

You eat first, I'll go up and prepare the bath water.

After that, she tiptoed towards the kitchen door.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiyu immediately said, "Come back!" Wang Jiaqi was afraid that she might have done something wrong, so she went back the same way, not daring to look at him.

Qin Xiyu was very impatient, and ordered: "Turn around!" Wang Jiaqi turned around timidly with her hands folded, and lowered her head not to look directly at him.

Qin Xiyu poked his chopsticks into the noodles while chewing and asked, "Don't even lift your head? Am I really that scary?" Wang Jiaqi shook her head out of conscience and said, "No, I don't want to disturb your eating.

Me, watching you eat is embarrassing on the one hand, and on the other hand, you probably don't like it either.

However, Qin Xiyu said softly, "Sit down!" "Wang Jiaqi really wanted to rub her ears to see if she was blocked by oily smoke when cooking and had auditory hallucinations.

Qin Xiyu held back his temper and said, "Don't make me say it a second time.

I am nothing more than one thing.

"Wang Jiaqi pulled out the chair, sat down slowly, and remained silent.

Qin Xiyu swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and asked: "What do you think of Duan Xichen?" Wang Jiaqi was suddenly at a loss for this question, thinking: How could he ask such an irrelevant question?Then he blurted out and said, "One person on the stage, one person off the stage.

Qin Xiyu asked: "Have you seen him many times?" "" It was only one year in college that they performed jointly with their Dawn band, and I saw it once.

He was very focused on stage, and he gave me the impression that he was a very deep person.

I haven't seen it since then, until today... I didn't recognize it this morning, I only know that the name is very familiar.

After thinking about it, I thought of seeing it for a while when I was in a joint performance at the university.

I suspect I'm hallucinating.

"I'm so disappointed. I saw him defending you so much, and thought you were having an affair."

Let him help you pay off your debts, and you'd be fine if you divorced earlier.

"Qin Xiyu pretended to be mischievous, but he half believed Wang Jiaqi's words in his heart.

Hearing this, Wang Jiaqi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, I'm used to being slapped in the face.

No matter what you say, I won't do it.

It doesn't matter if you slander me.

But this young master Xichen is Second Aunt's nephew, you're embarrassing Second Aunt by saying that.

"After speaking, she took the empty bowl in front of Qin Xiyu to the dishwashing plate, and twisted the rag to wipe the table.

Qin Xiyu suddenly felt that he lacked consideration.

Even if there is something between Wang Jiaqi and Duan Xichen, once it is revealed, where will the innocent Duan Mingyue be?These years, compared to Xiao Xiaoxian, Duan Mingyue, who has no children, really loves him.

Seeing that Qin Xiyu was silent, Wang Jiaqi babbled while wiping the table, "Don't think I'm a debtor.

I am not familiar with you, it is a debt relationship.

I am also used to being abused, so for me, the words "submissive" are enough to handle the shock.

But if I hurt those who love you because of me, it's worthless.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and carefully cleaned up the used tableware.

However, Qin Xiyu didn't seem to be listening too carefully.

Wang Jiaqi seems to be a curse to him, once touched, the demonic thoughts will automatically be put away again.

Seeing that the edges of Wang Jiaqi's palms were still red, he asked, "What else do you need to wash? Don't your hands hurt?" "Ah? I'm used to it! Compared with the bruises under the clothes, it's a drop in the bucket.

"She answered casually, as if she felt something was wrong again.

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