Although kissing on the street is a bit embarrassing, but it is uncontrollable.

And Wang Jiaqi always has a way to cool down these "uncontrollable emotions", which made Qin Xiyu feel a little bit disappointed.

However, the restoration of Wang Jiaqi's eyesight is something worthy of universal celebration.

When Wang Mingming went out, she had to support Qin Xiyu to walk slowly step by step, but when she came back, she could see everything clearly, except for Xiao Xiaoxian, no one was unhappy.

When Wang Jiaqi saw a little boy rushing to her feet step by step, she couldn't help crying.

She missed all kinds of small details of the child's two years of growth.

Now it seems strange and familiar.

She held her face in her hands and was so moved that she couldn't cry.

But the child didn't understand, she just raised her head and said, "Don't cry!" Wang Jiaqi didn't squat down to hug the child immediately, fearing that they would fall down together if she bent her knees, she just leaned over and held his round face with both hands and couldn't put it down.

Seeing this, Qin Xiyu couldn't help laughing.

He leaned over and hugged Wang Jiaqi's shoulders, teasingly said, "Don't cry!" Wang Jiaqi bumped his elbow into Qin Xiyu's chest, got up and gave him a white look, and said, "What are you learning? You don't look like that at all!" Hahahaha!" Ling Jinyun also laughed heartily.

This family has always been divided into factions, and there is Infernal Affairs. It has been a long time since I have such a warm and joyful feeling.

As Wang Jiaqi's eyes healed, what happened before, what was promised... She will start to investigate one by one.

Ding Bailan's death was the first to bear the brunt. The verdict he had said had to be overturned.

Every night, after the child fell asleep, the two began to be Sherlock Holmes.

Qin Xiyu opened the safe, and when he took out the appraisal report again, and put it in front of Wang Jiaqi, he said: "Death was either an accident or a conflict of interest.

Combined with the situation of Wang Jiaqin at that time, your mother's biggest conflict opponent should be the same as your opponent.

"After that, he took out the original share change registration again.

Wang Jiaqi looked at the two old documents on the coffee table and thought for a while: What Qin Xiyu said was unreasonable.

She went through the old accounts of the piano store and made a lot of mistakes a year.

With Bai Caiyu's insatiable character, how could it only be that one year?She leaned on her knee with one hand, rested her chin, frowned, and said: "But back then, grandpa was the master of the piano shop.

"Qin Xiyu couldn't figure it out after much deliberation.

Ding Bailan had already left Xicheng with Wang Jiaqi, and she categorically had no threat to Bai Caiyu's greed.

Suppose there is only one reason for her to kill them - it must have something to do with the old man who knows everything.

Wang Jiaqi really awakened the dreamer with a single word, old man Wang is an indispensable and important person.

After all, these are the "evidence" left by Mr. Wang.

Thinking about it this way, one by one, following the clues, the truth will come out.

He rubbed Wang Jiaqi's shoulders, trying to make her relax a bit first, and then said: "Let me ask you a question first.

""when?Still ask?Just ask! "With permission, Qin Xiyu began to guide her, saying: "How can I put it, with the investment from the Ding Bernard family, it has changed from a small shop to a world-famous piano shop.

From a small shop to a family business invested by many people.

It has not been easy along the way.

If you were your grandfather, and you saw that your son was not good at managing, would you give away the family business you created to your descendants who have no blood relationship? "Wang Jiaqi thought for a while, and said: "Well...why do you describe the rich and powerful as if they were in a feudal society?However, although my grandfather is very open-minded in my impression, he knows people and is good at responsibility.

As long as he is good at the piano business, he will make good use of it in a certain position.

So whoever entrusts the piano store to him, it is enough for him to entrust it to someone who is sincerely good to the piano store.

She stretched out her hand to press the documents and said, "But judging from this situation, Grandpa handed over the piano shop to me because he had a little bit of feudal thinking."

Perhaps, because of this little idea, my mother was so bad.

Of course, I hope, this is all just hypothetical.

" "What do you think of?" "Do you still remember, three years ago, when I went to get back the dowry, how much they hated and hated me?"

"Of course Qin Xiyu remembered that Bai Caiyu's mother and daughter wanted to kill Wang Jiaqi and hurry up.

Instead of coercion, Wang Liji would not obediently hand over what the old man gave to Wang Jiaqi.

When they left, the roar of the mother and daughter in the hall, Qin Xiyu felt as if it was yesterday.

Wang Jiaqi continued: "Although it sounds dramatic, if it is true, I am afraid that Bai Caiyu has shown mercy in the past few years in Hanshan Village.

""How to say? "Qin Xiyu knew that she thought of the same horror point as him.

"I'm assuming that they knew about Grandpa's willful decision, and Grandpa decided not to leave the piano shop to the three of them.

That's why my grandfather didn't let me come back after he passed away.

When grandpa thought of it this way, my mother and I became their first imaginary enemies.

Then, she pointed to the equity change record of the piano company, "Since the earl's family withdrew, the performance of the piano company has plummeted and is not as good as before.

What if..." Wang Jiaqi couldn't help shivering as she thought of something terrible.

Feeling her fear, Qin Xiyu hugged her from behind and said softly: "Don't think too much, all this, ask for proof.

"" Ask for a certificate, and only one person will confess to me.


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