Wang Jiaqi held Qin Xiyu's hand with one hand, sat up straight, climbed up his arm and hugged him tightly, suppressed her voice, and asked through gritted teeth: "Devil, who taught you?" It was the first time she took the initiative To hug him, not to resist but also to find a trace of tenderness.

Qin Xiyu likes the sound of "dead devil", because it comes from Wang Jiaqi's unique squeamishness.

"A fool named Wang Jiaqi taught it.

Look, now she's holding on to me, and it works! Wang Jiaqi buried her head beside his shoulder, and couldn't help laughing "puchi".

This style is too unkind to Qin Xiyu.

However, she likes it.

Because of love, you will think about each other.

Those out-of-the-ordinary actions are cute.

And she has always liked surprises and tenderness.

It's just that he was too indifferent before and didn't know how to be considerate, so he was alienated from each other.

Qin Xiyu caressed her long hair and asked, "How? Would you like to?" Wang Jiaqi refused, saying, "It's not that easy!" Qin Xiyu frowned suspiciously, with helplessness written all over his face.

Wang Jiaqi let go of her hand and said, "Whether you want to or not is a very serious question.

Regardless of the fact that you, a demon, have already had a bad record, I have to think about it carefully if you want to marry another woman on your son's birthday.

I don't know if you are talking about it, coaxing it, planning to start the nurturing mode or... imitating Thailand, polygamy.

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is! It gave Qin Xiyu a headache.

He held his forehead and rubbed his temples.

Wang Jiaqi continued: "And..." "There are more?" "Of course!" The response was taken for granted, and continued: "Although I was a little touched just now, don't have the trilogy of marriage proposals, how can I agree? "" Proposal trilogy?" "Flowers, kneeling, candlelight dinner!" "But I prepared these, and you can't see them."

"From Qin Xiyu's point of view, this trilogy may become troublesome for Wang Jiaqi.

But he doesn't understand a woman's persistence.

Wang Jiaqi's face darkened immediately, and she said coldly: "Then you can marry Wang Fengling for a notarization.

Then, he snorted coldly, his expression full of contempt.

Qin Xiyu immediately understood, it seemed that he had "offended" the heroine.

Wang Jiaqi sighed, and said, "Since that's the case, let's think about it after I can see it.

When Congcong passed his second birthday, I went to the hospital.

"The words are full of willfulness.

Qin Xiyu patted himself on the head, thinking brokenly in his heart: "Why does it feel like I met a demon now.

Said that the child is as willful and naughty as me?It is better to say that those who are close to ink are black.

He helplessly pushed her forehead and said, "Even if I want to spoil you, I won't be so capricious."

" "It's only fair to let you have a taste of the devil."

Then, she smiled mischievously, "If you can... take a man..." Qin Xiyu immediately widened his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about it! "Wang Jiaqi intensified and said: "Hmph!You can have sex with other women, I can't find a man to comfort my loneliness, it's really unfair.

"At this time, Wang Jiaqi didn't see Qin Xiyu's cold eyes.

Qin Xiyu frowned, warning coldly like a devil: "Wang you want to die?" After finishing speaking, he pushed her down on the sofa.

Wang Jiaqi screamed: "Ah!" He leaned on the sofa with both hands in front of her shoulders, kneeled on her body and trapped her tightly.

Wang Jiaqi, who was left with nothing but darkness in the world, was terrified.

He didn't dare to move around in his siege, his face had already turned pale.

In the past, Wang Jiaqi would not have been so shocked, she would still struggle.

It's just that her eyes are so dark that she doesn't know how to struggle or escape.

In vain panic.

Li Ma seemed to hear screams in the living room, and immediately ran out of the room. Seeing Qin Xiyu's behavior, she rushed downstairs and shouted: "What are you doing?" What a pity!Qin Xiyu didn't give Mama Li a good impression, but now that this incident happened, he was in a cold sweat, thinking: What a disaster!This old woman must have regarded me as a pervert.

Qin Xiyu got up quickly.

Mama Li wished she could hold the broom and come down.

She yelled at Qin Xiyu: "You little bastard, don't you think my lady doesn't cry enough? How dare you go into the house and bully her!" "I didn't!" Li Ma immediately helped Wang Jiaqi up, seeing her pale face, nervous "Miss, are you okay? What did he do to you? Why are you so pale..." Wang Jiaqi replied softly, "No!" Still staring at Qin Xiyu angrily.

Qin Xiyu trembled, thinking: who is the master and who is the servant?Wang Jiaqi supported the back of the sofa, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Mama are here again.

Even if Mr. Qin and I don't switch, we should be more polite.

"Qin Xiyu snickered inwardly, being polite? He was no more "polite" than Li Ma when he just walked in the door.

However, he accepts.

While enjoying the black humor of the family, suddenly, Qin Xiyu's cell phone rang.

He didn't answer for a long time, and told Wang Jiaqi with a tired sigh that the caller was from a bad caller.

The bell continued to ring, and Wang Jiaqi asked, "Who is it? Why didn't you answer it?"

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