In fact, Wang Jiaqi didn't need to contact her personally to inquire, she also knew that the mother and daughter would not be loyal.

Every time Qin Xiwen went to visit her, she would mention the situation of the mother and daughter—in addition to being estranged, it was still estranged.

However, every time, Wang Liji received the message after delivering the money to them—except that he was trying to get closer, he was still trying to get closer.

Moreover, many excuses.

Wang Jiaqi once thought of using the economic blockade to "punish" them for their insatiable greed.

But thinking that for that kind of person, head-to-head confrontation may not have good results, so I gave up.

Moreover, I never imagined that the mother and daughter would be grateful to Dade.

But some things cannot be avoided.

Just like some people, if you don't provoke him, he will stay close to you.

Wang Jiaqi never felt at ease that the mother and daughter were far away from Li Qianyao.

Instead, she waited for when Li Qianyao would use the mother and daughter to provoke her.

At the level of this psychological game, she never miscalculates.

Even though Li Qianyao deliberately avoided everyone to get close to the stupid Wang Fengling, her provocative methods still couldn't escape Wang Jiaqi's expectations.

On this day, she finally received a reminder from Qin Xiwen.

Qin Xiwen asked worriedly: "Are you so relieved to let the mother and daughter stay in the Qin family to do such low-level chores?" Wang Jiaqi smiled slightly and said: "No, can they be qualified for better positions? Big people Unfaithful and scheming, the small ones are stupid, easy to deceive and have no idea.

"If she wants to speak ill of these two people, she will spare no effort.

Qin Xiwen smiled and said with sympathy: "That's right! Even Li Qianyao thinks it's too much to support idlers.

"Wang Jiaqi lowered her eyes and asked warmly: "Sister Xiwen brought a reminder, did you notice anything?" "Qin Xiwen shook her head and said: "I don't have any big discoveries, but I just feel uneasy.

Probably there are too many bad people in the company.

"At the same time when both of them had a bad feeling, Wang Fengling was gradually "lured" by Li Qianyao.

As Bai Caiyu said, the current stability is nothing.

How could you willingly submit to the rich clothes and fine food that you used to have in the past?But Wang Fengling was a little less profound than Bai Caiyu.

When Li Qianyao gave her a little vain hope, she, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, was unwilling to be content with the status quo.

On this day, no matter how many excuses Wang Fengling gave, she still couldn't hide from Li Qianyao who was waiting in the utility room.

In order to succeed, she is willing to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit.

Li Qianyao pulled her into a nearby fire escape, raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Do you want to be as proud as Wang Jiaqi?" These words vividly stimulated Wang Fengling's brain nerves.

It was she, not Wang Jiaqi, who was proud of the spring breeze.

Wang Jiaqi is so proud now, but the backstage is too big.

Thinking about it, I am not willing to be so condescending.

It's just that Wang Fengling gritted her teeth when she thought of her mother's advice, and stared at Li Qianyao and said, "What I think is none of your business!" His eyes seemed firm, and his words revealed wavering emotions.

Wang Fengling turned to leave, but Li Qianyao stretched out her hand to stop her, said with a ghostly smile, "Who are you showing me this? Leaving aside Wang Jiaqi's background.

She was trampled by you before, now she has an irreplaceable place in Qin Xiyu's heart, and she is also a hot performer.

Three years is not enough, she gained love and respect step by step, and even borrowed someone else's hand to remove you from the family.

Are you not jealous, not angry? "Wang Fengling began to waver.

Her eyes began to wander.

Li Qianyao continued to lobby: "If she doesn't listen to Wang Liji and come back to West City, if it's not Bai Caiyu who stops you from marrying Qin Xiyu.

Maybe you are the one who overcomes obstacles and wins the supreme favor today! "Wang Fengling's eyes flickered for a moment, seeing Wang Jiaqi's counterattack like a rising star, she has always been envious and jealous.

Li Qianyao caressed her bangs, put on a sincere look, and said, "Sister Fengling, think about it carefully, am I right.

Think about it, if it wasn't for the beginning, it would be Wang Jiaqi doing odd jobs here today.

"Silly girls are easily provoked.

Confused by Li Qianyao's words, she clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said angrily, "It's unreasonable, Wang Jiaqi! You filthy bastard!" Hearing this, Li Qianyao understood who rescued this snobbish mother and daughter .

She felt sad for Bai Caiyu from the bottom of her heart, and gave birth to a foolish daughter.

She patted Wang Fengling's shoulder and gently persuaded: "Sister, don't get excited.

As far as I know, it is not easy for Qin Xiyu to be so devoted to him now, and it seems that the old woman of the Qin family is backing her up.

" "What should I do?" "Wang Fengling didn't expect how much power he had to use at all, and the idea of ​​​​contest was driven.

"I have my own way.

"Li Qianyao's eyes flashed brightly.

She secretly smiled in her heart: Hmph, dead old woman, calling me out of position?I want your "good granddaughter-in-law" to have nothing.

Even the rare heir of the grandson was sent to the west.

She turned to coax Wang Fengling and said: "Follow my method, then, when you sit in Mrs. Qin's seat, it will naturally be like wind and rain.

At this time, Wang Jiaqi had just walked out of the rehabilitation room, holding her walking stick, she secretly said: "Brother Xichen, please contact uncle quickly..."

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