Wang Liji's performance disappointed everyone.

Wang Jiaqi felt so heartbroken just a while ago.

And drove the liar mother and daughter out of the house.

In the blink of an eye, it was like taking a drug.

It's not that Wang Jiaqi holds grudges too much, but that the hatefulness of those two people is not worthy of forgiveness.

I made up for my birthday, but broke up like that.

Qin Xiyu watched Wang Jiaqi's loss and couldn't stay here.

But Qin Zhicong, who was far away in the dining room, seemed to sense the unpleasant atmosphere in the living room and the atmosphere of parting.

The child cried suddenly while eating porridge, which made people feel distressed, but he couldn't express anything.

Wang Jiaqi immediately picked up the cane and said, "You guys go away, he will find it harder for me to coax you if you want to go.

Now that everyone is gone, I can explain.

Then he turned around and went to the dining room.

Every time Qin Zhicong yelled "Wow", Qin Xiyu's heart was pulled.

Every time this happened, he was reluctant to leave the room.

Always look in the direction of the child and stay away.

But this time, with Duan Xichen around, he couldn't stop. Duan Xichen grabbed his back collar, gritted his teeth and said, "Young Master Qin, let's go!" , I didn't expect you to be so violent.

What does it matter to you that I care about my son?What to pull.

Duan Xichen rolled his eyes at him and said, "Yes, your son!"Your son! "It sounded like a bit of sarcasm to him.

He turned to poke Qin Xiyu's left chest and said, "Your son, what have you done? You just contributed 50.00% of the life tissue.

Have you ever wondered why you are so desperately responsible for her and still so resistant to you? "Qin Xiyu froze at the door, motionless.

He never thought about it.

"She understands that only by being far away from you can she live well.

Only she and the child can live in peace.

After falling off the bandstand, she also understood how safe it was for Master to lead her to live alone for 15 years.

Her personal experience is her life experience.

" "But I have no other women.

"Qin Xiyu just lacks a little emotional intelligence.

"But you and that woman named Li Qianyao have a bad debt that can't always be settled.

The last thing you should do is easily make a promise to Li Qianyao and then fall in love with her.

After finishing speaking, Duan Xichen turned around and got into the car, started the accelerator, and drove away in dust.

Standing beside the car, Qin Xiyu took a long breath, his eyes slightly confused, and murmured: "Debt?" Thinking of the scene just now, he finally understood what Duan Xichen meant.

Wang Jiaqi did what she said, saving one is saving one.

While Jiang Na was still in Xicheng, she approached Jiang Na to discuss whether there was room for turning.

And Jiang Na said: "How can the sentence that has already been pronounced be changed? Unless there is a new development in the case, both of them will be released."

"Wang Jiaqi frowned instantly, and secretly said: "This old witch...has a really good plan.

I took advantage of Wang Liji's "sympathy" and grasped a 100% chance of winning, asking me to kill two birds with one stone.

" Li Ma persuaded: "Miss, this can't help.

Wang Jiaqi said, "Lawyer Jiang, I want to see them!" "Miss..." Attorney Jiang also felt that Wang Jiaqi should not interfere in this matter anymore. Whether she can be saved is one thing, but whether she can be saved is another matter. Don't be too persistent about things that can be explained.

It would be better for those who should not be released to continue living in the detention center.

Wang Jiaqi blinked her eyes and said, "Don't persuade me, I know what you want to say.

What they want is the original vanity, I can make them more vain.

They are good pawns to deal with Li Qianyao.

"The next day, Wang Jiaqi, accompanied by lawyer Jiang, sat in the meeting room and waited for the mother and daughter.

When Wang Jiaqi heard that the warden opened the iron gate, the corner of her lips twitched.

She is very confident about this trip.

However, when the two stupid people saw Wang Jiaqi, they hated each other.

Jiang Na warned: "Please be polite!" "Lawyer Jiang, that's all!" Wang Jiaqi couldn't see it, she could only imagine it.

I don't care if I imagine them being bloodthirsty and vicious.

Wang Fengling went crazy and cursed: "Wang Jiaqi, you made us like this, why are you here?" The prison officer immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Hey! Watch your actions.

"Wang Jiaqi sneered, and said: "Huh, she is really a silly girl who scolds without knowing who her enemy is! " "Isn't it you?"It was the paternity test you left for Qin Xiyu that caused us to be kicked out of the house.

"Aunt Bai, it was your own fault. You hurt your own daughter, and you have no one to blame."

"Wang Jiaqi said flatly, Bai Caiyu blushed and had a thick neck, but she couldn't reply.

Wang Jiaqi continued to say leisurely: "In the first place, you have a happy life, and you don't need to go to jail.

But the people who put all the blame for my injuries on you guys, I think it's already on the verge of coming out.

Now only I can rewrite the truth to save you, but my condition is that you should know how to be grateful.

You must know that Li Qianyao is also notorious now, so you have to think clearly about which side you should stand on.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and Bai Caiyu asked, "Why should I trust you?" "Wang Jiaqi replied firmly: "Three years ago, Li Qianyao was my enemy.

Now she puts all the blame on you and is also your enemy.

Our enemies are one.


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