Qin Xiyu was suspicious of Wang Jiaqi's refusal to record a statement in time.

Those men attempted murder, she should breathe a sigh of relief.

When he breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Jiaqi, who could not be beaten to death, should find a way to beat the mastermind to the eighteenth level of hell.

Even though she is blind, a violinist can recognize sounds enough for her to recognize her captor.

Qin Xiyu always felt that she was planning something.

Just why she didn't want to say it?In fact, she was entangled, starting from that misunderstanding, and didn't want to rely on him anymore, but this time, she couldn't do without the Qin family.

Her thoughts were as meticulous as ever... When she arrived at the house, Qin Xiyu turned her head and whispered in her ear: "This is Grandpa's house.

"Wang Jiaqi immediately interrupted and asked: "Is your grandfather or my grandfather?" "Of course it's your grandfather..." Qin Xiyu didn't dare to make mistakes.

Wang Jiaqi said with a cold face, "Then please be careful with your wording.

My grandfather, you have to address him with respect—Mr. Wang!my ex-husband.

"" Ex-husband?Too much! "Qin Xiyu felt that his ring was still on and the so-called divorce agreement hadn't been signed yet. What "ex-husband" is, isn't this title too outrageous? Wang Jiaqi didn't even turn her head to glance, and said lightly: "Isn't it?Separated for three years.

Hmm... two and a half years, enough for a divorce.

"It really drove him crazy. With her like this, how could Qin Xiyu be in the mood to talk about "divorce"? And... the devil character should demand compensation for her failure to fulfill her duties as a wife in the past three years.

But it is impossible to have the nerve to claim compensation.

After all, I asked myself in my heart - did I really treat her well?When the answer is "It's usually a 3-minute hotness", he will be timid to even look at her.

Qin Xiyu didn't argue with her, and carefully led her into the house.

And Qin Zhicong still clings firmly to Wang Jiaqi's walking stick for the blind.

The child had a strong ability to imitate, imitating Wang Jiaqi, holding a cane and knocking on the floor, and even walked with a step.

All the people present couldn't help laughing.

The cane made a "crack" sound on the floor, everyone couldn't help laughing, and the child was very proud.

Thinking that everyone agrees with his approach, the more "excessive".

Wang Jiaqi turned around following the sound, gritted her teeth, and squeezed the bones of her left fist to make a crisp sound.

The people present couldn't help but feel horrified.

And Qin Xiyu stretched out his hands to support her shoulders and said: "Come on, I'm tired from the bumps all the way, let's go to the room to rest for a while.

"Wang Jiaqi roared: "Qin Xiyu, go away!"Miss Ben wants to teach her son and it's not your turn to stop her! Hearing the words, the little guy immediately threw his stick on the sofa, stepped on his little shoes and rushed towards Qin Xiyu's legs.

Children are naive, thinking that Wang Jiaqi's eyes are not in the same direction and they won't notice.

It was hard to wait until this kid "give up automatically".

Wang Jiaqi immediately leaned over and grabbed the sofa, holding the cane.

At this time, Wang Jiaqi was full of anger, not as gentle as she was at that moment, but exuding a domineering aura all over her body.

She held the cane in her left hand, and when she lifted it up for a moment, the air flow reverberated and made a "whoosh" sound.

Qin Xiyu who was standing next to her froze instantly. Although it was not the first time seeing her, it was still terrifying.

He covered his son's little head with his hand, looked at him pitifully and thought: Son, you are in trouble... Wang Jiaqi thought about the direction of the small broken steps in his short memory, and was about to walk towards Qin Xiyu's legs beat.

Those present did not dare to breathe for a moment.

Qin Xiyu grabbed her wrist with one hand and resisted: "Okay! It's inevitable that a child is so young and curious.

What do you care about when you get the cane back? "Oh... this kid really hides from the side!"Since when did you become so familiar? "This is called blood is thicker than water!" "Qin Xiyu can only say so.

Although the child was a little afraid of him at first, but these days he often came around after get off work, and he naturally learned to pet him, and he became familiar with it.

If he is ripe, the child will not let him go.

One day, when he was going to Qincheng Real Estate to work overtime, the child slipped out and saw him, crying heartbreakingly.

Like Wang Jiaqi, when he cries, his heart will be pulled.

Since then, every night, he has to make sure the child is asleep before leaving.

After hearing what he said, Wang Jiaqi wanted to fight even more.

She only felt that Qin Xiyu abducted the child while she was in the hospital, and taught the child badly, without consent.

She tightened the muscles of her left hand and pushed forward, but her left hand was really no match for half of Qin Xiyu's wrist strength.

Qin Xiyu continued: "Don't do this! You just can't see it. Congcong is imitating you by holding the cane. It doesn't hinder others. Everyone is very happy.

But if you hit him with a cane today, he will imitate you hitting someone, and you will cause trouble in the future.

Be obedient, stop, just take it back.

He was still a child and taught slowly.

"Wang Jiaqi put down her hand lightly, said with a smirk, "Okay, great, you two monster father and son bullied me with a handicap together!" "As soon as the words came out, the servants were dumbfounded—why does the young mistress seem to be quite barbaric.

It's not barbaric, it's simply savage!However, the cute ghost is still at Qin Xiyu's feet, looking at the two of them in confusion.

What is "father and son"?Qin Xiyu couldn't help stroking his forehead, but he was angry and funny, thinking: "Father and son of monsters", it seems that he is right.

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