The sentence "You can kill me now" made Li Qianyao stop increasing the strength of her hands.

Wang Jiaqi sarcastically said: "Forget, if you do it this time, no one will go to jail for you!" Li Qianyao couldn't bear it anymore, she let go of her hands, and saw two red marks on both sides of Wang Jiaqi's neck.

She squeezed Wang Jiaqi's chin, and said in a low voice: "It's too stupid to do it yourself, of course wait for someone to do it.

The taste of emerging international musicians should be very sweet. When you are posing on the bandstand in a gorgeous long dress... How many men are salivating at you.

Then, she caressed her face, curled the corner of her lips, and said: "It's too cheap to strangle you to death like this."

If it wasn't for Qin Xiyu's meddling in other people's business and Wang Liji's repayment of 8000 million yuan, and the expulsion of Bai Caiyu's mother and daughter, I would not have become a conspiracy, and my father would not have been imprisoned for me.

"Although your irrelevance is not very delicate, the flesh is still very tender."

Letting you die under the insult of a bunch of stinky men, Qin Xiyu should be very distressed and depressed.

At that time... the power will fall to the side again.

You know, falling into the hands of Qin Xiwen is like falling into the hands of his second mother.

It fell into the hands of his second mother... It is not surprising that he let me fish and meat.

After a while of threats, Wang Jiaqi began to panic.

Not to mention that I am a cripple who will die ugly.

I'm afraid there will be another pile of troubles after his death.

Although she couldn't see, she still frowned.

Li Qianyao thought she had succeeded, so she walked away and said with a smirk: "You guys are still not coming out, to enjoy the taste of musicians?" "Thank you, miss!" Li Qianyao turned and left.

Wang Jiaqi squeezed the wheelchair tightly, and she began to panic.

Not knowing whether it was due to excessive panic or induced by Li Qianyao's words, she felt a group of men with wretched faces approaching from all sides, and she had no hope of saving herself.

When she felt those men reach out to her face, she wrapped her left arm around her forehead and shouted, "Qin Xiyu, save me..." Just like when she was tortured by Bai Caiyu three years ago, she also recited these words silently.

In Xicheng, he will always be her primary support.

Only this time, she yelled out loud.

"Here!" It was too late to say it, and he put down the man who was about to touch Wang Jiaqi's left cheek as soon as he lifted his foot.

Another man was reaching out to push her collar away, but the person next to him fell down, but he couldn't retract his hand in time.

Qin Xiyu didn't care whether he was frightened or not, he punched him and shouted, "My wife dares to touch her, she wants to die!" The wretched man fell to the ground suddenly.

The men on Wang Jiaqi's right immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, saying, "Please hold your hand high, we were told to do this.

"The two people who were severely knocked down and had to roll on the ground were about to get up and attack Qin Xiyu from behind.

An Zhiqi grabbed their collars with both hands, gritted his teeth and said angrily, "You're looking for death!" Then he grabbed the heads of the two of them and bumped each other, and the two wretched men were spun in an instant.

The man who knelt down and begged for mercy was so frightened that he kept apologizing and begging for mercy.

However, An Zhiqi said, "It's too late!" The police took the three of them away, and then asked, "Can Miss Wang come and take a statement now?" "It's scary, I don't want to..." She pretended very Excited.

"It's okay..." Qin Xiyu stroked the back of her head, making her lean forward and lean against her thigh quietly.

The cries for help just now still echoed in his mind.

An Zhiqi stepped forward and said: "Mr. Police, Ms. Wang was seriously injured when she fell from the bandstand by accident, and her psychological shadow has not disappeared. She still encountered this kind of accident today.

I'm afraid I can't continue to record the statement.

The policeman sighed helplessly and said, "This way..." "Miss Wang seems to have been stimulated at the moment.

Anyway, the prisoner also attempted to act, and there are witnesses and witnesses. Please wait for two days, Mr. Police.

""Well! " said the police officer reluctantly.

After all, even the reasons for the mental state have been mentioned, so you can't rush to close the case and cause complaints.

The police officer had no choice but to shake his head, and escorted a few prisoners out of the hospital.

Hearing the sounds of flowers and birds along the way disappear, and smelling the smell of medicine in the room, Wang Jiaqi knew that she had returned to the inpatient building.

Wang Jiaqi pretended to ignore Qin Xiyu who was pushing the wheelchair, and asked with a smile: "Doctor An, why are you free?" "I just came to see a friend, and I heard that you are going to be discharged from the hospital, so I stopped by to see you.

As everyone knows... Before I even said the first half of my condolence call, someone said that something happened to you, please help me.

"An Zhiqi replied sincerely, not forgetting to tease Qin Xiyu.

In order to be fair, An Zhiqi lowered his head and teased Wang Jiaqi while walking, saying, "By the way, I heard someone yelling 'Qin Xiyu, save me' from a long distance just now, and that voice seems to be you?" Wang Jiaqi Both cheeks instantly turned red, can you deny it?She closed her eyes and joked: "Doctor An, your ears are so good, why don't you come and learn music with me.

I am more comfortable being a composer assistant than a doctor.

"An Zhiqi leaned over knowingly and said: "No, you can't see, someone's jealous expression is so terrifying.

"Suddenly embarrassed.

Qin Xiyu did not forget to punch An Zhiqi's arm.

After entering the elevator, An Zhiqi asked a very idiotic question: "By the way, why were you shouting so loudly just now?"

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