When Qin Xiyu saw the message, the benevolent eyebrows that were rare just because of the child put away for a moment, and instantly became angry.

Li Qianyao: I heard that Mrs. Zun had an accident during her performance.

Qin Xiyu can completely resemble the provocative expression and tone of the other party.

If the phone case was not hard enough, the phone would have been crushed by him.

He said lightly: "Second Aunt, I will leave this to you first, I still have something to do.

" "Go! "And Qin Zhicong watched Qin Xiyu's every move, not even letting go of his expression, the child began to be a little puzzled-why does this uncle sometimes laugh and sometimes be so scary? Scared! As soon as Qin Xiyu got in the car, he dialed Li Qianyao's phone number. The phone roared loudly, and he asked, "Where are you? "Hey, Young Master Qin, when did you need me again?" ""Stop talking nonsense to me!"You and I know what you did last night.

The school’s cameras are not blind, so if you don’t want to die, go to Boyas immediately to see me.

"Qin Xiyu's vicious tone seemed to mean "ultimatum".

Qin Xiyu had just returned to the office and had a sip of tea when Li Qianyao rushed into Qin Xiyu's office angrily.

Mordecchi stood up and walked to the door to dissuade him.

Qin Xiyu gently shook his index finger, indicating that it's okay.

Li Qianyao shouted: "Qin Xiyu, what else can I say?" Do you have a face to walk with the wind swaggering?" "You!" "Don't you, me and me.

You started so many actions three years ago, isn't it all for money?How much do you want, make an offer.

As long as you don't hurt anyone around me.

"" Are you afraid?Back then, if you could let go and grab it, you should be able to afford it! "Li Qianyao had sharp thorns in every word he said.

If he is alone, of course he can afford it.

But he has a wife and children, and an elderly grandma...these families can't help trauma.

For the sake of his family, he can no longer play.

Qin Xiyu frowned and said, "I don't want to listen to your nonsense.

Don't be ignorant of good and evil, otherwise, your father will become as poor as Bai Caiyu..." He thought for a while, and then added, "No, it's even worse! ""you! "She pointed at Qin Xiyu's bridge of nose.

Qin Xiyu raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

He grasped her wrist tightly with one hand, causing a "clack" sound from her wrist bone, and his five fingers were unable to loosen instantly.

Qin Xiyu smiled in satisfaction, let go of his hands and said, "Think about it! This pinch, I will repay the favor you gave me to bandage you before.

"Li Qianyao rubbed her wrist and said: "I, Li Qianyao, never need other people's charity, so just do it."

She shook her head and smiled, "I think all you have left is the little trick of pinching my hand off and retaliation for an eye!"The moment Wang Jiaqi appears, you will be left bewildered.

"Okay, you said you weren't afraid, don't blame me for not reminding me."

' he warned coldly.

There is always calm before the storm.

The two were calculating independently, and Wang Jiaqi, whose brain herniation had faded, also woke up.

However, when she woke up and found that her right hand was not only completely weak, but also uncontrollable, she was very excited.

The maid didn't know the situation, so she looked at her overjoyed and said, "Young Mistress, you finally woke up? Is there any discomfort?" "My hand..." Her energy was concentrated on her immobile right hand.

She couldn't use any strength at all, she desperately wanted to raise her hand and make a fist, but she couldn't do it at all, at most she just shook.

She was so anxious that she burst into tears and was speechless, throwing all the quilts on her body to the ground.

The maid couldn't dissuade her either, it was the first time she saw Wang Jiaqi so excited.

Of course, the loss of feeling in her right wrist was a heavy blow to a newly-established performer, which meant that she would no longer have a chance to play the violin.

When she was about to remove the needle in her right arm, Qin Xiyu was entering the room with a bouquet of lavender.

Seeing this, he threw everything on the sofa, tried his best to stop Wang Jiaqi, and shouted at the maid: "Call the doctor!" The maid ran out without saying a word, so anxious that she forgot that there was an emergency bell beside the bed.

Qin Xiyu pushed her left hand away vigorously, hugged her tightly and said, "Don't move!" Then he asked, "What's wrong with you? How could you treat yourself like this?" Wang Jiaqi pushed him away with her left hand, and said with tears, "I I used to be a useless person who couldn’t see anything, but now my hands are useless, not to mention playing the violin and holding my son, I even have problems taking care of myself! The violin player who used to be a great violinist is down and out, and no one will look down on me. Wu Kelian, why do you care about me?" She was very emotional.

"How can I ignore you? Don't forget, we haven't divorced yet, and you are still my wife.

You have been running with your child for three years and I haven't scolded you yet.

""you deserve it!You asked for it!It's you who don't sign! "Now that things are still in the mood to change the subject, Wang Jiaqi is very annoyed.

Letting the topic go, at least let her not focus on sadness.

He is willing to be scolded.

"Don't get so excited.

Listen to what the doctor said, it's really hopeless, it's never too late for you to cry.

At this time, the doctor came and said politely: "Please ask the patient's family members to go out first, we will do a detailed examination."


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