Wang Jiaqi's questioning dragged Duan Mingyue back to reality.

She sighed and said: "The big parts are not broken, it's a great luck among misfortunes.

However, this is a good violin from an Austrian noble family, with 100% sophistication.

These four loose strings are not replaced at will.

It wasn't the normal nylon thread I had in my case, it was the oldest gut string.

There are also broken bows... Anyway, I have to ask Xichen if these old products are still there.

"While talking, Wang Jiaqi couldn't help but shed tears.

She is very helpless, even if Duan Mingyue's words are still hopeful, she still thinks they are hopeless.

"Gut strings", who else is so extravagant now?My mother used this piano to the last moment without damage, but it was destroyed in the high-speed rail station in my own hands.

"It feels like it's been repaired..." "Hey!" Qin Xiyu was very at a loss, so he reached out and touched her wrist lightly.

Just don't respond.

This is the second time Qin Xiyu sees Wang Jiaqi crying.

No matter how many unequal conditions she gave her, she never shed a single tear in person.

Instead, a violin will make her cry frequently.

He couldn't help being curious about the story behind the violin.

Duan Mingyue understood Wang Jiaqi's heart very well. Before she came back, she heard Qin Xiwen talk about the general situation.

Perhaps, this piano is Ding Bailan and her fond memories.

How can you not be sad?She hugged Wang Jiaqi's shoulders and comforted: "Don't be too desperate, Xichen and I know the family that made this violin.

I remember they gifted me a few sets of gut strings, which would be a pity to use on ordinary violins.

Now that I have finally found a place to use, consider it my gift to you? Duan Mingyue helped her close the piano case, lifted the violin at her feet and said, "I heard that you can play the violin in the car this morning, and my ears were itchy. It's just us here. Can you play a part and listen to it?" ? "Wang Jiaqi was shocked, she never expected Duan Mingyue to make such a request.

She looked at Qin Xiyu, trying to ask his opinion, but she didn't know that this person was already staring at the tabletop and wandering too far.

She looked at Ling Jinyun again, but the old woman had the same anticipation as her daughter-in-law.

She has always been bullied to lack self-confidence, she can only take a deep breath, hold an unfamiliar piano, and say: "Actually, I am not even familiar with "Canon", the most familiar is the piece that my mother often plays. I never knew The name, because the comps look up is not a language I know.

It's a shame here.

"After that, she held the piano head in her left hand, held the resonance box on her shoulder, held the bow in her right hand, raised her chest and retracted her abdomen, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and began to play.

Qin Xiyu cast a disdainful expression on him.

As everyone knows, when the bow touched the strings, he was full of surprise.

The rhythm is like a gentle breeze, without a trace of stuttering or blemish.

With the jump of the melody and notes, the emotions of the listener are brought into another world by the performer.

It is a piece of music that generally plays the leisurely aristocrats.

The beautiful sound of the piano resounded throughout the house, and everyone whispered: "Young Mistress is a musician.

Qin Xiyu suddenly felt that Boyasli's arrogant professional violin tutor was no match.

Such a description is not an exaggeration.

If it weren't for Wang Jiaqi's "slavery" and those tasteless clothes, he would be a "performer" at all.

Listening to Wang Jiaqi's proficient playing of the melody of the Ding Bernard family.

Duan Mingyue was admiring the melody while thinking: This girl doesn't belong here.

Wang Jiaqi not only knows how to play the original music of the Bernard family, but also knows how to play etiquette.

With the slowing down of the rhythm and the depression of the melody, the tune comes to an end.

Wang Jiaqi held the violin in her left hand, gently covered her left shoulder with her right palm, raised her right toe and drew a half circle to the side of her left foot, and bowed silently to the three to show the end.

After living in the snobby Wang's house for ten years, she still remembers these etiquettes.

Ling Jinyun had to admit that it was out of the mud but not stained, and Ding Bailan's "teaching well".

She was fortunate that Wang Liji married Qin Xiyu to this not delicate "illegitimate daughter".

After that, she kept laughing and clapping her hands in applause: "Very good, Jia Qi is really good at playing the piano.

From now on, if you come to listen to me every day, I, an old woman, will be very happy.

"Wang Jiaqi looked at the silent Qin Xiyu, it was not easy to refuse the old man's request.

I had no choice but to nod and said: "Okay, when grandma wants to listen, just tell me, if I'm here, I'll come right away.

"Mingyue, did you hear that, this child is really good!" "Duan Mingyue mainly wanted to save Wang Jiaqi from the siege.

She smiled and said: "Mom, I think you want to listen to Qin, so you can't be willful.

Jiaqi is a rare talent, and I am having a headache finding a teaching assistant.

I want to bring Jiaqi back to Chenxi Classroom and let her try as my teaching assistant.

Anyway, she should be fine at home.

"Wang Jiaqi's eyes couldn't help looking at Qin Xiyu again.

As Wang Jiaqi looked at Qin Xiyu again, Duan Mingyue saw everything clearly, otherwise how did he get the title of "Devil of West City" for so many years?Instead, she asked in a soliciting tone: "Xiyu, what do you think? How to say, Jiaqi is also your wife, so you want to make a suggestion.

"Uh..." Qin Xiyu now loves and hates Duan Mingyue, an elder.

I wanted to imprison Wang Jiaqi, make her difficult, and make her retreat.

Little did he know that Duan Mingyue's request disrupted his plan.

Only oneself can make a long-term plan.

He said: "Second aunt is so appreciative, it doesn't matter.


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