Qin Xiyu pursed his lips, seeing Wang Liji's appearance, his heart felt much cooler.

Instead of asking, he changed the subject and asked: "Actually, I have always had a lot of questions in my mind. Jiaqi is your daughter, and Wang Fengling is also your daughter. Why are you so mean to Jiaqi? Even if you divorced her mother, She wouldn't want to hang up the title of 'illegitimate daughter' to live such a sad life, would she? This is simply abandonment.

"He asked tactfully, asking Wang Liji's conflicted heart for many years.

He hesitated to speak, because it was related to the powerful force behind Wang Jiaqi, if Qin Xiyu got Wang Jiaqi back, he would have no room to stand up.

It wasn't Qin Xiyu's first day out to hang out, how could he not understand Wang Liji's little expression.

To deal with this kind of villain, he seized the right time and learned to seduce.

He took a light breath, slowly softened him, and said, "It's better for the head of the family to be far-sighted.

Take this report as a gift from me to you to take charge of the piano shop again in the future.

After your biological daughter left, I thought: I want you to pay 8000 million yuan?Or let you cooperate and help find her?You, who have been deceived and controlled by Bai Caiyu and spent most of your life like a tortoise, obviously it would be better to help find your own daughter, isn't it? "Wang Liji was helpless against Qin Xiyu's persistence, he sighed and said: "Although the latter seems easier.

However, if I sold my own daughter to you like this before, I would rather find a way to pay you back 8000 million.

Then, he bowed to Qin Xiyu and said, "Thank you for telling me this."

"The truth will change some people and things.

The result did not go as Qin Xiyu expected.

"If Jiaqi doesn't come back, I don't have the right to let you take over the piano shop.

You still think twice.

"Wang Liji sneered, and said: "I probably regretted doing this to my own daughter.

I can only blame myself for being confused for a while, and I have been confused for most of my life.

"People always do things that they regret.

Qin Xiyu took advantage of the situation and asked: "You still haven't answered why I treated Jiaqi differently? Even kicked her out?" "I was provoked by Caiyu.

Jiaqi's mother is more prestigious than Caiyu.

She said that Bai Lan would take advantage of her international status to embezzle the royal family, so..." He dared not say that his former father-in-law was Earl Timberney.

He suddenly sighed: "No wonder, no wonder my dad is so protective of Jia Qi, nervous about Jia Qi, and gives her the best.

"This remark makes people feel suddenly enlightened.

Qin Xiyu reluctantly accepted this explanation.

Say, "Well, I have no reason not to believe you, that's your business.

"The purpose of sending him this document was to lure him to find Wang Jiaqi for help.

Although the results are biased, it is not bad as it is now.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first.

He clutched the old document in his hand, with a heavy expression, and gritted his teeth fiercely.

His eyes were cold and stern.

Qin Xiyu had foreseen the outcome of Bai Caiyu's mother and daughter, and sighed with her hips akimbo, "Jiaqi, come back quickly, I will avenge you, no one will bully you anymore.

Then he wiped the wet corners of his eyes with five fingers.

At this time, his mobile phone's message sounded, and it was Modeqi who sent a screenshot of the message from Chen Xi's manager Anna.

Qin Xiyu was worried, and he asked the Chenxi band to lend a helping hand, because he knew that they had a repertoire they were used to playing, and now they came to catch up with the charity concert hosted by Boyas.

It's just that I can't die, the most appealing "Campanula" needs to rest.

In addition to postponement, Anna proposed to sign a contract with the university department of the school as a fixed-point performance support for the conservatory.

He cursed secretly: "This Anna...is this team too greedy?" He immediately replied to Modeqi, "I want to talk to that Anna in person!" But that's all.

Then he replied with the word "good" and sent the contact information to Qin Xiyu.

After Qin Xiyu contacted Anna, he first greeted Campanula in English, the international language.

Anna replied: "Mr. Qin, you can use Chinese, I can speak Chinese.

"Qin Xiyu couldn't help cursing inwardly: "It's unreasonable, Mo Deqi!Why didn't you tell me such an important point? Before Qin Xiyu recovered, Anna continued to reply in the chat window: "Mr. Qin, I thank you for your greetings on behalf of Campanula.

Not long after she completed a heart repair operation, she needs to rest and observe for three weeks, and now there is still one week left.

If Campanula does not participate in this announcement, our team can leave at any time.

"Qin Xiyu thought for a while, focusing on the overall situation, and still couldn't let go.

He replied: "I'm sorry, I strive for perfection, and I can't give up.

Please Miss Anna give me an exact time, I will try my best to negotiate with the administrative organizer to extend the time.

"Anna looked at the reply on the screen, then looked at Wang Jiaqi who had just changed the patient's gown with the help of Li Ma, who was sitting happily waiting to go home, shook her head and said with emotion: "It seems that there is no escape.

At this time, Wang Jiaqi squeezed the stick for the blind in her hand, fixed her eyes, smiled sweetly and said, "Anna, I heard a sigh, did you sigh?" "

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