As Wang Jiaqi stepped into the earl's residence in Austria with her luggage, her life began a new chapter.

Earl Mando intends to train Wang Jiaqi as a family music heir, but he is really worried about Wang Jiaqi's physical condition.

Wang Jiaqi didn't worry about these things.

She grew up in Hanshan Village, no matter how many winds and rains she has experienced, it is the word "persistence" that made her win.

As long as she grit her teeth, courage and strength will come hand in hand.

When she came to Austria, she learned German immediately.

But fate is not a checkpoint that can be passed by clenching the bullet.

Not long after returning to the Earl's Mansion to settle down, before she got used to the extravagant enjoyment, Wang Jiaqi suffered sudden and short-term blindness.

At first it was only half a minute, once a day and didn't care.

She thought that she was too nervous to adapt to the new environment and new language, which was caused by a little thought load.

But as the days went by, the episodes became more frequent and longer.

After all, there is no way to hide the disease.

When she was sent to the doctor for an examination, the doctor spoke a bunch of German she couldn't understand with a serious expression.

She saw Mando's face turning blue while listening to the words, and his hands tightly holding the cane made rubbing noises.

She grabbed Mando's hand and asked, "Grandpa, what did the doctor say?" She started to panic.

She has just started a new life, and the road ahead is full of beautiful dreams.

What's going on now?Mando gritted her teeth, broke through the "unbearable" in her heart, and said with a straight face: "If you still want to see the light of the world, clean up the evils in your stomach!" Wang Jiaqi was so frightened that her face turned pale, she shook her head wildly and said : "No!" "The blood clots are pressing on your brain, and you will go blind without surgery.

What are you going to insist on?That bastard Qin Xiyu is not worth your unconditional sacrifice for him.

"Mando seemed to be furious.

Hearing that the doctor said that the blood clot was caused by trauma, he wished he could fly to Xicheng immediately and withdraw all his investment in Qin's.

It doesn't matter whether Qin Xiyu is dead or alive now.

I'm afraid that if he does this, Wang Jiaqi will complain about her inhumanity.

This idea was quickly dismissed.

Wang Jiaqi's eyes filled with tears, not just because she was afraid of going blind.

She squeezed Mando's arm even more tightly, crying: "Grandpa... I am happy and I am not afraid of the dark.

The child can make me feel the happiness I dream of from the inseparable thoughts.

I cannot give up this happiness.

"Since you leave, this kind of happiness will be replaced by another person in the future!"Why be persistent? "Mando is more anxious about her current situation.

"What happened is irreplaceable!" She burst into tears, firmly expressing her contradictory feelings towards Qin Xiyu.

"I'm blind, but I can still hear, taste, smell and touch.

With these, I can still pick up the violin and stand on the bandstand.

With everyone's care, that's enough.

"Stupid love, disabled and strong! Mando turned his face away, rubbed his temples, helpless with Wang Jiaqi's choice.

He asked: "You're blind, you can't even take care of yourself, how can you take care of your children?" "I don't worry about that.

I can totally trust Mama Li and Coco.

"The doctor watched the two go from fighting fiercely to calmly, without understanding half of the pronunciation at all.

Mando turned to the doctor in fluent German and said: "She is an adult, we can only respect her wishes.

She doesn't want to have surgery, let alone take away the child. Is there any other way? The doctor shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Miss herself is already desperate to get pregnant with a disease, and she can no longer use drugs to increase the load on her body.

And many drugs have certain damage to the fetus.

Miss is persistent, we have no other choice.

"Mando's expression became more serious.

Just say "thank you" to the doctor.

Back at the Earl's Mansion, Wang Jiaqi was in a daze in the room.

She was confused and terrified.

Seeing her gloomy appearance, Duan Xichen didn't dare to ask Tang Keke about the situation.

Knowing the situation, he gritted his teeth and punched the wall hard.

He thought to himself: Qin Xiyu, what a "good thing" you did!He immediately ran to Wang Jiaqi's room.

In the big and brilliant room, she began to grope for the location with her eyes closed, forcing herself to get used to working in the dark.

Wang Jiaqi's extraordinary strength is always surprising.

In the current situation, she does not intend to rely on anyone to take care of her blind self.

She closed her eyes tightly, stretched out her hands and groped along the wall point by point, counting her steps and measuring the distance in her heart.

Duan Xichen stood outside the door and cleared his throat.

When Wang Jiaqi heard the sound, she immediately stopped, opened her eyes, and hurriedly stood on the spot.

Duan Xichen pretended not to know anything, and asked, "What are you doing?" The atrium felt sore and painful as if it had been pulled hard.

Wang Jiaqi forced a smile without taking a breath, and quickly said: "It's nothing, I just think this place is magnificent, and I can feel it when I walk with my eyes closed..." She tried her best to hide the fear in her heart.

But Duan Xichen could no longer hide her emotions.

He stepped forward and hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll be your eyes.


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