When Qin Xiyu saw the two surrogate drivers, he was puzzled.

One is Xu Min, and the other has never met.

Xu Min was also taken aback, and was taken aback for a moment—the world is small.

An Zhiqi jokingly said: "Both are beauties, you choose first!" Qin Xiyu saw that the eyes of the stranger who had never met had glowed at him, and his hair stood on end.

Sui threw the key to Xu Min and said, "Let's go, you know where.

""Yes, Mr. Qin."

"Xu Min was not surprised that Qin Xiyu would choose her again, but from that moment on, the rumors were ready to hit like a storm again.

An Zhiqi also got up, snapped his fingers in front of the girl he had never met, and said, "Little beauty, let's go! Although the scenery over there is good, the one here is not bad either.

"Xu Min works in this busy place, so it's not like he hasn't heard all kinds of rumors about the Qin family.

Seeing Qin Xiyu's heavy expression, she opened the car door, carefully sent Qin Xiyu into the car, and sat in the cockpit by herself, not daring to say more.

While stepping on the accelerator, she turned her head to look at him from time to time.

Qin Xiyu closed his eyes and warned: "Concentrate on driving! I will settle the score with you for violating the regulations.

"..." Xu Min felt extremely embarrassed. Although the incident last time was suppressed, it didn't mean that no one knew about it.

Qin Xiyu felt very dull, so he asked: "Why are you back to work in such a complicated place? Are you not afraid of suffering a loss last time?" "I don't have a high degree of education, and I can only drive.

"Xu Min replied very frankly.

"You've become firmer.

"Actually, I still want to have someone I can rely on to live with me."

People like Mr. Qin are of course the best, impeccable.

It may also be happiness, so the young mistress can confidently teach me the truth of being down-to-earth.

"Qin Xiyu looked weakly at the passing streetlights outside the window, and said with a sneer: "Happiness?If she was really happy, would she just walk away? " "She will come back, she can't bear you."

"" Stop teasing me, little girl.

I just realized the mistake just now, don't give me such a confident conclusion now.

He looked at the front stupidly, "But then again, you have taken care of her for a while, where do you think she will go?" "You don't even have a clue where she went, so why would you ask me, an outsider?" " Xu Min thought to himself: It's okay to say it or not, it's pitiful to see him like this.

"In the past, you took care of her coming and going.

"In the world of love, the IQ of both men and women will drop rapidly.

Xu Min couldn't help laughing, and said: "Yes, I take care of her going in and out of the house, but with the intelligence of the young mistress, I am afraid that she escapes my sight many times.

Has Boss Qin asked Master Xichen? " "Do you think the person who let her go will tell me where she is?"Second aunt let her go, how could Duan Xichen tell me where she is? "It's so pitiful! Xu Min saw the gate of the community, she drove forward slowly, swallowed her throat, hesitated to speak, and thought: I can't speak.

Give me a hint, okay?He didn't know, it's impossible for his father-in-law not to know about the young mistress' life experience.

She secretly smiled from the bottom of her heart, this little expression was captured by Qin Xiyu.

Qin Xiyu frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at? You're still driving so slowly? Believe it or not, I'll complain to you!" "No," she clenched the steering wheel tightly and leaned against the chair, "I...I'm trying to help you find a way.

""Think of ways to? "Maybe, that Wang Liji will know where the young lady is?" Qin Xiyu retorted contemptuously: "He doesn't even want his own daughter for 8000 million. Jiaqi is gone. For him, he can set off firecrackers to celebrate. How could he tell me where Jiaqi is going?"

"Xu Min drove the car into the yard, turned off the power of the car, and was taken aback.

Thinking: How should I put it... She is still sitting in the car.

At this moment, Qin Xiyu rolled her eyes and shouted, "Hey! Are you still getting out of the car? I'll take the car back for you, okay?" Xu Min was more afraid of Qin Xiyu than worrying about the couple.

She hastily opened the door and got out of the car, saying: "No, no, I dare not accept this great gift.

I am leaving! "So, turn around and run away.

Qin Xiyu rubbed his forehead, leaned on the roof of the car and shouted, "I don't want the driver's money anymore?" Xu Min gasped, and almost paid the company himself.

She turned around and walked back in small steps, saying, "Thank you!" Qin Xiyu gave her an annoyed look, took out his wallet and said, "This includes the taxi money back, four hundred, don't look for it.

"" Not so much.

""tip! "The chief executive is capricious.

While stuffing the money into her pocket, she muttered softly: "Fortunately, the young mistress is not here, knowing that you also tip twice as much on behalf of the driver, I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

""What did you say? Xu Min's face froze instantly, and he forced a smile and said, "No, I say thank you, Mr. Qin. Good night, Mr. Qin!" ’ she said, panting.

Qin Xiyu put the wallet back into his pocket, looked at the back that was not big or small, and said with emotion: "I am deaf! I am really a good 'servant' trained by Wang Jiaqi.

Facing the cold wind, he breathed out a little white mist, thinking: Wang Liji? Your daughter has run away, so I should look for you! It's just a matter of urgency, and we must first sort out the internal turmoil in the Qin family.

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