In just two days, Ling Jinyun was hovering on the verge of life and death, and Qin's sky changed.

Qin Xiyu said: "A meeting? Grandma is in the hospital, and her life and death are uncertain. You have the mind to hold meetings everywhere to show off your power? Qin Xiwen, your conscience has been eaten by dogs? I really wonder if you should have been accused of being a devil for so many years?" He The tone is very sarcastic.

Qin Xiwen swallowed her throat, as if she was a little stuffed and couldn't sit still.

She also had conflicts, but... those who deal with major events should see the timing clearly and be decisive.

That's what Xiao Xiaoxian taught her.

Sure enough, many shareholders fell for her.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaoxian knew that Qin Xiwen was weak and easily wavered.

Compared with Qin Xiyu's sharp eyes, it's still far behind.

She caressed the back of Qin Xiwen's hand, moved her teeth and kept her lips still, and whispered beside her: "Don't be influenced, be ruthless, so we can live a good life.

He's so filial, let's put all the blame on him.

"Qin Xiwen ignored the relationship between her siblings, raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Grandma?I don't know if you are really filial or praying for forgiveness? "The shareholders in the audience couldn't help pointing fingers at Qin Xiyu and talking about it.

She went on to say: "I don't know who made grandma eat and went to the hospital? Your good wife! And who sent those ingredients? Your good ex! They are all your women!" With a pun, Leaving doubts aside, the shareholders agree that Qin Xiyu's moral relationship is chaotic.

No one wants to follow a morally corrupt leader.

Such a leader will also bring a bad image to the company.

It was under this kind of attack that everyone turned their backs one after another, leaving Qin Xiyu alone.

Although Ling Jinyun's succession order has not yet been decided, more than half of the Qin family has been sincerely loyal to Qin Xiwen's command.

However, Ling Jinyun's succession order still needs to be observed for half a month according to the board's deliberation regulations.

If Ling Jinyun is in a coma, it will depend on the voting resolution of the shareholders' meeting based on the evaluation of the siblings' various actions in the past half a month.

Qin Xiyu's uneasiness came again with her sister's attack.

He faintly felt that the current situation was just the tip of the iceberg.

He was upset, and as soon as he walked out of the meeting room, he hurriedly ordered Mo Deqi: "Mo Deqi, contact the private detective!" , send out private investigators, who are you looking for?" Mo Deqi couldn't help feeling terrified.

It's fine that the eldest lady has changed, and she brought a bad woman to show off her might, and Qin Xiyu couldn't help but sweat several times.

"Grandma's matter, an important person is missing.

Xiao Xiaoxian snorted coldly and said, "I thought you were so smart."

Are you looking for Xiaoying?You can't find it, I have arranged everything, and Xiaoying should not be in China at this time.

When you only cared about your emotions and blamed Wang Jiaqi, the chess pieces I arranged had already left safely one by one.

"Mo Deqi looked at Qin Xiyu with disbelief when he heard the terrifying words.

"Your conspiracy?" Qin Xiyu's face turned livid.

"Then let me tell you clearly. In fact, I've been waiting for an opportunity. That day..." She raised her eyebrows and sneered, making a full expression.

Time went back to the noon when Ling Jinyun had an accident.

Wang Jiaqi was in the kitchen, and just took out the stewed seabed coconut from the pot, when she suddenly felt sick, and she rushed to the bathroom in a hurry.

At this moment, Xiao Xiaoxian put the aspirin bought by Li Qianyao into Xiaoying's hand and said, "Put it in! At least twenty tablets.

Then, take it up and give it to the old woman to drink.

"Xiaoying was also trembling with fright. The instructions last time did not exceed two tablets at a time. Twenty tablets are fatal.

What's more, Ling Jinyun is so fragile now.

Xiaoying hesitated at the kitchen door.

Xiao Xiaoxian pushed her in with one hand and said, "Hurry up! There's no time!" At this moment, Wang Jiaqi supported her weak body and found that Xiaoying was in the kitchen, in front of the stewing soup.

She turned her back to the door, her hands seemed to be doing something.

Wang Jiaqi asked: "Xiaoying, what are you doing?" Xiaoying held up the soup in one hand and said with a smile: "I just came down to see the young lady who made the stew, but you don't seem to be feeling well, so... I want to help You take it to the old lady.

"She will never let Wang Jiaqi touch the stew, in case Wang Jiaqi finds out.

Although Qin Xiyu reminded her to be careful, she never reminded her that Xiaoying was suspected.

The innocent she let Xiaoying take it first.

When Wang Jiaqi rubbed some medicated oil to lift her spirits and went to Ling Jinyun's room, Ling Jinyun had already spat out blood, and her eyes were fixed on Xiaoying.

Ling Jinyun struggled in pain, hovering on the edge of anger.

The soup was made by Wang Jiaqi herself, so no one doubted the person who gave the soup... At this point, Xiao Xiaoxian smiled and asked, "What? The person who brought you down to this point was not Wang Jiaqi!" Qin Xiyu picked up the soup. Xiao Xiaoxian's collar almost caught fire between his pupils, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Despicable!" Mo Deqi immediately pulled him back, hoping that he would calm down and not make trouble.

"I've always been like this!" Xiao Xiaoxian sighed softly, "I really feel sad for your father! He died in my hands, and many years later, his old mother will die in my hands like this, and the next you! "

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