Qin Xiyu probably felt the same way.

Although his gentle mother and majestic father left him early.

But both of them left an indelible mark on his heart, that is, family affection.

It's completely different from Xiao Xiaoxian's feeling that only the eyes that win the public's approval are good to him.

He even wanted to know more about Wang Jiaqi's past from Li Ma.

This woman is very different from what I know.

Although she is Wang Liji's abandoned daughter, she still seems to have many secrets.

Sure enough, at the speed of military training, when the bathroom door opened, everyone was startled.

In just a few minutes, Qin Xiyu's image took on a whole new look, and he returned to that invincible evil young man again.

Wang Jiaqi rolled her eyes and stared at his bangs, which were always combed high, and said, "It will be fine when Mom sees you and drags you to the underworld as if you were the same kind.

"Xiaoying and Tang Keke "puchi smiled" at the same time.

"What are you laughing at? Withholding your salary!" Qin Xiyu said.

Wang Jiaqi glanced at him and said, "Okay, it's no big deal to smile.

let's go! "After finishing speaking, walk out of the door of the room.

"Wait a minute!" He took her hand and went straight to Ling Jinyun's room.

Seeing that although Ling Jinyun was a little tired, he was relieved to be able to sit up.

He stepped forward and said, "Grandma, today is Jiaqi's mother's birthday, I... go with Jiaqi.

Ling Jinyun casually picked up the crutch beside the bed, tapped his arm and said, "What Jiaqi's mother?"Even if she dies in peace, she is still your mother-in-law, change your mind! ""oh!That grandma has a good rest! "In front of Ling Jinyun, Qin Xiyu is very obedient.

Speaking of this, Ling Jinyun thought of something and said, "By the way, Jiaqi has been here for so long and hasn't seen your parents yet, so take her to burn incense sticks in front of the God's Lord's Tablet before going.

""oh! "Grandma, rest well!" "Wang Jiaqi didn't say anything, just nodded slightly and said goodbye.

Once out of the big room, Wang Jiaqi couldn't wait to urge Qin Xiyu to say, "Where are you, go!" "So you're not familiar with this place, even your parents-in-law?" "Your house is designed in a European style. I don't know if I will offend anyone by going to a wrong place, not to mention that no one has ever told me that there is such a setting as a god.

"She was not unreasonable.

Qin Xiyu sighed and said: "It's really disrespectful, let's go!" After that, he held her hand and walked through the side hall to a very quiet small house.

Qin Xiyu pushed open the door and said, "Go in!" When Wang Jiaqi saw the god's card and photos listed on the altar, she asked, "Qin Xiyu, who is your father?" Twisted her chin and said, "This! On the left is my father's father, and on the right is my father's younger brother!" Wang Jiaqi pushed away the smoke in front of her eyes, and was stunned when she saw the photo, and her memories flooded back. That was not the boy in the memory father?She held her breath for a while, dumbfounded, unable to believe it.

Was it Qin Xiyu who bought the sugar 18 years ago?Qin Xiyu lightly inserted a stick of fresh incense into the incense burner, but seeing Wang Jiaqi in a daze, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Why are you in a daze, incense? Didn't you say you were in a hurry?" The three photos said: "I'm sorry, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, this woman is a bit stupid, but her heart is not bad, and she is pitiful, let's take her in for a while.

Hearing this, Wang Jiaqi respectfully held the vermilion incense with both hands, frowned and gritted her teeth, and said, "Young Master Qin, do you ever speak like this in front of your ancestors?" "" Am I wrong?You owe me money to stay here.

"Wang Jiaqi forgot to hold the stick of incense until her hands became numb, and she only knew that she was so angry that she said: "I won't listen! "" All right!How long are you going to hold that stick of incense? At this time, Wang Jiaqi came to her senses, smiled awkwardly and said, "Grandpa, Dad, uncle, I'm sorry!" "Then, like Qin Xiyu, he gently inserted the lit sandalwood into the incense burner.

The two left quietly on Wednesday together.

At this time, Ling Jinyun smiled peacefully in the room, and said to himself: "Hehe, Xiyu, Xiyu, you have been tricked, you have dragged him in to worship this ancestor.

I didn't force you.

The old lady immediately filled her mind with many happy images, thinking: Finally, I found a chance for these two people to stand in front of their ancestors and worship three times.

According to the old family rules, this Xiyu's life is considered settled.

As soon as Qin Xiyu took Wang Jiaqi into the car, he felt something was wrong, and murmured: "It's not right..." "What's wrong?" "It doesn't matter what kind of incense is on here, it must be presided over by the elders.

Even if grandma can't get out of bed, it's not up to me to go alone.

At least Xiao Xiaoxian and Second Aunt will attend!What the hell are you doing? "Qin Xiyu thought about it, but always felt something was wrong.

"I don't understand what you said, I don't have so many taboos about worshiping my mother.

But I only know that if you don't leave, I won't be able to buy the snacks that my mother likes to eat.

"Wang Jiaqi is being polite if she is still in Qin's house after so long delay.

At this time, the old lady was already enjoying herself upstairs, and she was having fun with the rules of her ancestors.

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