Wang Jiaqi worked honestly and hard for three days, but still didn't find any major discoveries.

Although those suspicious expenditures add up to a big hole of 900 million yuan, according to the bank's transaction records, there are no mistakes in the books.

Time is limited, she can't spend it like this.

However, every unspecified amount is always followed by a payment for goods, showing an equal amount of income and expenditure.

What is the reason for this?She pondered for a while, thinking that they lacked the support of original documents after several days of hard work.

She got up and whispered to the cashier: "It's just a few days of bank receipts and payments, there will be no mistakes.

However, what are the original documents for these inexplicable equal payments?Regardless of expenses, what is that source of income? "However, the cashier's qualifications are still inexperienced, and he doesn't know anything about the situation a few years ago, so he can only shake his head.

Just when she was confused, she looked at Wang Fengling who was sitting aside and playing with her mobile phone.

She put down the work at hand, walked towards her and asked: "I've been looking at it for so many days and it's just bank transaction records and ledgers, even if there are no mistakes, it's not enough to prove that Wang Liji and Bai Caiyu are beyond doubt.

You should know where the original documents are, right?Those are the things that clear your "good parents" of innocence.

"She asked this brainless "sister", but she didn't want to rummage through boxes and cabinets with a lot of keys by herself.

Wang Fengling was stunned for a moment, she didn't care what her father did at all, she only knew that the piano shop was one of her mother's money-making tools.

She didn't understand the original certificate.

Her school years were nothing more than just dawdling with money.

Wang Jiaqi snorted coldly and said, "If you don't think about it carefully, if you find out, even if the accounts are correct, they are dead.

"She picked up the ledger and said: "As of now, there are more than 900 million equal payments from unknown sources.

If there is no original document to prove that it is a normal income and expenditure, this big pit will be up to you to pay for it by going bankrupt.

"Yes, those documents are missing.

On the night when she and Qin Xiyu came, she saw Wang Liji's table of receipts.

It can be seen that those accounts were registered and processed by him.

Wang Fengling and Bai Caiyu have the same temper, and they are most afraid of the days when they have no money.

Then he whispered, "Why don't you go look for it in Dad's office?" Wang Jiaqi took out a bunch of keys and said, "Open the door and let me go in and look for it.

If you are the supervisor, you will check the points of these important evidences, take them out and lock them back.

"Wang Fengling began to feel timid.

Facing a stable life, she stupidly held back her breath, got up and brought Wang Jiaqi into Wang Liji's office to look for things.

I searched all the drawers and found nothing, only a cabinet with a code was left.

She smiled, pointed at the cabinet and said, "You open it!" In order to restore stability in her life, she nodded her head like a pest.

Wang Jiaqi stepped aside and asked her to open the safe under the table.

Sure enough, a bunch of receipts were saved in it by year and month.

Wang Fengling took the table without saying a word.

Wang Jiaqi smiled, and immediately let go of the clip to see the clues of those lists.

I saw that among those lists, there were two delivery notes from the supplier stuck up and down, and the contents of the two lists were exactly the same, and the amount on the top one was less than the settlement amount on the bottom one.

Receipts are issued for small amounts.

Wang Jiaqi suddenly understood that the biggest problem of the piano company was not incompetent management, but that the chairman Wang Liji emptied the funds invested by shareholders before they were returned.

She grabbed the pile of receipts and copied the suspicious purchase receipts and supplier receipts one by one.

Wang Fengling quickly asked: "What are you going to do?" She said concisely, "Collect evidence!" Wang Fengling suddenly felt fooled.

When she reached out to grab the receipt back, Jiang Na reached out to block her and said, "Miss Wang, please respect yourself.

""You are the ones who respect themselves!"who are you?How dare you steal a copy of the list and plan to tamper with it? "Wang Jiaqi snorted coldly, continued to copy the receipts with the cashier, and murmured: "I suddenly feel that Wang Liji is really pitiful. He and Bai Caiyu are relying on your little IQ to keep their status.


" "I'm not as despicable as some of you think."

"Wang Fengling was furious seeing the lists being copied one by one, and retorted: "If you, a wild girl, were not as despicable as your mother who can only play the piano, how could grandpa write such a will? At this time, rhythmic applause rang out in front of the financial room.

The devilish man in a suit and leather shoes leaned against the door frame and said with an unruly look: "Of course your grandpa made a wise choice long ago.

Hearing the familiar voice, Wang Jiaqi looked towards the door, glared sharply, and asked, "Why are you here?" "" Pick you up from get off work.

" His ghostly eyes blinked.

The little cashier was stunned. It was said that the chairman sold his daughter for glory. Could it be true? "Qin Xiyu?" Wang Fengling was dumbfounded.

Before Wang Liji said that Qin Xiyu might be on the same line as Wang Jiaqi, she still didn't believe it, but now, she has to force herself to believe it.

"Should I call you sister-in-law?" He hooked his lips, stepped forward with a wicked smile, stared at Wang Fengling and asked.

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