Escaped wife at a high price: Evil young man, let’s get a divorce

Chapter 108 Chapter 108 The First Dinner for Two

Wang Jiaqi lowered her head shyly, held the flute and said: "It's a good harvest, thank you!" Master!" Wang Jiaqi couldn't help trembling, pinching the flute in her hand, hesitant to speak.

She changed the subject and said, "I'm looking for my second aunt tonight..." "What's wrong with this thing?" Qin Xiyu compared the flute on Wang Jiaqi's lap with his chin.

He held her mobile phone for a moment, and he could guess it with his toes.

Wang Jiaqi said with a serious face: "It's not just it, except for the harp worth 4000 million yuan in the piano store, which is a high-quality product, other musical instruments... are not high-quality.

What has Wang Liji been doing all these years?

"Oh, old man Wang left you a mess."

He stepped on the accelerator, "I think you will have another serious illness if you think about it."

Think for yourself before dealing with such a bad thing! ""What? Qin Xiyu frowned and asked: "What time is it, aren't you hungry?" "Not to mention, Wang Jiaqi really didn't realize that she was starving.

She asked back: "Didn't you say Cengfan? Wang Liji just took the money, so it's fine if he asks him to go back.

"You, a teacher, have such a philistine side?" Qin Xiyu felt annoyed and funny when he heard it, he stopped at a noodle shop and said, "Go down!" ""not going home? "Wang Jiaqi asked while following him in.

Qin Xiyu pushed her head and said, "Why don't you go home? They've all washed the dishes now, okay? You're so hungry that your chest is stuck to your back, and you'll starve to death when you get home.

"Wang Jiaqi didn't dare to speak, but glanced at his back helplessly, feeling depressed: "It's not so exaggerated.

"As soon as the two of them sat down in this small noodle restaurant, the proprietress came forward with a menu card and teased Qin Xiyu enthusiastically: "Hey, boy, are you finally willing to bring your wife here? Hearing this, Wang Jiaqi glared at Qin Xiyu who was opposite and asked for help.

Qin Xiyu stroked his forehead and said lightly: "No.

"Wang Jiaqi was very surprised that Qin Xiyu, who was ridiculed like this, didn't even have a bad face.

The proprietress's kind face burst into laughter, she patted Qin Xiyu's shoulder and said, "Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, my old lady, I haven't seen you bring a girl here.

"When the proprietress said this, Qin Xiyu became bored, turned his head and glanced at the proprietress, and said: "Okay, okay, don't talk, you are still the same, a bowl of beef noodles with eggs, and a plate of vegetable and meat dumplings, right? "Qin Xiyu expressed his acquiescence by not moving or making a sound.

The proprietress smiled again and asked: "The little girl, what do you want to eat?" Before Wang Jiaqi could say it, Qin Xiyu said: "She will just have a bowl of plain noodles.

The proprietress immediately raised her brows and said, "Is there anyone who treats a daughter-in-law like you?" Then he said to Wang Jiaqi, "Don't be afraid, my mother will add some small wontons for you personally."

Wang Jiaqi was very grateful, smiled and said: "Thank you!" "The proprietress liked Wang Jiaqi's shy appearance very much.

Holding the list, he shouted happily to the kitchen: "Old man! A regular customer has arrived!" Then he whispered to the man who was in the kitchen, "The young master brought a girl here, she looks quite lovely.

"Qin Xiyu remained silent.

Wang Jiaqi looked up at the dilapidated and classic old decoration, and asked curiously about the small shop with tens of square meters: "You will come to these places too?" She thought: In Qin Xiyu's eyes, these places should be ruins.

Qin Xiyu poured a glass of boiled water by himself, took a big sip, and replied lightly: "I like to come!" For Qin Xiyu, the places he likes to go do not need to be explained.

He didn't want to say it, no one could pry his mouth open.

When Wang Jiaqi didn't ask any more questions, Qin Xiyu said, "These two people were responsible for taking care of me in the Qin family.

Later, Xiao Xiaoxian chased him away.

When Wang Jiaqi heard the words, she thought to herself: Is it because they spent too much money to drive them away? She turned to ask: "Then how do you know they opened a shop here?" "I found out once after school."

"He suddenly sighed, "I wanted to bring Qianyao here before, but..." Wang Jiaqi remained silent, thinking: Li Qianyao wears tight skirts and small dresses every day. love these places.

After a few words, the proprietress enthusiastically "served the food" again.

Seeing that the bowl of noodles really contained six small wontons, Wang Jiaqi said, "I found out that the servants of your Qin family treat me well.

Do you want to examine yourself?Master Qin? "Qin Xiyu became annoyed when he heard this.

He glared, gritted his teeth and whispered: "If you don't want to die, just shut up and eat quickly!" "If you shut up, how do you eat?" Wang Jiaqi picked up the chopsticks and muttered to the noodles in the soup.

Qin Xiyu habitually opened the jar on the table and poured the beef noodles and dumplings full of chili sauce.

Wang Jiaqi stared dumbfounded, even stopping her chopsticks.

Usually at home, I really don’t find this person so fond of spicy food.

Qin Xiyu felt uncomfortable being stared at, and frowned and said, "What are you looking at, can you eat it?" After finishing speaking, he picked up a dumpling covered in chili sauce, lowered his head and began to chew a large piece.

While eating, he asked, "By the way, what's wrong with those thousand-dollar flutes?"

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