Wanting to match the distinctive stone shape, Li Xiaohan directly created another planet.Looking from a distance, it is actually a scene of a thriving population living and working in peace and contentment.

"This is too beautiful. If you sell it, you will definitely get a very high price." Ning Qingqing feels that this is no longer a simple stone, but a work of art.Ning Qingqing thinks that she must give it to her son as a family heirloom in the future.

"If you like it, I'll draw two more for you." Li Xiaohan was very satisfied with Ning Qingqing's adoring eyes, and he especially liked that Young Young looked at and talked to himself with such admiring eyes.

Every time at this time, Li Xiaohan feels very secure, he is so good, his wife at home must not value others, and cannot run away with others.

However, the president of Lida really worried too much, let alone the financial and material resources of the historical group, Li Xiaohan's own personal talent alone has already been thrown away, and hundreds of others are on the street.In addition, he greets Ning Qingqinghan every day like a caring little padded jacket.How can my wife have time to care about whether the wild flowers outside are fragrant or not.

"Can you teach me?" Ning Qingqing completely passed the thoughts in her mind just now, why didn't she hire a teacher, a master painter fell asleep next to her, why didn't she notice it before.

"Of course there is no problem. Why do you guarantee that you will be as good as me within three months." Li Xiaohan heard his wife said that he would worship him as a teacher, so he quickly pretended to be strict with himself.It's almost as if I glued a fake beard on myself and matched it with a fan.

"But did you also practice drawing when you were young? I haven't heard you say that." Ning Qingqing was still immersed in the surprise brought by Li Xiaohan for a long time and couldn't extricate herself.

"My grandma was a famous painter before, have you forgotten? I was brought up by my grandma, so the level of painting is naturally not bad." Li Xiaohan didn't say that he was only in the few years before he went to the training ground, because I thought it was fun, so I learned from the old lady.

However, in terms of Li Xiaohan's IQ and memory, although he has not practiced for so many years, his previous ability and level have not diminished.

"That's right, you're the grandson of a famous painter, so you can't be a bad painter." Ning Qingqing patted her head, a little annoyed, and forgot about it.

Since Li Xiaohan's wife beat him on the head, he quickly reached out and rubbed Ning Qingqing's head, "It's actually very simple, let me teach you."

"When I go back, I must ask my grandma for advice. You said that the general manager of a dignified studio actually painted such a ghostly picture." Ning Qingqing felt embarrassed when she thought about it, and she became more determined to talk to the history when she went back. The old lady's determination to learn painting.

"Okay, it just so happens that you can spend more time with grandma." Li Xiaohan never raised any objections to his wife's decision. Anyway, his wife is so pretty, whatever she says or does is right.

Li Xiaohan hugged Ning Qingqing on his lap, and then taught her hand in hand. Although Ning Qingqing had never learned painting before, she had such an excellent master as Li Xiaohan, plus her own ingenuity.

Ning Qingqing's hand holding the paintbrush became much more stable soon, and the lines became much smoother.Li Xiaohan looked at the time, worried that his wife would be hungry soon.

"My wife is smart, and she has made such great progress in just a short while. You practice here for a while, and I'll prepare you something to eat." Li Xiaohan still didn't forget to blow his wife's rainbow fart, and then he farted I'm going to prepare the fruit in a hurry.

Ning Qingqing's praise for Li Xiaohan was very useful, seeing her no longer crooked lines, and no longer weird color schemes.I feel a lot happier, and the nature of the stones I painted just now has returned a bit.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here." Ning Qingqing only looked at the painting in front of her eyes, completely ignoring this passionate husband.

Since Li Xiaohan didn't even give him a look from his wife, he instantly felt wronged.But he obediently went to prepare food for his wife.

Ning Qingqing didn't notice the aggrieved Li Xiaohan, so you took the paintbrush and immersed yourself in your own painting world.Wait until Li Xiaohan gets everything ready.Ning Qingqing finally felt a little tired.

Ning Qingqing put the brush aside, and then became a big lazy.He took off his apron and gloves and put them aside, then went to wash his hands and changed his clothes.

When Ning Qingqing came to the small pavilion by the lake again, Li Xiaohan had already prepared a sumptuous picnic.On the low-key and luxurious tablecloth, there was a plate of washed and cut fruits and a bunch of snacks.What shocked Ning Qingqing the most was that there was still a piece of cake.

"So many delicious foods, my God, there are cakes. Did you make them?" Ning Qingqing didn't feel hungry at first, but after seeing this pile of rich food.In an instant, I felt that I was hungry, and my stomach was also eating at this time, and I let out two groans.

"Wife, are you starving?" Li Xiaohan heard his wife's stomach growl with hunger, and was angry that he should have prepared things faster just now.

"I didn't feel hungry when I didn't see these things to eat. When I saw this pile of things, I felt like I hadn't eaten all day." Ning Qingqing sometimes sat cross-legged next to Li Xiaohan as you imagined.

Ning Qingqing picked up a plate of dragon fruit, picked it up and stuffed it into her mouth. "You actually baked a cake in such a short time."

Ning Qingqing didn't forget to eat while praising her husband.Li Xiaohan is just like Doraemon, versatile, capable of writing and martial arts.Go up to the hall and go down to the kitchen, outside is a cold male god, and at home is a gentle little milk dog, a proper national husband.

Every day brings you new surprises.No matter what weird request he wants, Li Xiaohan will always satisfy him in the first time.

"The semi-finished product I prepared before, I brought it together because I thought you would like it." Li Xiaohan has a comprehensive understanding of Ning Qingqing's preferences.

Ning Qingqing stuffed a large piece of the spoon bowl into her mouth, enjoying it contentedly.Sure enough, it is still the taste that I am familiar with and love. "You are really sweet."

Ning Qingqing didn't forget to eat while praising her husband, as expected, she would have everything with her husband when she went out, and she didn't have to worry about anything.

"It's fine if you like it." Li Xiaohan looked at Ning Qingqing's mouth full of cakes, with a satisfied expression on his face, and immediately felt that all the preparations he had made before were worthwhile.Anyway, as long as you can make your wife smile, you are successful.

"Why don't you eat a little too, aren't you hungry?" Ning Qingqing pulled Li Xiaohan to sit next to her to eat with herself. It is only when eating is shared with the person you like that you will be happier.

"Okay." Li Xiaohan responded indulgently, and then began to feed Ning Qingqing her favorite fruit, and took two more bites by himself.Li Xiaohan felt that seeing his wife eat would make her full.

After a hearty meal, Ning Qingqing patted her stomach contentedly.Leaning comfortably on Li Xiaohan's shoulder, Li Xiaohan handed the juice he had prepared to Ning Qingqing.

Ning Qingqing was drinking the juice prepared by her husband while admiring Li Xiaohan's painting just now. "Do you think there is anything else you don't know?" Ning Qingqing felt that her husband was too good to be good.

"Maybe the only thing is to have a baby." Li Xiaohan tilted his head, pretended to be serious and thought for 2 minutes, and answered Ning Qingqing's question solemnly.

"Haha, it's okay, I can. You said that if you can even have children, why would you marry me?" Ning Qingqing felt very funny looking at her serious husband.

"You don't have to do anything, as long as you are happy." Li Xiaohan said this sentence more seriously, he really hoped that you don't have to do anything, as long as you live happily.

But Ning Qingqing is not a person who can live freely. Anyway, no matter if he wants to go out to play or open a studio, as long as his wife is happy, he will support it.

"Why are you making such an affectionate confession all of a sudden?" Ning Qingqing shyly pushed Li Xiaohan away. Although she had been married for such a long time, Ning Qingqing was still a little embarrassed under Li Xiaohan's affectionate gaze. .

"Just to let you know, I love you so much." Of course, Li Xiaohan would not let go of such a great opportunity to confess, and seized the opportunity to continue to confess affectionately.

"With such an excellent husband, of course I love you so much!" Ning Qingqing praised Li Xiaohan's neck with her backhand, and also expressed her affectionately, the love in her eyes seemed to drown Li Xiaohan to death in it.

"Little mouth is so good at talking when it gets fat." Li Xiaohan and Ren Yongning lightly hung on his body like a koala, and Li Xiaohan scratched Ning Qingqing's nose dotingly.

"That's why, husband, you have to prepare more delicious food for me in the future." Ning Qingqing's appetite is now being fed by Li Xiaohan, and she is becoming more and more picky about her food.

"Don't worry, the Li family's family is so big that it won't be overwhelmed by you." The little wife Li Yanhan raised by himself became more and more delicate and picky, and a sense of arrogance rose from the bottom of his heart.Seeing how well I take care of my wife, I'm so happy.

"If you continue to feed like this, it won't necessarily be the case." Ning Qingqing knew that Li Xiaohan was reluctant to suffer for herself, and Li Xiaohan hoped that what she ate and wore was the best.

"Don't worry, the speed at which you spend money can't keep up with the speed at which your husband earns money." Li Yanhan still has this confidence, let alone Ning Qingqing alone, even if Ning Qingqing is giving birth to a football team .Li Xiaohan can afford it.

"Virtue." Ning Qingqing looked at her husband's dignified and wealthy appearance, and was amused by Li Xiaohan. He said it was Mary's fault, and Li Xiaohan jumped to the ground.

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