Lin Ru was chattering, but found that Ning Qingqing didn't seem to hear her words, and all her attention was on the bracelet.

"This bracelet..." Ning Qingqing looked at the bracelet and suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

"What's wrong with this bracelet?" Lin Ru looked at Ning Qingqing strangely and asked.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember, but I'm sure, I must have seen this bracelet!" Ning Qingqing looked at the bracelet and said seriously.

"Although this bracelet is very valuable, to be honest, its style is quite ordinary. Maybe it's expensive because of its material! It's not unusual for you to see it before. Isn't this kind of bracelet a big one? ?” Lin Ru said with a smile.

Ning Qingqing dispelled the doubts in her heart. Sister Lin Ru was right, this bracelet is indeed quite ordinary.

"Okay, then I'll hold it for you first!" Ning Qingqing said with a smile.

"Then I'll write you an IOU!" Lin Ru was serious about looking for a pen and paper to give Ning Qingqing some IOUs. Ning Qingqing grabbed her hand and laughed, "Are you crazy? What kind of IOU are you writing? You forgot about us Are you good sisters? Do you still need to be so polite between good sisters? If you and your brother Aning can be together in the future, it will be a benefit of me as a matchmaker!"

Lin Ru smiled, "I knew Qingqing was the best for me! Then I have to go home quickly, Brother Aning is still waiting at home!"

Ning Qingqing nodded.

Lin Ru hurried home with her bank card.

Ning Qingqing was about to go back, but when she turned around, she saw a man waving at her.

It's Lin Moshi!

Ning Qingqing was shocked, she didn't know when Lin Moshi started following her, but she believed that he had been following her for a long time.

Ning Qingqing told the driver to wait for her for a while, she still had some things to go to the shopping mall, and then hurried to the big shopping mall next to her.

Lin Moshi watched Ning Qingqing walk into the shopping mall, and hurriedly followed.

Arriving at a remote place in the shopping mall, Ning Qingqing stopped.

Lin Moshi hurried over.

"Qingqing, you are so smart, you know how to come here! There are so many people here that it's not easy to be discovered!" Lin Mo said to Ning Qingqing with a smile, looking at Ning Qingqing's eyebrows with a smile hidden in his eyes.

His flattering tone sounded awkward and uncomfortable to Ning Qingqing's ears.

Ning Qingqing frowned, "Okay, don't talk about anything else, time is limited, what do you need to ask me? Have you been with me for a long time?"

"Yeah, since I told you about Brother Arwen, I don't know if you have told Li Xiaohan what his reaction was?" Lin Moshi asked.

Ning Qingqing shook her head, "I have already asked him, and he said that I do have an older brother. He said that my older brother is in prison now, and I have already asked him to let me see my older brother. Everything will come to light by then!"

"Then he agreed to let you see your brother?" Lin Moshi asked hastily.

"Well, he has already sent someone to the prison to make arrangements. He said that after the arrangements are made, he will let me meet my brother. What's the matter?" Looking at Lin Mo, she seemed very interested in this matter, and she was curious asked.

"No, it's nothing! I just didn't expect that he would actually agree to let you meet your brother. It seems that he didn't feel any guilt for framing your brother and your father and ruining your Ning family! Back then He hurt your brother so badly, and now he is not afraid of being known by you, I really find it strange..."

Lin Moshi looked puzzled, and then he laughed again, "Qingqing, do you dare to make a bet with me, I think Li Xiaohan will definitely say...he can't find your brother..."

"What?" Ning Qingqing couldn't believe his words, and frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's very simple, Li Xiaohan will not let you meet your brother, because once you meet, the things he has done will be exposed. If it were me, I wouldn't be so stupid to let you meet your brother! "Lin Moshi continued.

"No, Xiao Han is not that kind of person!" Ning Qingqing retorted immediately, and when she heard Lin Moshi slander Li Xiaohan, she felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't want to hear that.

"Okay, then let's make a bet, shall we?" Lin Moshi smiled at her, seeming very confident.

After the two separated, Ning Qingqing returned home directly.

Thinking of the bracelet she got from Sister Lin Ru before, Ning Qingqing took out the bracelet, wrinkled and didn't look at it. ,

It's really strange, she really seems to have seen this bracelet before somewhere!
It must not be because of the style, she can be sure of this, this kind of déjà vu made her feel a little stuck in her heart.

Ning Qingqing couldn't figure out where she had seen it before, so she gently put the bracelet in the drawer beside the bed, and then went to bed to rest.

In the past few days, because of her pregnancy, she has become more and more sleepy, and she wants to sleep every now and then.

Other people's morning sickness did not appear in her, but what appeared was lethargy.

Ning Qingqing pulled the quilt over her body and fell asleep.

In the dream, a little girl appeared, she was smiling very happily, running in a garden-like place, laughing, there was a shadow chasing her in a trance behind her.

"Qingqing, don't run too fast, you will fall!" the shadow shouted to her, it turned out to be a woman, her voice was so gentle and loving, which made her feel very happy.

"Qingqing, be careful!" the shadow shouted to her, but the little girl in front was still running on her own, not listening to the shadow behind her at all.

Finally, the little girl fell to the ground hard. She was startled for a moment, and then burst into tears.

"Just disobedient, didn't mom tell you, don't run so fast, is it easy to fall, you just don't stop talking to mom, does it hurt?" The shadow behind her ran over quickly, this time she There was reluctance and distress in her tone, as well as anger because of her disobedience.

She reached out and picked up the little girl who fell to the ground.

On her snow-white wrist, a bracelet was exposed, and it was the bracelet she just got from Lin Ru today.

"Mom!" Ning Qingqing shouted, she wanted to see the woman's face clearly, but she couldn't at all, the woman had been hiding in the thick fog like a thick fog, no matter how she tried to drive the fog away, It's useless to disperse, mother's face is still in the thick fog.

"Okay, Qingqing won't cry, mom will take you to eat something delicious!" the woman said to the child.

"Okay, okay!" The little girl smiled through her tears, and said to the woman with her little hands up, "Mom, I fell so badly just now, mom hugged me and went to eat something delicious, okay?"

The little girl said coquettishly on purpose.

"Qingqing is so big, do you still want her to hug her? Mom, see if Qingqing doesn't have long legs..."

It was the woman who said with a smile, but did not refuse the girl's request, and bent down to hug her in her arms.

With a flick of her wrist, the bracelet was revealed again.

"What do Qingqing want to eat later?" the woman asked, and walked away with the little girl in her arms.

"Mom, I'm Qingqing. I'm here. I'm the real Qingqing. Who was that just now? How could she pretend to be me? Mom, stop, don't you know me?"

Ning Qingqing watched the woman leave with the child in her arms, and wanted to stop her anxiously, but the woman continued to walk forward with the child in her arms as if she didn't hear her.

"Mom, mother..." Ning Qingqing shouted loudly, watching the woman get closer and closer to her, passing her by, and then walking further and further away.

"Mom!" Ning Qingqing suddenly opened her eyes, only to realize that it was just a dream of her own.

Touching his cheek, there were cold tears on it.

Did she cry just now?

Did you cry because of that dream?
The feeling of that dream is so real, the little girl in that dream is her, and the mother of that little girl is her mother!

But she didn't even see what she looked like!
Sadness and sadness attacked her together.

But everything is so real, and the realness now makes her feel that the feeling is still vividly engraved in her heart.

Ning Qingqing opened the drawer and took out the bracelet just now. This bracelet appeared in the dream just now, on her mother's wrist.

Could this be her mother's bracelet?
This thought flashed through her mind, but she quickly denied it.

How is it possible that this bracelet belongs to her mother? It must be because she always thinks this bracelet is very familiar, so she thinks it belongs to her mother.

This is the so-called thinking every day, but also dreaming!

Ning Qingqing sighed, put the bracelet back in the drawer, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Li Xiaohan walked in.

"The servants said they were sleeping. I didn't intend to disturb you. I came up to see you and left. I didn't expect you to wake up! It seems that this sleep is not very long!"

Li Xiaohan walked over with a smile, sat by Ning Qingqing's bed, kissed her on the forehead, and immediately noticed that she was strange.

He stretched out his slender fingers and scratched her face, the fingertips touched a little moisture.

He immediately checked it carefully, and asked in surprise and doubt, "Qingqing, why are you crying, who bullied you, or what's not happy about it, tell me..."

"It's nothing, I just had a dream just now, and I shed a few tears in the dream! Now I am a first-class protected animal in President Li's family. Whoever bullies me, show me the face. It's good if I don't bully others now." It's gone!" Ning Qingqing deliberately joked with Li Xiaohan in order to reassure him.

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