"Well, I know, thank you, Sister Lin Ru, I'm really fine, don't worry!" Ning Qingqing smiled at Lin Ru, she knew that Sister Lin Ru was really good to her.

After sending Sister Lin Ru home first, Ning Qingqing went back to the villa.

When she got home, she said she was not feeling well and went upstairs to rest.

But lying on the bed, Ning Qingqing couldn't fall asleep. What she was thinking about was what Lin Moshi told her just now.

She still can't believe that she really has a brother, and this brother is suffering in a prison in a foreign country, and the person who sent her brother to prison is actually Li Yanhan!

Not only that, Li Xiaohan also killed her father!
How is this possible, Li Xiaohan is so kind to her, how could he kill her father and frame her brother, she really can't believe it!

However, when I think of Lin Moshi's swearing when he told her, and the video evidence he showed, it's true that the person inside is indeed her, and Lin Moshi, and she did call that man brother !
Is it all true?
If it's true, how should she face Li Xiaohan from now on!
Li Xiaohan is her enemy now!
Ning Qingqing felt very confused.

At this time, the servant downstairs saw that Ning Qingqing had a bad face after returning home, and she also entered the bedroom to prevent anyone from entering. She felt that Ning Qingqing was a little weird today, so she hurriedly called her. The phone told Li Xiaohan about Ning Qingqing's performance.

Li Xiaohan immediately dropped his work and rushed back.

After he came back, he hurried upstairs and went to see Ning Qingqing in the bedroom, but he couldn't find anyone.

"Madam said that she went to the garden for a walk, and she should be in the greenhouse now!" the servant told Li Xiaohan.

Li Xiaohan nodded, and immediately went to the greenhouse, and sure enough, he found Ning Qingqing in the greenhouse.

She was sitting on a bench in the greenhouse, and she seemed to be looking at the perfume lily in front of her.

But her expression seemed to have wandered away, her attention was not on the flowers in front of her at all.

Li Xiaohan couldn't help but smile, this woman is also very beautiful and cute in a daze.

He walked in quietly, walked slowly behind her, reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

Ning Qingqing was startled, she came back to her senses and turned around to see that Li Xiaohan was looking at her with a doting smile on her face.

Ning Qingqing's heart twitched, could she look at her man with eyes full of doting and love, could he be the murderer who ruined her family?
"What's the matter, sitting here in a daze!" Li Xiaohan sat beside her with a smile and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, "I heard from the servant that you went out today, where did you go with whom?"

He lowered his head, looked at her with a smile on his lips and asked.

"Today... Sister Lin Ru and I went out for a walk..." Ning Qingqing didn't know why, and subconsciously concealed the fact that she met Lin Moshi.

Li Xiaohan smiled, and helped her pin the hanging hair behind her ears.

"Then what happened today? Why don't you look too emotional? Did Lin Ru do something to offend you? Tell me, and I'll help you get justice!" Li Xiaohan said jokingly.

"No! Sister Lin Ru is so kind to me, how could she bully me! I might just be tired, and the mood of pregnant women is inherently uncertain. It's normal, so don't take it to heart!" Ning Qingqing reluctantly said With a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Besides, I'm much better now!"

"Well! Since you are in a bad mood today, then... how about I take you out for a big meal? Maybe a big meal will improve your mood!" Li Xiaohan coaxed her and said, "Baby, you must learn to regulate yourself After all, you still have our baby in your womb, if Mommy is in a bad mood, the baby will feel it too, and the baby will be sad too!"

"Why is the baby sad? He's still a little guy the size of a soybean!" Ning Qingqing was amused by his words.

Seeing Ning Qingqing smile, Li Xiaohan felt relieved.

"But didn't you always dislike taking me out to eat, saying that the food outside is not safe, what's wrong this time, you actually offered to take me out for a big meal?" Ning Qingqing asked with some doubts.

"Take you out to relax. These days I'm busy with business in the company, so I don't have time to accompany you. You and the baby must be very lonely. I'll accompany you tonight, isn't it good?" Li Xiaohan smiled caringly said.

Ning Qingqing smiled, "Of course!"

Speaking of which, they really haven't gone out for dinner for a long time.

Soon, Li Xiaohan brought Ning Qingqing to the hotel under the Li family.

Li Xiaohan had originally ordered the manager to reserve the best private room in the hotel for him and Ning Qingqing, but after arriving at the hotel, he saw the elegant dining environment in the lobby and the melodious violin, the environment here is not much worse than the private room, Ning Qingqing Changed my mind and wanted to dine in the lobby.

Li Xiaohan naturally agrees with both hands, and now, for him, Ning Qingqing's request is an order, and he never refuses to obey.

Soon, Li Xiaohan's dinner was served.

When Ning Qingqing saw that these dishes were all her favorite flavors, knowing that this was Li Xiaohan's thoughtful arrangement, she was very moved.

This man is so busy with work, but he still thinks about her preferences, and wants to accompany her and make her happy. How can such a man hurt her and her family?

Ning Qingqing's expression suddenly became a little lost.

"Qingqing, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ning Qingqing's expression changed, Li Xiaohan asked hurriedly.

"It's okay!" Ning Qingqing hurriedly shook her head and smiled.

"Then let's start eating, these are your favorite foods, try it quickly and see if it suits your appetite!" Seeing that Ning Qingqing quickly recovered, Li Yanhan dispelled the doubts he had just now.

Ning Qingqing nodded, and the two began to eat dinner.

Li Xiaohan's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from the company.

"You eat first, I'll answer the phone!" Li Xiaohan said to Ning Qingqing.

"En!" Ning Qingqing nodded, and Li Xiaohan walked away with his mobile phone.

Ning Qingqing looked at Li Xiaohan's back, her expression became a little melancholy again.

Suddenly a cheerful child's laughter came into her ears, she turned around to look, and at some point, a family came to the seat not far behind her, parents with two children.

The older child is a boy, an elder brother, who looks eleven or twelve years old, and the younger one is a younger sister, who looks only three or four years old.

At this time, the elder brother was teasing the younger sister, holding the younger sister in his arms, and the little guy looked very happy in the elder brother's arms.

Laughing so loudly, the voice was as clear and melodious as a silver bell, Ning Qingqing couldn't help laughing too.

"You... are you Miss Ning Qingqing?"

Perhaps Ning Qingqing's friendly gaze was too focused, which made the hostess of the house notice her. When she saw clearly that the smiling woman looking at them was a famous star, she became excited all of a sudden.

"Yes!" Ning Qingqing nodded to her friendly and smiled.

"Oh, that's great, I didn't expect to meet my idol here! Miss Ning, can I...can I take a photo with you?" the hostess said excitedly, and stood up excitedly, holding her mobile phone , I can't wait to take a photo with Ning Qingqing like that.

"Okay!" Ning Qingqing didn't refuse, and got up to take a photo with her.

The elder brother heard that this is a big star, and Mommy wanted to take a photo with her, so he immediately came over and insisted on taking a photo with her.

The younger sister in her arms also opened her mouth to take pictures, Ning Qingqing was not impatient at all, but took a photo with them with a smile.

"Thank you, Miss Ning!" The hostess smiled gratefully.

"Are these two your children? So cute!" Ning Qingqing looked at the little sister and said with a smile. The black crystal is really cute.

Looking at this little guy, Ning Qingqing felt that her heart was about to melt.

"Yeah! You don't know this little guy. He looks cute, but he's actually a little troublemaker. He's the most troublesome at home. Fortunately, her brother can help me stay with her for a while after he comes home from school. Otherwise, I will be exhausted by this little guy who is full of tricks!" The hostess complained, although she was complaining, seeing her, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, but she seemed to be content.

"That brother is really good, and he can help Mommy take care of my sister!" Ning Qingqing praised her brother with a smile.

The elder brother smiled, he was a very sunny little boy, he looked at the younger sister in his arms and said, "That's natural, the younger sister is my baby, I am the older brother, I have to protect the younger sister! Not just now, When I grow up, I will also protect my sister, and I will never let anyone bully her!"

As the elder brother was talking, the little guy might be tired of staying in his arms, so he opened his little hand and asked his elder brother to let her go.

My brother bent down and put her on the ground, and the little guy immediately started running staggeringly, laughing happily, like a wild horse that has lost its rein.

"Slow down, be careful! Be careful!" My brother shouted behind him, and hurriedly chased after him.

Slow down and be careful!These words suddenly hit Ning Qingqing's heart, she remembered, in the video that Lin Moshi showed her today, didn't her brother tell her like this?

It seems that the brother Lin Moshi said of her cared about her very much and loved her very much, just like the little girl's brother in front of him, caring so much about her safety.

elder brother……

Thinking of this word, Ning Qingqing suddenly felt a tightness in her chest.

Worried that she would be seen by others, she smiled at the hostess and hostess, and hurried back to her dining table and sat down.

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