"En!" Ning Qingqing nodded, then slipped into his arms again, nestling under the quilt like a kitten.

"Seeing how tired you are now, how about postponing today's schedule?" Li Yanhan smiled and said to her.

"That can't be done, the itinerary has already been booked, and everyone is ready, just because I am modifying the itinerary, it will cause a lot of trouble for others, and it will also affect the progress later, so I don't want it Come on, I'll just sleep for a while!" Ning Qingqing muttered softly, closing her eyes.

"Okay then, you sleep for a while, I'll drive you there in person later! I'll go down and prepare some breakfast for you first, you go to sleep!" Li Yanhan said softly.

Ning Qingqing smiled and continued to sleep in.

At this time, she was extremely happy in her heart. Li Xiaohan cared so much about her, he was really a role model of a good husband, and she felt that she really found a treasure.

After sleeping for a while, Li Xiaohan came up to wake her up. After breakfast, Li Xiaohan took her to the orphanage himself.

"Okay, I'm going to start working now, you go back to the company first!" Ning Qingqing said to Li Xiaohan.

Li Xiaohan told Lin Ru to take care of Ning Qingqing again, and then left.

Ning Qingqing's short film was shot very smoothly.

There are still some other scenes that need to be filled in. Ning Qingqing has nothing to do now, so she went to the orphanage for a walk and saw beautiful roses at the door, spreading all the way to the small mountain road. Ning Qingqing was very happy, so she walked along Follow the small mountain road all the way up.

The sun was very good, and Ning Qingqing was also in a good mood. Standing under the roses and smelling the faint fragrance in the air, she just felt that life like this is also very beautiful.

Faintly heard something behind her, she looked back, but saw nothing.

It's strange, she seemed to hear something just now.

Ning Qingqing just wanted to check it out, when she saw Lin Ruzheng standing at the gate of the orphanage and waving to her, "Qingqing, come back quickly, we should pack up and leave!"

"Okay!" Ning Qingqing promised and hurried over.

Behind a huge rock not far away, a figure turned out from behind a tree, with a hostile and unwilling expression on his face.

Damn it, let that woman escape just like that, what a pity for the careful arrangement this time.

But that's okay, she didn't get nothing this time.

The woman turned around and looked in the direction behind her, with a vicious smile on the corner of her mouth, then turned and left quietly.

"Where is Zihao, why don't you see that little guy!" Ning Qingqing looked around and asked Lin Ru if she didn't see Zihao.

Lin Ru suddenly laughed, "The little guy said that he wanted to stay here for one night today. He said that many of his good friends are here. He hasn't played with them for a long time. He plans to stay here for one night tonight. Have fun with them! It happens that tomorrow is the weekend, why don't you let him stay here for one night!"

"In this case, well, let's go back after packing up!" Ning Qingqing smiled and said, the little guy still needs his own friends, not to mention that Zihao is so cheerful and likes to make friends. Since he came back this time, how could the little guy leave if he was not allowed to stay here for one night.

Lin Ru nodded, and packed up with Ning Qingqing, just as the crew's car was about to leave, everyone said goodbye to the dean and left.

"This short film was very successful. I saw the effect just now, and with some post-production, I believe it will be very good!" The director said to Ning Qingqing in the car.

"Thank you so much!" Ning Qingqing said politely, "Everyone has worked hard today, why don't I invite you to dinner tonight, thank you for taking care of me during this time!"

Everyone was very happy when they heard that Ning Qingqing was going to treat guests. Lin Ru immediately contacted the hotel to arrange dinner for tonight.

Everyone was happily heading to the hotel when Lin Ru's phone rang suddenly, and it was the dean's mother calling.

"Miss Lin, did Zihao leave with you?" asked the mother dean.

"No, Zihao said that he would stay in the orphanage tonight, so we didn't take him with him. What's the matter, nanny?" Lin Ru asked in surprise.

"What should we do? We can't find Zihao! The children in the orphanage are here, but no one has said that they have seen Zihao. Since you left, Zihao has disappeared. Zihao is not in the car. Then where will he go?" The mother dean became anxious.

"Don't worry, Mammy, you are looking for it carefully, maybe that little guy is playful, and I don't know where to hide it, Qingqing and I will go back to find him immediately!" Lin Ru hung up the phone and said.

"What's the matter?" Ning Qingqing looked at Lin Ru and asked, since she spoke just now, Ning Qingqing noticed that her face had become a little strange.

"Zihao is gone. Mammy said that Zihao has disappeared since we left, so I asked if Zihao came back with us! Mammy has already summoned all the children in the orphanage, but there is no one. I have seen Zihao, Qingqing, I am a little worried, why don't we go back and help find it!" Lin Ru frowned and said.

"Okay, then let's go back quickly!" Ning Qingqing said hastily, and told the director about the matter.

The director became anxious when he heard that, everyone in the car knew that Zihao was lost, and they unanimously demanded to go back and find Zihao.

The car quickly turned around and went to the orphanage.

Lin Ru was anxious and angry at the same time, clenched his fists and said, "This little bastard has been running around all day, this time I find him and see how I deal with him, I must teach him a lesson!"

Ning Qingqing patted her hand and comforted, "It will be fine. Zihao has been filming with the crew for so long. We all have seen his ability to take care of himself. Even if he goes out to play, he won't run far. Maybe Mammy has found him now, and is teaching him a lesson!"

Lin Ru nodded, but the worried expression on his face did not ease at all.

Although Ning Qingqing was persuading others, she was much more disturbed than Lin Ruzhi.

She remembered the first time she and Zihao were filming a movie together. When they were filming the seaside scene, Zeng Zihao was pushed into the sea, and it was finally found out that it was Bai Menglin who did it.

Now that Bai Menglin is dead, it doesn't mean that there are no crazy people like Bai Menglin.

What if someone is trying to kill Zihao!
Why are those people always unable to let Zihao go!

He is only a child!

If they have any dissatisfaction, they can directly attack her. It's nothing to always deal with a child.

The last time I pushed Zihao into the sea, what will happen this time? !

If it was true that someone intentionally harmed someone, then Zi Hao might be in danger now.

The more Ning Qingqing thought about it, the more worried she became.

Soon they arrived at the orphanage, and the mother dean sent someone to wait for them at the door, and she led some staff from the orphanage to continue looking for Zihao.

"Hasn't Zihao been found yet?" Ning Qingqing asked hurriedly after getting out of the car.

The man just shook his head slightly.

"Where can this little guy go!" Ning Qingqing suddenly became anxious.

"Qingqing, let's go to the dean and help her find Zihao together!" Lin Ru said hastily.

Ning Qingqing nodded, and everyone in the crew also helped to look around.

But everyone searched the entire orphanage, but they couldn't find Zihao.

"Call the police, I think this matter must not be that simple!" Ning Qingqing made a decision, she was worried that Zi Hao would encounter what he encountered at the seaside, and if he did, then every now and then Every second is too precious to them.

They can no longer continue to waste time like this. For Zihao, every minute and every second may be closely related to his life.

Lin Ru and the mother dean also agreed, and Ning Qingqing immediately called the police.

As soon as the alarm call was made, Li Xiaohan soon knew about Zihao's disappearance, and drove over immediately.

At the same time, the police also arrived.

Under the careful investigation of the police, some clues were quickly found, and Zihao quickly found them.

But what no one expected was that Zihao was actually in a dry well some distance from the orphanage.

When everyone found him, the little guy was already dying.

The ambulance came soon.

Ning Qingqing must go to the hospital with Zihao.

Li Xiaohan knew that she missed Zi Hao very much in her heart, and if she was not allowed to follow the ambulance, she would be very anxious, so she let her go.

Lin Ru was beside her.

In the ambulance, Ning Qingqing looked at Zihao's pale face in a coma, his bloodless lips, and his extremely weak and small body, and Ning Qingqing felt like a knife was twisting her heart.

But now no one knows where this little guy is going, or what happened. This little guy fell into a dry well.

She held Zihao's little hand tightly, and kept blaming herself.

It's all her, it's all her fault!
Since she is already Zihao's guardian, she should always take care of this child and not let him get hurt in the slightest, but what about now!
It was because of her negligence that Zihao was hurt like this!
She is so remiss.

When he arrived at the hospital, after the doctor's examination and rescue, Zihao was out of danger. The doctor said that Zihao just fell into the well and fell into a coma.

Fortunately, he was still young and relatively light, so even if he fell down the well and was not fatally injured, he didn't hit his head, which is already a blessing among misfortunes.

Ning Qingqing stayed by Zihao's side, unwilling to leave.

When Li Xiaohan came here after dealing with the company's affairs, what he saw was Ning Qingqing standing in front of Zihao's hospital bed, holding his little hand, looking forward to him waking up.

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