Still such a big boss is more likable!
The activities on Ning Qingqing's side also started immediately. Ning Qingqing went to many local orphanages with the team, only to find out that the orphanage where Zi Hao used to be was considered a good condition. The orphanage where I live is too poor.

The kids here really need more love.

Ning Qingqing is here to donate to the children and help take care of the children. The children like her very much.

The daily work is very heavy, but every day is very fulfilling.

And Ning Qingqing's performance in public welfare activities was also highly praised by the accompanying personnel and the organizers of the event. She did not have the arrogance of the rich family at all. Get along very well.

The reporters accompanying the report also liked Ning Qingqing very much.

After a few days like this, one day it rained heavily, disrupting their schedule.

"Today's heavy rain seems to make it impossible for us to carry out today's activities. The weather forecast says that today's heavy rain will last for a day. Everyone has worked hard these days. We will have a day off today. Everyone can do whatever they want today! But we must Pay attention to safety!" The person in charge said to everyone.

"Ah, great, I can finally rest today!"

"I've been really tired these days, and I finally have some time for myself today!"

"I've been here for so many days, and I haven't gone out to see it yet. Today I have a chance to go out and play!"

Hearing that the person in charge said that you can take a rest today, everyone seemed very happy, and they all talked about the arrangements for a few days.

Ning Qingqing and Lin Ru took Zihao back to their residence, seeing that the rain outside really had no intention of stopping.

"What are we doing today? Are we just staying here all day?" Lin Ru sighed looking at the rain outside.

Zihao also looked out with his small face up, with a sad expression on his face, "That's right, it's really boring to stay here for a day!"

Ning Qingqing thought of Li Xiaohan, and didn't know what he was doing at this time.

In the past few days, she has been very concerned about financial news. She heard that Li Xiaohan's contract has reached the most critical time, and she doesn't know if it is going well or not.

She knew that Li Xiaohan must be very tired and hard these few days. This kind of big contract is not easy to operate, and every step is very cautious. The pressure on Li Xiaohan must be the greatest these days.

She couldn't help him much, and she couldn't be by his side. Thinking about it, she felt sorry for him.

"By the way, since we have nothing to do today, let's go out and have fun. Isn't there a lot of special products here? Why don't we go out and buy some special products and bring them back. I think everyone will be very happy to receive the gifts. What do you think of my proposal? " Ning Qingqing said to Lin Ru and Zi Hao with a smile.

"Great, we can go out to play!" Zi Hao almost jumped up happily when he heard Ning Qingqing say this.

"Well, well, this proposal is very good, I agree!" Lin Ru also said happily. To be honest, if she stayed here for a day, she really felt that she would be bored to death.

"In this case, let's go!" Ning Qingqing said.

The three immediately went to the owner's house to borrow his car, and drove away.

"Sister Lin Ru, you must be careful in such a heavy rain!" Ning Qingqing said, they were not familiar with the road conditions here, and in addition to the slippery road in rainy days, Ning Qingqing was a little worried.

"Don't be afraid, my driving skills can be used to participate in racing competitions, there must be no problem!" Lin Ru assured her that her driving skills are indeed good, which Ning Qingqing is very relieved, but the weather is bad and the visibility is not good. Not very high, she was still worried.

"By the way, you'd better think about it now, what kind of gift do you want to buy for Mr. Jiang later? I haven't seen you for so many days, do you miss Mr. Jiang?" Lin Ru relaxed in order to let Ning Qingqing relax. Some said this on purpose.

Ning Qingqing suddenly felt embarrassed, this Lin Ru actually made fun of her and Jiang Lixing in front of Zihao.

Her face is red!

"Aunt Qingqing, I will help Uncle Jiang choose gifts later..."

Zi Hao also said beside him.

Before Zihao finished speaking, Lin Ru suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of car tires rubbing against the ground, which was harsh and unpleasant, making people tremble.

Ning Qingqing and Zihao fell forward due to inertia, worried that Zihao's head would hit the car seat, Ning Qingqing even used her palm to cover Zihao's head.

The car skidded suddenly, and then barely stopped.

"Damn it, what are you doing! Such a heavy rain, such a slippery road, and stopping a car in such a dangerous place, does this guy think he has lived too long!" Lin Ru cursed angrily, looking out of the car window .

Ning Qingqing also hurriedly looked outside, only to see that there was indeed a person running towards them.

It looks like a young man, looking very embarrassed.

"Sorry, sorry! Please help us!"

The young man was a local, and he spoke in a not-so-standard Mandarin. His face was covered with rain, and his clothes were completely wet by the rain. He had an anxious expression on his face, and there was an anxious tone in his tone.

"Hey, don't you look at the road? In such a heavy rain and in such a dangerous place, you actually stop the car here! If it weren't for my good driving skills, if I was taken aback by your sudden appearance just now, grasp it You can’t control the steering wheel, and if there is an accident, whose responsibility is it! You almost caused our car to crash, and you still plan to ask us to help, what are you thinking!” Lin Ru immediately yelled unceremoniously, and it was obvious The young man's reckless behavior just now really angered Lin Ru.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it! My car broke down in front of me. The road here is very remote, and there are no cars passing by. I have been waiting for a while, and I really have no choice before I came up with the act of blocking the car. Sorry!" the young man said hastily.

"Forget it, what's the matter with you, tell me quickly!" Ning Qingqing looked at the young man in a hurry and asked hurriedly.

This person risked his life to stop the car here, and he didn't look like a bad guy, he must have encountered a problem.

Otherwise, no one would do this kind of thing here in such weather.

"There is a woman in my car who is about to give birth! Her health is not good, and the child is not yet a month old. Today, she accidentally fell, and the child will be born prematurely! I was going to send her to the hospital, but Who knew my car broke down halfway..."

The young man pointed to the distance, and Ning Qingqing saw that there was indeed a small van parked in the rain curtain over there, like the kind of car that usually pulls goods.

"I beg you to help us, I really have nothing to do now, so I remembered the act of stopping a car on the road..." the young man said anxiously.

"What did you say? There is a pregnant woman on your car?! My God, this is a big deal!" Lin Ru was startled when she heard the young man's words.

Ning Qingqing also looked at the car, in case of delay, the baby will be born in the car, in case something goes wrong with the mother, one dead body and two lives...

Ning Qingqing thought of many, many possibilities in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more she broke into a cold sweat.

"Sister Lin Ru, the situation is so critical now, why don't we help him!" Ning Qingqing said hastily.

"Okay!" Lin Ru also knew that the current situation was urgent, and if he didn't deal with it quickly, something serious would happen, so he nodded hastily.

They are very keen to help others, and now they will not stand idly by in this situation.

"Go and open the car door first, let's drive the car over, hurry up!" Ning Qingqing said hastily.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" The man said and ran back in a hurry.

Lin Ru leaned the car over, and the man stood at the door with an anxious look on his face.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and help the pregnant woman into the car!" Lin Ru looked at the man anxiously.

The man was obviously at a loss, "But...but now..."

Ning Qingqing realized that something was wrong, so she hurriedly got out of the car to check, and saw that it was all right, only to see that there was already a lot of blood on the mother's skirt.

Moreover, the pregnant woman looks very fat. I am afraid that only this man can't move the pregnant woman to their car.

"Sister Lin Ru, hurry up and help! Zihao, put down all the cars behind, tidy up the things on the car, and leave as much room as possible!" Ning Qingqing shouted hastily.

Lin Ru immediately got out of the car to help, and Zi Hao also helped tidy up the compartment in the car, making room as much as possible.

After everything was done, Ning Qingqing, Lin Ru and the man worked together to lift the pregnant woman into the car.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" The man kept thanking him.

Ning Qingqing and Lin Ru were all wet.

"Sister Lin Ru, hurry up and bring a clean towel!" Ning Qingqing hurriedly said to Lin Ru before she had time to talk to the man.

Lin Ru quickly found a clean towel in the car and gave it to Ning Qingqing.

"Yes, hurry up and wipe off the rain on your body!" said the man.

He thought that Ning Qingqing wanted a towel to wipe off the rain on her body.

Ning Qingqing took a towel and wiped the rain off the mother's body.

"Sister Lin Ru, turn on the heater, if this doesn't work, she will catch a cold!" Ning Qingqing said to Lin Ru, Lin Ru hurriedly turned on the heater, and the car started to restart.

Ning Qingqing took care of the parturient woman very carefully. After all this ordeal, the parturient woman obviously had no strength. Her face turned pale, and her condition looked very bad.

Ning Qingqing hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called the hospital, telling the hospital to get ready first.

"Aunt Qingqing, are you okay?" Zihao also asked worriedly.

That pregnant aunt looks so weak!
"It's going to be fine, Zi Hao has to be good, Aunt Lin Ru's car is driving fast, you have to be careful!" Ning Qingqing warned.

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